Muhammad Ali,Syed Asif Ali,ImtiazHussain,Faisal Nawaz,DOI NO:
Return level,Maximum Temperature,Return Periods,Heat waves,probabilistic model ,Abstract
Since the problem of global warming and heat waves are the burning issues and became challenge for scientists in this era. Current analysis is also an attempt to solve this problem in Karachi Pakistan. This effort is to analyze frequency distribution by using daily maximum temperature data and then to find the best fitted probabilistic model for yearly maximum temperature series to see the possible return levels of maximum temperature in Karachi.After passing through a number of goodness of fit tests the Log-Logistic [3P] distribution is found to be the best fitted model to calculate return levels. Analysis also indicates that there is a chance of getting 44.3 temperature return level in the next coming 5 years, 45.8 in coming 20 yearsand 46.5 return levels in coming 50 years return period. These return levels propose that the Government officials and planners to take notice on plantation, water supply system, to facilitate better public transport to reduce the number of vehicles, to update health system, to increase electricity production etc.The results of this analysis are also useful to agricultural and environmental research.Refference:
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