Rex J, A. S. Dilip Kumar,J. Selwyn Babu ,DOI NO:
storey shear,lateral burden,storey displacements,response spectrum, ETABS,Abstract
A-pillar is a vertical section, preliminary from footing level also shifting weight to the base. Hanging or stub section similarly a precipitous element which closes (as of model design/site condition) on its base level, lies on level part i.e., beam (horizontal section). Such sections (hanging or stub) where the burden was mulled over using point load. Present examination on G+12 model with/without hanging section is studied by applying response spectrum & time history procedures beneath quake load at zone two also differentiates with storey shears, lateral burden, storey relocations, storey drifts by using Etabs. From the final output, it was clear that storey shears, lateral burden, storey displacements, storey drifts are increased for the model without hanging sections concerning model with hanging section.Refference:
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