Jehan Parvez,Salman Khan,Imran Khan,DOI NO:
The power transformer is the most important and expensive element in the power system. It is used to change the voltage levels at different stages in a power system. The foremost responsibility of the utility grid is to ensure smooth and reliable availability of power through the transformer. But there are different abnormal conditions that can occur in the transformer such as overheating, overexcitation, abnormal frequency, overload, abnormal voltage, open circuit, and breaker failure. These abnormal conditions reduce the life, efficiency, and performance of the transformer, as a result, the overall reliability of the power system gets decreased. Moreover, in case of any failure of the power transformer, the consumers will suffer a severe power outage and consequently, a massive economic loss will occur. During abnormal conditions, the health of a transformer is deteriorating, and it is very important, that the operator should act quickly and accurately in terms of any abnormality occurred. For this purpose, need a proper health monitoring system that should properly monitor the health of the transformer and take proper action to prevent it from greater damages. The proposed system is user-friendly, flexible, reliable, and presenting more functionalities with almost 10 times lower cost than the existing system. This research work has developed a low-cost GSM and internet of things (IoT) based indigenous prototype for transformer monitoring that will be able to early inform the relevant staff through SMS and web data for the different abnormal conditions.Refference:
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