Performance Evaluation of All-Optical OFDM System- Based Optical Frequency Comb Source


Yousif Ibrahim Hammadi,TahreerSafa’a Mansour,



All-optical OFDM,Terabit per second (Tbit/s),Opticalfrequency comb source,Error vector magnitude (EVM),Eye diagram,


In this paper, design and investigation of all-opticalorthogonal frequency division multiplexing (AO-OFMD) system using an optical frequency comb (OFC) source is presented. AnOFC source by cascading a frequency modulator (FM) and two intensity modulators is used as a multi-carrier’s generator to provide optically OFDM subcarriers. This OFC source can be provided a maximum comb lines number of 61 lines spaced by 25 GHz. The AO-OFDM scheme employed 31 and 51 comb lines can transmit a signal at a data rate of 1.55 and 2.55 Tbit/s, respectively. Numerical results are carried out using VPI transmission Maker® commercial software.


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