Perception of Students on the Teaching Methods of Public and Private School


P. Lakshmi Narayanamma,





Education plays a vital role in the life of every individual. Hence, schools should give quality education to their students. Quality education refers to standard curriculum, teaching pedagogy, good educational facility, and evaluation and marking system. This research is initiated to know the attitude and behaviour of students towards both public and private schools.The study group consists of students from 9th& 10th class.Datawas collected using a questionnaireon various parameters like quality of teaching, lecture notes, pressure from teachers, difficulty of subject etc.The researcher mainly focused on these factors with respect to public and private schools. The researcher used both quantitative and qualitative data to analyze and find out the differences between the private and government school.The study also focus on association between gender and choice of school, pressure by teachers, understanding of concepts and quality of teaching.


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