Shoppers’ Patronage Behaviour with reference to Online Apparel Retailing


M. Uma Devi,Suneel Sankala,



Shoppers’ Patronage Behaviour,Online Apparel Retailing,Theory of Reasoned Action,Theory of Planned Behaviour,


Online retail growth drivers are many in number but it all depends on the extent of shopper’s traffic and choice of preference, to achieve this, online stores need to improve on its productivity by ensuring high level of conversion rate from casual visitors to patron customers. This conversion is possible by impacting the patronage behaviour using the variables within the control of the on line retailers. From online shoppers’ perspective, apparel may be a risky product to buy in any one of the online shop due to the uncertainty of apparel quality and non suitability of the various dimensions expected by the shoppers. There are various behavioural theories to explain how an individual forms his intentions, and how intentions relate to actions. Among them the most widely used is multi-attribute model developed by fishbone and ajzen in the year of 1975 i.e., Theory of Reasoned Action and after few years(1985, 1991) ajzen was come up with addition of TRA i.e Theory of Planned Behaviour. The primary purpose of this research study was to identify and investigate the factors and proposed suitable model that affect on-line apparel shoppers’ store patronage behaviour. To attain these objectives, researcher used two diverse tools, i.e., SPSS &AMOS was used for dimension model analysis and structural equation model to test the anticipated hypothesized model.


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