
Mohamad Ariffin Abu Bakar,Norulhuda Ismail,



Metacognitive Skill,Integrated Technology,Metacognitive Strategies,Student’s Mastery,Mathematic Learning,


Metacognitive skills are the driving force behind mathematical learning. It is an element that supports the learning process and improves mathematics problemsolving skills. Metacognitive skills developments will ensure students manage their learning well. However, due to technological advancements and the need for expertise and skillful, transformations of teaching are essential to address the industrial needs. The creating and development of metacognitive skills are seen to be more significant through integrated technology teaching. This review paper will discuss teaching practices based on metacognitive strategies that can integrate with technology as an element of intervention and injection in enhancing students' understanding, mastery and achievement. Studies around 2000 and up to date have been explored based on approaches, methods, techniques, and practices of metacognitive strategies implemented. A total of 15 articles were selected through a search of databases such as Google Scholar, Eric, Science direct, Elsevier, Springer Link and more. Snowball methods are also implemented to improve article search. It can be concluded that technology elements will be excellent mediators for improving metacognitive skills while also producing meaningful learning. Thus, stakeholders should ensure that in developing a quality teaching and learning approach, metacognitive strategies cannot be overlooked and significantly integrated with technology that will further enhance student learning and achievement especially in critical subjects likes mathematics.


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