Nursohana Othman,Mohd Effendi @ Ewan MohdMatore,DOI NO:
content validity,expert panel,content validity ratio, Motor observation questionnaire for teachers (MOQ-T),Developmental coordination disorder (DCD),Abstract
Abstract There are limited studies that address the quality of measurement items in motor observation questionnaire for teachers (MOQ-T)even though their use has gained attention locally. One aspect of the item quality that can be reviewed is content validity through expert consensus. Therefore, this study aims to examine the content validity of MOQ-T instrument items using an expert panel. A total of 15 experts in the areas of measurement and evaluation, occupational therapy, motor development and special education were selected for this study through purposive sampling. A total of 18 MOQ-T items were analysed using Content Validity Ratio (CVR) analysis and the items were reviewed through email correspondence and face to face during meeting sessions with experts. The findings showed that all items are significant as they exceed the critical CVR value of 0.49. However, one new item was added as one of the items was broken down to two sentences in response to expert suggestions to avoid items that are 'double barrelled' where conjunctions like 'and’ are used to describe two different issues for one intended response. Subsequently, new items were derived to measure the skills needed. This study contributed to new MOQ-T with 19 items that can be used by teachers to study special needs students in Malaysia. For further research, it is proposed that new psychometric measurement theories, such as the Rasch measurement model can be added to improve the reliability of motor measurement items for teachers including MOQ-T. In addition, this study created an opportunity to review the localised version of MOQ-T that can be used for the initial screening of developmental coordination disorder (DCD) problems in the context of special needs students in Malaysia.Refference:
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