


M. Abdullah Ansary , Md. Ismail Hossain



By applying Parikh-Wilczek’s semi-classical tunneling method we obtain the emission rate of massless uncharged particle at the event horizon of non-accelerating and rotating blackhole with electric and magnetic charges. We consider the spacetime background dynamical and incorporate the self-gravitation effect of the emitted particles when energy conservation and angular momentum conservation are taken into account. We find that the emission rate at the event horizon is equal to the difference of Bekenstein-Hawking entropy before and after emission. We also find the Hawking temperature


uncharged particle,emission rate ,self-gravitation effect ,Bekenstein-Hawking entropy,Hawking temperature ,


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Mukti Gangopadhyay, Mantu Saha , A. P. Baisnab



In this paper it is shown that a vector cone metric space as introduced by us bears a metric like topology. Cantor’s intersection like Theorem is proved and as an application of the same a useful fixed point Theorem is obtained.


vector cone,metric space, topology,fixed point Theorem,


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Md. Zaidur Rahman , A. S. A. Noor



n this paper the authors have introduced the notion of modular elements in a nearlattice. We have included several characterizations of modular and strongly distributive elements with examples. We have also proved that an element in a nearlattice is standard if and only if it is both modular and strongly distributive.


modular elements,nearlattice,strongly distributive elements,


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Sudeshna Mukharjee , Sudipta Ghosh



In this paper we have developed a new technique to determine optimal solution to box pushing problem by two robots . Non-Dominated sorting genetic algorithm and Biogeography-based optimization algorithm are combined to obtain optimal solution. A modified algorithm is developed to obtain better energy and time optimization to the box pushing problem.


box pushing, robots ,Non-Dominated sorting genetic algorithm,Biogeography-based algorithm ,


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Some Characterizations of The Radical of Gamma Rings


Md. Sabur Uddin , Md.Zakaria Hossain



In this paper we have developed some properties of nilpotent ideals and radical of Γ-rings. At last we have prove that an external direct sum of finitely many matrix gamma rings over division gamma rings is a semi-simple Γn-ring.


gamma rings,nilpotent ideals,radical of gamma rings ,


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On Pairwise Almost Normality


Ajoy Mukharjee , Madhusudhan Paul



In this paper, we introduce the notion of pairwise almost normality which is a generalization of almost normality.


bitopological space, pairwise normal,pairwise almost normal,


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Buckling of (2n+1) Layers Plywood Shell Under Two Way Compressions


Anukul De , Doyal Debnath



The object of this paper is to obtain all the stress resultants of an anisotropic (2n+1) layers plywood shell. The deferential equations of equilibrium of (2n+1) layers plywood shell under three simultaneous loads are obtained. The solution of the deferential equations for anisotropic (2n+1) layers plywood shell in case of two way compressions is obtained here. The stable region for a plywood shell in this case is obtained. Buckling diagram for five layers plywood shell and seven layers plywood shell are shown graphically as special cases.


an anisotropic layers,plywood shell, two way compressions,buckling diagram,


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Some Characterizations of n-Distributive Lattices


M. Ayub Ali , R. M. HafiZur Rahaman, A. S. A. Noor , Jahanara Begum



In this paper, we have included several characterizations of n-distributive lattices. Also we have generalized the prime Separation Theorem for an n-annihilator nJI⊥= (where J is a non-empty finite subset of L) and characterized the n-distributive lattices.


distributive lattices ,annihilator, prime Separation Theorem,


I.Balasubramani P. and Venkatanarasimhan P. V., Characterizations of the 0- Distributive Lattices, Indian J. pure appl. Math. 32(3) 315-324, (2001).

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Forecasting Production of Food grain Using ARIMA Model and Its Requirement in Bangladesh


Lasker Ershad Ali, Masudul Islam, Md. Rashed Kabir , Faruque Ahmed



We forecast the food grain requirement and its production in Bangladesh. Before forecasting, we examine different methods and find time series model i.e. ARIMA model in different order predict accurate values. Then we used autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models to forecast the future amount of food grain in different years in this study. For the accuracy checking, we take the difference between the actual amount of food grain in a specific year and the predicted or the forecasting amount of the food grain in that year.


forecast,food grain ,production,ARIMA model,


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Distributive Join – Semi Lattice


Shiuly Akhter , A.S.A. Noor



In this paper, we have studied some properties of ideals and filters of a join-semilattice. We have also introduced the notion of dual annihilator. We have discussed 1-distributive join-semilattice and given several characterizations of 1-distributive join-semilattices directed below. Finally we have included a generalization of prime separation theorem in terms of dual annihilators.


ideals,join-semilattice,1-distributive lattice ,dual annihilator,


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