Performance Evaluation of Machine Learning Classifiers for Stock Market Prediction in Big Data Environment


Sneh Kalra,Sachin Gupta,Jay Shankar Prasad,



Supervised learning,Product Reviews,Google Cloud, Big data,Apache Spark,


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Implementing machine learning models for the stock’s big data emerged as a
component of algorithmic trading systems. This paper proposed a hybrid stock
prediction model based on the collection of qualitative and quantitative data of
particular stocks. In addition to tweets and news data, product reviews of the specific
companies traded under National Stock Exchange are considered to analyze their effect
on the stock movements. Historical Prices will be integrated with sentiment values
generated from tweets, news and product reviews data to construct the amalgam model
using Apache Spark and HDFS for storage of large data. The proposed model has been
implemented in Google Cloud Platform with different cluster configurations. The paper
compares the prediction accuracy based on various types of input data provided to the
model using some popular machine learning algorithms.

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