Raja Krishnamoorthy,Siva Shankar. S,Pogu Vignan,DOI NO:
Electrocardiogram (ECG),Hilbert vibrating decomposition (HVD),Signal quality index (SQI),Universal serial bus (USB),Transistor transistor logic (TTL),Abstract
In this paper, ECG signal-based heart prediction system using HVD is proposed for continuous cardiac health monitoring applications. This proposed work consists of four blocks 1)ECG signal sensing from human body 2) uploading ECG signal to MATLAB 3) ECG signal analysis 4) SQI and disease identification. Wireless ECG system is built by using AD8232 module and HC-05, electrical activity is taken from it and transmit it wireless to the USB to TTL via HC-05 ,all the live signal is saved in the form of matfile. In ECG signal analysis, raw signal is filtered by using HVD and it find RR intervals and QRS complex. In SQI it will check whether signal is good, or diagnosis based on RR interval and QRS complex. if the condition is diagnosis it goes for disease identification , if any disease is identified all the data in form matfile is sent as email to doctor. The main moto is to design electronic T-shirt for continuous cardiac health monitoring. This system has enough potential for assessing biomedical diagnosis system.Refference:
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