


Aqeel Ali Al-Hilali, Dalal Abdulmohsin, Mustafa Bashar, Ali Ali Saber, Hussein Alaa Diame



Mobile Ad-Hoc Network is a decentralized organization that operates without a foundation. Due to the Mobile Ad-Hoc Network's self-configurable and simple organizational component, many applications may be run. Because of this, various applications are available. If helpful guidelines are established, Mobile Ad-Hoc Network will become dependable. We shall research the organization's competent steering convention for hypertext transfer protocol traffic. We must reach this conclusion with accuracy since this will be the main focus of our inquiry. Latency and throughput were employed to achieve show research goals. For this work reenactment inquiry, your expectations must be based on the conventions it chose since they performed better on all four perspectives. After analyzing its needs, an organization may improve its operations by choosing better conventions. This may boost an organization's efficiency. This research examined AODV, DSR, and OLSR routing methods. This study used OPNET Modeler 14.5 to enhance ad-hoc network performance.


AODV,DSR,Opnet,OLSR,Routing protocols,


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Prabhjot Kaur, Chander Kaur



Advancements in multimodal biometrics, which amalgamate multiple biometric traits, hold promise for augmenting the accuracy and robustness of biometric identification systems. The focal point of this innovative study is the enhancement of multimodal biometrics identification, using face and iris images as the key biometric traits. This work taps into the expansive collection of face and iris images present in the WVU-Multimodal dataset for evaluation purposes. Our proposed approach employs “Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)” architectures, notable for their efficacy in computer vision tasks, to extract potent discriminative features from the input images. This work specifically incorporates three popular CNN architectures: ResNet-50, InceptionNet, XceptionNet, and fine-tuned CNN. To amalgamate the extracted features, investigate various fusion techniques in the security-centric industry: early fusion, and score-level fusion. Early fusion is an approach that merges the raw images of both face and iris at the input level to a single CNN model. Use the Gabor approach to enhance the image's quality and make the face and iris information more visible. This technique modifies the histogram equalization process for local regions, thus enabling better visibility and subsequent feature extraction. Our experimental evaluation employs performance metrics like accuracy, “Equal Error Rate”, and “Receiver Operating Characteristic” curves. In this work undertakes a comparative analysis to appraise the performance of the different CNN architectures and fusion techniques under scrutiny.


CNN Models,Deep Learning,Gabor Technique,Security,Fusion,


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Haitham Al-Aboodi, Kheriolah Rahsepar Fard



The increase of attacks on bank accounts and credit cards through various types of attacks. Also, the rapid growth of online bank transfers and rapid transactions in stores and marketing worldwide make the urgent to use ciphering for securing the transactions process. In this paper, ways are proposed to enhance the algorithm that used ciphering and authentications of the user to ensure that the same user made the transactions. This is done through using the blockchain such as the Hyperledger fabric with the using the Internet of things for the authentications. The proposed algorithm helps in improving the safety of online transactions and helps protect the information of the user through the several nodes that use IOT for verifications and authentications. The results enhanced the blockchain of the Hyperledger fabric by enhancing the ways of the transactions and the process through the power of IoT.


Complex Network,Hyperledge Fabric,IoT,Online Transactions,


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XVII. Yaqeen S. Mezaal, Halil T. Eyyuboglu, and Jawad K. Ali. “A novel design of two loosely coupled bandpass filters based on Hilbert-zz resonator with higher harmonic suppression.” 2013 Third International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies (ACCT). IEEE, 2013.
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Bibhu Prasad Ganthia, Praveen B. M., S. R. Barkunan, A. V. G. A. Marthanda, N. M. G. Kumar, S. Kaliappan



The paper presents an efficient energy management system designed for a small-scale hybrid microgrid incorporating wind, solar, and battery-based energy generation systems using three types of Monte Carlo simulation techniques. The heart of the proposed system is the energy management system, which is responsible for maintaining power balance within the microgrid. The EMS continuously monitors variations in renewable energy generation and load demand and adjusts the operation of the energy conversion systems and battery storage to ensure optimal performance and reliability. The primary objective of the energy management system is to maintain power balance within the microgrid, even in the face of fluctuations in renewable energy generation and load demand. This involves dynamically adjusting the operation of the renewable energy sources and battery storage system to match the instantaneous power requirements of the microgrid. Overall, the paper presents a comprehensive approach to designing and implementing the Monte Carlo technique to extract maximum energy profit using the hybrid microgrid. By integrating renewable energy sources with energy storage and advanced control algorithms, the proposed system aims to enhance the reliability, stability, and sustainability of the microgrid's power supply.


Battery Storage,Energy Management System,Microgrids,Monte Carlo Optimization,Optimization,Photovoltaic (PV),Uncertainties,Wind Energy,


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XXXIII. Refaai, M. R. A., Dhanesh, L., Ganthia, B. P., Mohanty, M., Subbiah, R., & Anbese, E. M. (2022). Design and Implementation of a Floating PV Model to Analyse the Power Generation. International Journal of Photoenergy, Article ID 8004425.

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Basma Mohamed, Iqbal M. Batiha, Mohammad Odeh, Mohammed El-Meligy



We consider, in this paper, the NP-hard problem of finding the minimum independent domination metric dimension of graphs. A vertex set  of a connected graph  resolves  if every vertex of  is uniquely identified by its vector of distances to the vertices in . A resolving set  of  is independent if no two vertices in  are adjacent. A resolving set is dominating if every vertex of  that does not belong to  is a neighbor to some vertices in . The cardinality of the smallest resolving set of , the cardinality of the minimal independent resolving set, and the cardinality of the minimal independent domination resolving set are the metric dimension of , independent metric dimension of , and the independent domination metric dimension of , respectively.


Dominant Metric Dimension,Domination Number,Independent Number,Metric Dimension,Resolving Dominating Set,


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Zaid. A. Shaalan, Adnan. M. Hussein, M. Z. Abdullah



The enhancement effect of hybrid nanofluids, especially with Grp/AL2O3 nanoparticles could be considered promising in enhancing the cooling of photovoltaic (PV) panels. Scholars have established that these nanoparticles improve heat transfer and convective heat transfer, therefore increasing the efficiency of solar panels. This work employed CFD analysis to investigate the characteristics of a new hybrid nanofluid, which is (Graphene Nanoplatelets (Grp) and aluminum Oxide (AL2O3). The system used in this study comprises three solar panels with identical specifications but using different cooling methods: air-cooled, water-cooled, and hybrid nanofluid-cooled. The found data demonstrates that the electrical efficiency of the solar cells, cooled by the hybrid nanofluid, is comparatively higher than the air-cooled and water-cooled solar cells: 12.2% and 7.6%, respectively, and the rise in power of the solar cells cooled by the hybrid nanofluid is comparatively higher to the air-cooled and water-cooled solar cells: 12.72% and 6.87 When applying the hybrid nanofluid cooling technique, the maximum surface temperature of the PV cells was reduced by 114% than that in air-cooled cells and 1.9% from water-cooled cells. As for the practical applications, it can be noted that hybrid nanofluids have demonstrated rather promising effects, enhancing the cooling efficacy of photovoltaic panels and, therefore, the efficacy of both overall solar energy systems.


photovoltaic (PV),hybrid nanofluid,electrical efficiency,power,CFD,


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L. Munda, G. Taneja, K. Sachdeva



The technique of redundancy, often known as standby, has been frequently used to increase system availability and reliability. The system comprises three units -operative, hot standby, and warm standby- which have varying failure rates following an exponential distribution. If the operative unit fails to function, a hot standby unit takes over if available. The switching of the warm standby unit concept is taken under consideration whenever a warm standby unit is required to be made operative. Warm standby unit repairs are prioritized when any unit has to be repaired since these repairs can be completed more quickly than other failed units as they work under less load and experience minimal failures. When both the operative and hot standby units fail, the hot standby is repaired first since it functions with the same load though it is not in operation, which allows for an earlier repair than the operative unit. Regeneration point technique has been used for finding various measures. Cut-off points for the revenue cost and cost per repairman visit have been computed to ascertain the profitability of the system.


Reliability,Regenerative Point Technique,Hot Standby,Warm Standby,Economical Analysis,


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VI. L. Munda, G. Taneja: ‘Combined Redundancy Optimization for a System Comprising operative, Cold Standby and Warm Standby Unit’. Reliability: Theory & Application. Vol 18, pp 486-497, 2023. 10.24412/1932-2321.
VII. L. Munda, G. Taneja and K. Sachdeva: ‘Reliability and Profitability Analysis of a Mixed Redundancy Standby System Comprising Operative Unit Along with Hot and Cold Standby’. International journal Agriculture science. Vol 19, pp 1501-1509, 2023. 10.59467/IJASS.2023.19.1501
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IX. M. Saini, J. Yadav and A. Kumar: ‘Reliability, availability and maintainability analysis of hot standby’. Int J Syst. Assure Eng. Manage. Vol 13, pp 2458-2471, 2022. 10.1016/j.ress.2013.02.017.31.
X. Parveen, D. Singh and A. K. Taneja: ‘Redundancy Optimization for a System Comprising One Operative Unit and N Warm Standby Unit With Switching Time’. International journal Agriculture science. Vol 19, pp 1339- 1350, 2023. 10.59467/IJASS.2023.19.1339
XI. Parveen, D. Singh and A. K. Taneja: ‘Redundancy Optimization for a System Comprising One Operative Unit and N Hot Standby Unit’. Reliability theory & Application. Vol 4, pp 486-497, 2023.
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XVI. S. Kumari, R. Kumar: ‘Comparative Analysis of Two-Unit Hot Standby Hardware- Software Systems with Impact of Imperfect Fault Converges’. International Journal of Statistics and Systems, Vol. 12, pp 705-719, 2017.

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Hari Prasad Chandika, Kontham Raja Kumar



The primary focus of the study, entitled “Enhanced Blockchain Security and Management for IoT-Based Healthcare Data: A Robust Framework for Trust and Integrity”, was to determine the performance of four encryption algorithms, SADBTM, ECSBFQL, HBDMS, and ESMIoTHD, regarding their encryption and decryption times, average latency, and packet delivery ratio on different data sizes. It can be seen that employing blockchain security and management increases the security of IoT-based healthcare data. Consequently, this ensures that healthcare data can be linked to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability that remains central in today’s digitally interconnected world. Since the blockchain is a decentralized medical data-sharing tool that is impossible to alter, it is more secure due to guaranteed no potential unauthorized access to the data. Additionally, as indicated in the results during the performance evaluation of the blockchain systems in IoT healthcare networks, it was possible to improve patient data privacy, make data access easier, and ensure the trustworthiness of the healthcare systems. For instance, according to the study’s results, the encryption and decryption times had been computed in terms of milliseconds. The range of the data size was from 10 kilobytes to 100 kilobytes. When 100 data points had been encrypted, the ESMIoTHD had the lowest encryption time, namely, 12363 m, as compared to its encryption peers which include 13232 m, 13854 m, and 14376 m SADBTM, ECSBFQL, and HBDMS, respectively. Conversely, the results regarding the decryption times revealed a similar pattern to the encryption times. That is there was no significant deviation between the three encryption algorithms with the values being 13232 m, 13854 m, and 14376 m; however, ESMIoTHD had a decryption time of 13232 m. The average latency had been calculated in terms of milliseconds (m), whereby the results showed that ESMIoTHD has equivalent performance and its average latency was closest to its peers, such as 808 m for 100 data points. The packet delivery ratio had been computed in terms of percentages. Both the encryption and decryption algorithms had a similar pattern as they had been assessed based on the three results. However, the results show that ESMIoTHD had the highest PDR values in all data sizes, for example, the PDR was 98.896% for a 100 kb data size, which was far much higher than its peers. Based on the results of ESMIoTHD being the most efficient and reliable, particularly in terms of high throughput and low latency, these outcomes show that it is one of the leading encryption algorithms.


Average Latency,Blockchain Security,Data Encryption,Decryption Times,ESMIoTHD,Healthcare Data Privacy,IoT-based Healthcare,Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR),


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Shahad Qassim Hadi, Mushtaq Ahmed Ali



Power efficiency is a critical consideration in the design of wearable IoT devices, particularly in applications requiring continuous monitoring, such as systems for Alzheimer's patient care. The proposed system employs a hybrid approach to reduce power consumption by combining hardware and software optimization techniques. Regarding hardware, selected low-power, compact components, including the ESP32 microcontroller, the Max30102 sensor, and GPS. These components were chosen not only for their minimal energy requirements but also for their small size, which enhances the wearability and comfort of the device for extended periods. On the software side, we implemented power management strategies through the deep sleep mode of the ESP32 microcontroller, which significantly reduces power consumption by placing the device in a near-off state, with only a single GPIO pin remaining active to control peripheral power. By selectively powering down sensors during inactive periods, we effectively decrease the device's energy usage, thereby extending battery life. The combined hardware-software approach yielded substantial improvements in power efficiency. Based on the calculations, using a 350 mAh battery, a 30-second active period, and a 5-minute deep sleep interval, achieved an average current draw of approximately 9.16 mA, resulting in a battery life of around 38.2 hours. Compared to previous work in the field, this is a huge improvement. This optimized design allowed to development of a lightweight, wearable prototype capable of monitoring vital signs, tracking patient location, and providing medication reminders. Data is transmitted to the cloud, enabling caregivers to monitor the health metrics of patients in real-time remotely. By integrating hardware and software optimizations, our IoT solution offers a sustainable, practical means of improving both patient safety and quality of life while alleviating the caregiving burden through efficient, long-lasting wearable technology.


Energy-Efficient,The hybrid approach,IOT,Deep Sleep Mode,Esp32,Alzheimer’s disease,


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Premananda Sahu, Srikanta Kumar Mohapatra, Prakash Kumar Sarangi, Jayashree Mohanty, Pradeepta Kumar Sarangi



Nowadays, people are doing a lot of work outside for a living. When they roam outside, there may be a chance to enter types of bacteria or fungi in our bodies through the skin by either the polluted gases from the vehicles or the ultraviolet rays emitted by the Sun. The expansion of skin problems for human beings has emerged as a significant problem, and the successful investigation has been observed as an arduous task for clinical experts or dermatologists. This paper has furnished an automatic diagnosis of skin cancer earlier with the help of deep learning techniques and the skin-related images captured by the Skin Biopsy test. In this approach, we detected non-melanoma using ensemble techniques related to deep convolutional neural networks and the stochastic gradient descent optimization technique. Furthermore, we used HAM 10000 as the data set for training and testing purposes, as well as the feature extraction technique Principal Component Analysis. This work also investigated a comparison of previous models. It was found that the proposed model gained an approximation of 98.57 % classification accuracy.


Skin Biopsy,Deep Convolutional Neural Network,Stochastic Gradient Descent,HAM 10000,Principal Component Analysis,


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Tanvi Desai, Divyakant Meva



Natural Language Processing (NLP) plays a crucial role in analyzing Twitter data to introduce an automated HEXACO model. Analyzing personality traits from social media data, particularly on platforms like Twitter, presents unique challenges due to the brevity, informal language, and rapid evolution of linguistic expressions. To overcome these drawbacks, this research presents a methodological framework for investigating a novel HEXACO personality trait using Twitter tweets. The HEXACO model encompasses Honesty-Humility, Emotionality, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness to Experience, offering a comprehensive basis for personality analysis. Our approach integrates advanced NLP techniques across key phases: preprocessing, feature extraction, feature selection, and final detection. Preprocessing involves tokenization, stop word removal, and stemming to standardize data quality. Feature extraction leverages contextual Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF), and Global Vectors for Word Representation (GloVe) embeddings models to capture semantic and contextual information from tweets. Feature selection employs the Hybrid Kepler Inspired Secretary Bird (HKISP) algorithm, a combination of the Kepler Optimization Algorithm (KOA) and Secretary Bird Optimization (SBO). The final detection phase utilizes a weighted ensemble voting model comprising Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Random Forest (RF), and k-Nearest Neighbours (k-NN) classifiers to enhance predictive accuracy and model robustness. The proposed technique achieved a classification Accuracy of 98.067% and a Hamming loss of 1.933%, which is proved to be superior to the existing models based on the obtained experimental findings.


NLP,Twitter tweets,HEXACO,Optimization,Hybrid Kepler Inspired Secretary Bird,weighted ensemble voting,


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Mohammad Raquibul Hossain, Md. Jamal Hossain, Md. Mijanoor Rahman, Mohammad Manjur Alam



This paper focused on predicting diabetes disease using machine learning models which is a very active and highly important area of research. Six machine learning methods and three diabetes datasets were experimented with to investigate model performances. The methods are logistic regression, k-Nearest Neighbour, Gaussian Naïve Bayes, Decision Tree, Random Forest, and XGBoost. The datasets are Pima Indian, the Frankfurt Hospital dataset, and the combined dataset where all datasets have 08 (eight) feature variables and 01 (one) target variable. Train-test data split ratio can make a significant difference in model performance. Hence, two different split ratios 50-50 and 90-10 were experimented. Model performances were evaluated using four performance metrics which are precision, recall, F1-score, and accuracy. Random Forest and XGBoost were found to be highly efficient and best-performing among all the methods based on all performance metrics, all datasets, and both train-test split ratios. They performed comparatively better with the combined dataset which involved 2768 instances indicating the importance of a large dataset for better results. Also, the 90-10 train-test split ratio produced comparatively improved results than the 50-50 split ratio for all the datasets and even for almost all models.


Machine Learning Methods,Diabetes Prediction,Logistic Regression,Classification,Random Forest,XGBoost,


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Inderdeep Singh, Sandeep Sharma



This research presents a formulation of a hybrid scheme for the approximate solution of “Two-Dimensional Partial Differential Equations” (PDEs) used in engineering applications and several scientific. This approach combines the “Rangaig Transform with the Homotopy Analysis Method (HAM)” to form an efficient and robust explanation technique. Thus, the idea of our hybrid scheme combines the advantages of both approaches to make it easier to solve the given PDE while maintaining the highest accuracy. Several numerical examples have been solved to demonstrate the suggested method, and the outcomes make it evident how straightforward and accurate the method is for handling such a challenging issue.


Rangaig Transform,Homotopy Analysis Method,2D Telegraph Equation,2D Schrodinger Equation,2D Wave Equation,Test illustrations,


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Rabab Jarrar, Rabia Safdar, Noorhan F. AlShaikh Mohammad, Olivia Florea, Jihad Asad



In this research, we study the dynamical behaviors of a mass-spring system on a massless moving cart. The Lagrangian of the system was first constructed, which resulted in obtaining the Euler-Lagrange equation (ELE) of the system. As a next step, we used the Laplace transformation technique to attain an exact solution for ELE of the system. Furthermore, numerical and simulation techniques were applied with the help of MATLAB software, where we solved ELE numerically for some specified initial conditions. Simulation results indicate that they are in good agreement with the exact analytical solution. Finally, some simulation results were presented in this research.


Mass-Spring System,Lagrangian,Euler-Lagrange equation,Laplace Transformation,Simulation,MATLAB Software,


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Anupam Bonkra, Sunil Pathak, Amandeep Kaur



Variations in the visual characteristics of leaf diameters allow for the differentiation of ill states, making leaves valuable indicators for the diagnosis of sickness. Accurate disease diagnosis depends on identifying the distinctive patterns that illnesses leave on foliage. Specialists or cultivators have frequently performed plant inspections, which may be costly and time-consuming. Automation of disease diagnosis is therefore crucial, particularly in areas with limited access to specialists. This work employs five classification algorithms Inception V3, Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Random Forest to create a model for detecting diseases on apple leaves. The study's prime focus is Apple Rust, Apple Spot, and Apple Scab. To detect these illnesses, a relative examination of machine learning and deep learning models is carried out using the "Apple Leaves Disease Dataset."Among all the models tested, VGG19 achieved the highest test accuracy, reaching an impressive 95 percent.


Classification,Deep Learning,Apple,Rust Leaf,Disease,Machine Learning,Scab,Spot,


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