RamaswamyMalothu, Sandeep Kumar V.,DOI NO:
ARM7LPC2148,Security in rural areas,surveillance,metal detector,Abstract
The people leaves in rural areas will need security in many aspects. All security applications will be operated with the most advanced technology services in embedded and GSM. This system will be useful to home and rural security for an area of village. In this paper we had smart security surveillance that can send information to authorized person about metal detected if any at entrance of the village. This smart security was done with ARM7 LPC2148 processor, PIR Sensor, metal detector for allowing them into the area by authorized and unauthorized with buzzer.In this paper the PIR sensor will detect the Person and it will check for any metal with the person who would like to enter into the secured zone. The system will send the information about the status of metal and allow them if there is no metal by unauthorized. If metal detected with the person then the system indicates with the buzzer primarily and then it will send the information to authorized person that the person will have some unsecured objects please check once and will not allow into the secured zone.Refference:
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