


Wilver Auccahuasi, Percy Castro, Orlando Aiquipa, Edward Flores, Fernando Sernaqué, Felipe Gutarra, NabiltMoggiano



The analysis and processing of data is important in different areas, and we must pay more attention when it comes to the health of people, in the development of the protocol to prevent the outbreak of vectors transmitting tropical diseases with an emphasis on the mosquito “ AedesAegypti ”, being able to control its reproduction is of vital importance, and is one of the objectives of the protocol, understanding the reproduction times corresponds to the times where we must take necessary actions to be able to cut its reproduction cycle, within the mechanisms Technological we indicate the use of meteorological information to be able to analyze and predict the favorable conditions so that the mosquito can reproduce, added to the valuable information provided by earth observation satellites, in their access to satellite images, which will provide us with Current images of the area of interest, for rapid detection of bodies of water that will be the future nests of the mosquitoes, the heterogeneous processing is characterized by the analysis of the meteorological data in the CPU and the processing of the satellite images in the GPU both running in parallel processes in the same computer, with which we optimize the use of resources available in applications dedicated to health care.


Vector,Biometeorological,Bodies of Water,Temperature,Humidity,


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Fernando Sernaqué, Wilver Auccahuasi



In the present investigation, the efficiency of organic flocculants was evaluated in the biosorption of lead and cadmium in laboratory-level samples is evaluated, for which a standard solution of 1000 mg / l or ppm of Pb and Cd is prepared, which was the basis for the daughter solutions of 50 mg / l, 100 mg / l and 200 mg / l; respectively for each metal, for this work three concentrations were defined in case of Pb at 0.2, 0.5 and 1 mg / l and for cadmium at 0.05, 0.25, 0.5 mg / l. The was used as an instrument the jar test for the first treatment of the samples, considering constant the volume of 1L, while the concentration of the organic flocculant varied, it was carried out at 5 different doses for all the fruits (0.5 g, 1 g, 1.5 g, 2 g and 2.5 g), having as development for the test, first run (v1 = 250 RPM for 15 minutes), rest time 1 (tr1 = 5 minutes), second run (50 RPM for 5 minutes) , Final rest time (Trf = 30 minutes). It was determinedthat dose with the highest efficiency is presented with 2.5 g for each natural flocculant. After the sample was treated, it was taken to the heating plate, for which to 100 ml aliquot it was taken and 5ml of nitric acid was added, for the digestion of the sample at a temperature of 95 ° C, with an approximate time of 50 minutes, where it was observed that the volume has been reduced to 20 to 30 ml, then let it cool, to then use the atomic absorption spectrophotometer equipment. It was concluded that the organic flocculants in the removal of lead and cadmium have an efficiency of 28.37% to 88.33%, being the carambola which presented a 28.37% lower efficiency in the removal of lead while the orange, grape, cucumber, cocona and apples are fruits with greater efficiency in the treatment of lead, highlighting the efficiency of the apple with 88.33%. Also for cadmium fruits such as cocona, grapefruit, tangerine, cucumber and apple are those who presented a greater efficiency statistically, where stands out once again the apple with an efficiency of 83.83%, while the grape presented only a 41.93% lower efficiency in the removal of cadmium


FlocculantOrganic,Biosorption,Cadmium ,Lead,


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Ahmad Farmahini Farahani , Mohsen Bahrami, Fatollah Moztarzadeh



Changes caused by the knowledge economy, including the emergence of new idea  flows in management, methods and structure of organizations, have led to a change in the roles and skills needed for researchers in organizations. As new age organizations focus on intellectual property, organizational aspirations and organizational change, the researchers, as the wealth creators, in order to quickly adapt to new situations and develop their competencies in the\ competitive market, need to constantly change and develop a new identity for themselves. Since competencies have a prudential feature through describing skills and behavioral approaches, identifying and explaining researchers’ competencies in oil industry research institutes is of particular importance. Accordingly, the present paper seeks to identify the factors and indicators of researchers’ competencies in oil industry research centers using scientific methods and surveys and then identify, classify, and prioritize researchers’ strategic competencies using statistical methods. According to the results obtained from the present study, creativity and innovation, integration, accountability and customer orientation competencies have higher priorities; however, all identified strategic competencies have a significant positive distance to mean. With the help of the results of this study, researchers and managers can clarify expectations about each other


Researchers’ Competencies Prioritization,Industrial Research Centers,Strategic Competencies,Oil Industry,


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Azariy Lapidus



Reprofiling industrial facilities allows companies to optimize their structure while also creating a competitive environment in the service sector. In addition, the portfolio of assets undergoes optimization during the reprofiling process. Because of the release of the production space, it would be possible to reduce the costs by preserving, selling, and leasing production space. Therefore, to achieve and strengthen a long-term competitiveness, companies are forced to adjust their activities with an emphasis on the changing demands of the period. The world is constantly changing, so it is very important to respond expediently and quickly to these changes.To date, international practice and experience of reprofiling in the Russian Federation have shown it as one of the most difficult managerial tasks. During this process, many restrictions, along with the unique characteristics of the company, in which it is conducted, should be considered. Consequently, it must be performed only in the presence of the clearly defined goals, the reprofiling concept, and an understanding of each stage and methods to be observed.The topic of this article is relevant since the model of the work performed during the reprofiling allows this process to go as smoothly and efficiently as possible, allowing the company to adapt to new market conditions.However, this issue is poorly covered nowadays. In fact, many sources consider the redesigning strategy only as a special case study of a restructuring strategy or as a strategy for updating the fixed assets. Therefore, regulatory documentation for capital construction projects as well as for reprofiling facilities should be improved.


Construction control,Redevelopment of industrial areas,Reprofiling industrial facilities,Scientific and technical renovation,urban development,


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S. Venkateswarlu, D. Dastagiri Babu, E. Keshava Reddy



We examine the unsteady MHD free convective flow of a chemically reacting incompressible fluid over a vertical permeable plate under the influence of thermal radiation, Dufour and heat source/sink. The dimensionless governing equations are solved analytically using the three term perturbation method. Expressions for velocity, temperature and concentration for the flow are obtained and presented graphically. The analysis shows that Casson fluid parameter  increases the velocity; Dufour number increases the velocity and velocity; magnetic field force decreases the velocity; Chemical reaction rate increases the temperature but decreases the velocity and concentration; Grashof numbers increase the velocity when their values are increasingly varied. Furthermore, skin fiction coefficient, Nusselt number and Sherwood number for different values of governing parameters are calculated and the results are summarized in tabular form.


MHD,Casson fluid,Dufour effect,Free convection,Chemical reaction,


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Ms. Sri Silpa Padmanabhuni, Pradeepini Gera



Agriculture plays an important role in the Indian economy, therefore early prediction of plant diseases will help in increasing the productivity of crops thereby contributing to the economy’s growth. However, Manual identification of diseases in plants at every stage is very difficult since it involves huge manpower and requires extensive knowledge about plants. Multi disease patterns and pest identification can be automated using computer vision and deep learning techniques and by observing the controlled environmental parameters. Using, Internet of things the model can continuously monitor the temperature, humidity and water levels.


Computer Vision,Deep Learning,Segmentation,Classification,


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Long Nguyen-Nhut-Phi, Son Nguyen-Hoai, Quan Nguyen, Phong Le-Thanh, Dai Mai-Duc



The finite element (FE) solutions are different from the exact ones due to the presence of various error sources, such as computer round-off error, error due to discrete of the displacement field, etc. This paper uses the h- and p-refinement of the finite element method for the laser butt weld problem, with the base metal is AISI 1018 steel highness 8 mm. The objective is to present estimation techniques the strain energy relative error and evaluate its reliability through two indices: the affectivity index and the uniformity index SD. The numerical results achieve to meet the conditions for reliability assessment. Specifically, the, , SD values of h- refinement, and p- refinement respectively: less than 6%, 0.535667, 0.019528, and less than 4%, 0.506616, 0.103834.


Finite element method (FEM),Laser butt weld,Relative error,Reliability,h- refinement,p- refinement,


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Muhammad Nadeem



In this article, we discuss some functional identities of certain semirings which enable us to induce commutativitiy in them. This will be helpful to extend some remarkable results of ring theory in the canvas of semirings. We also study some other useful functional identities which are trivial in ordinary rings.




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Anas Al-Haboobi, Ghassan A. Al-Guaifri



This paper applies Modifed Decomposition Method (MDM) as numerical analysis linear second-order FredholmIntegro-differential Equations. The calculation of the approximate solutions are computed by mathematical package. The main aim of this paper is to demonstrate how effective this method minimizes the size of calculations and reaching the final solution in the shortest time and best result. When com paring the results with the (ADM) and with the exact solution, we will note how effective this method minimizes the size of calculations of the solution and reaches the exact solution. Accordingly, the (MDM) is the best method to be used to solve linear second-order FredholmIntegro-Differential equation. The convertion to the exact solution is notably fast and also a time saver, as it requires less computational work in solving equations. This is why the (MDM) is more efficient in solving this kind of equations.


MDM,Integro-differential Equations,Fredholm integral Equation,approximate solutions,


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Kamal Debnath, Debasish Dey, Rupjyoti Borah



An effort has been prepared numerically to investigate thermophoresis and diffusion thermo effects on liquid motion past a permeable surface. Motion is managed by the constitutive equation of power law fluid model. External forces appeared in the flow system are Lorentz force due to external magnetic field, buoyancy force. Similarity transformation has been utilized in the methodology part and MATLAB built in bvp4c solver scheme has been adopted to carry out the numerical solutions. Impacts of flow parameters on flow characteristics have been outlined by figures and diagrams.


MHD,Power-law fluid,Soret Effect (thermophoresis),Dufoureffect (diffusion thermo),thermal and mass transfer,


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