Jayanta Pal,Soumen Ghosh,Bansibadan Maji ,Dilip Kumar Bhattacharya,DOI NO:
omplex Representatio, DFT, Hydrophobicity Proper,Hydrophilicity (Polarity) Property,ICD; Phylogenetic Tree,Voss Representation,Abstract
The paper first considers a new complex representation of amino acids of which the real parts and imaginary parts are taken respectively from hydrophilic properties and residue volumes of amino acids. Then it applies complex Fourier transform on the represented sequence of complex numbers to obtain the spectrum in the frequency domain. By using the method of ‘Inter coefficient distances’ on the spectrum obtained, it constructs phylogenetic trees of different Protein sequences. Finally on the basis of such phylogenetic trees pair wise comparison is made for such Protein sequences. The paper also obtains pair wise comparison of the same protein sequences following the same method but based on a known complex representation of amino acids, where the real and imaginary parts refer to hydrophobicity properties and residue volumes of the amino acids respectively. The results of the two methods are now compared with those of the same sequences obtained earlier by other methods. It is found that both the methods are workable, further the new complex representation is better compared to the earlier one. This shows that the hydrophilic property (polarity) is a better choice than hydrophobic property of amino acids especially in protein sequence comparison.Refference:
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