
D.Srinivas,K.Rajkumar,N. Hanumantha Rao ,



Service Quality,Customer satisfaction,SERVQUAL,


The service sector in India is remarkably diverse.  It comprises a wide array of industries that promote to individual customers and organizational customers, as well as to government agencies and non-profit organizations.  The service sector in India is the most vibrating sector which is contributing above 54.0% of India’s GVA (Gross Value Added) in 2017-18 and employed more than 28.6 % of the India’s total population. India’s Net Services exports in 2017-18 grew to 14.98% year by year to US$ 77,562.89 million. Both domestic factors and global factors significantly affect the services sector. The facilities management market of India is expected to grow at 17% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) between 2015 and 2020 and surpass the US$19 billion mark supported by growing sectors like retail, ,tourism hospitality, healthcare and  real estate  sectors.


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