


Gandhi Sivakumar, G. Arumugam



Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has been adopted rapidly in the industry. Various research initiatives have been carried out to innate the AI system characteristics as humans. In our concept paper [VI] we disclosed the “Reflex layer” to mimic human systems. A reflex layer would have the ability to differentiate the repetitive stimuli, its related responses and ability to process this through a separate layer. We discussed the key characteristics of reflex features of the following AI capabilities:
  • The vision interface
  • The audio interface
  • The kinematic interface
  • The sheath interface
  • The core layer
   In this paper we baseline the scope to core and kinematic interface; elaborate key characteristics, provide solutions and results.  


Artificial Intelligence,Distributed Artificial Intelligence,Reflex AI,


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Zunash Zaki, Muhammad Arif Shah, Karzan Wakil, Falak Sher



Human activity recognition through smartphones is now beneficial for humans to recognize their daily activities. Many of the researches are introduced for recognition of activities but somehow the performance of the classifiers is low because of different problems with the data or the classifiers. This research study offers a method to achieve the best performing classifiers. The comparative analysis held between the supervised and ensemble learning classifiers. Based on the best performing classifier, a system is also introduced in this study. We evaluate the method by using two publicly available datasets of human activities recognition acquired from UCI Machine Learning repository. One is UCI-Human Activity Recognition and the second is Smartphone-Based Recognition of Human Activities and Postural Transitions. The activities selected for this research study are Walking, Standing, Sitting, Laying, Downstairs and Upstairs. These input signals are a 3-dimensional raw form of data that was difficult to handle. The Principle Component Analysis (PCA) technique is used to reduce the dimensionalities of the data features and extract the most substantial data features for the classification of human activities. A comparison is performed between the different supervised and ensemble machine learning classifiers on the selected datasets. The supervised learning classifiers that we used are Gaussian Naïve Bayes, K-Nearest Neighbor, and Logistic Regression while the ensemble learning classifiers are Random Forest and Gradient Boosting. The achieved result shows that the Logistic Regression is more accurate as compared to other selected classifiers in this study for human activity recognition. The higher accuracy rate of Logistic Regression is 96.1% for UCI-HAR and 94.5% for HAPT dataset among all the compared classifiers.


UCI-HAR dataset,HAPT dataset,Smartphones,Accelerometer and gyroscope Sensors,Classifiers,HAR,


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Damodara Krishna Kishore Galla, BabuReddyMukkamalla



Face analysis is a requisite notion for dissimilar appeal allied to artificial intelligence has made possible for Classification of Gender. Facial Data images are still an arduous task for biometric systems due to diverse expressions, dimensions, pose, illustrations and age in facial and other affiliated images includes dissimilar object label classifications. In this paper, SIFT Probabilistic Fuzzy C-means Clustering Approach (SPFCA) proposed to intensify the stratification methodology in object classification for dissimilar images using GSVM. This approach extremely used for recognition and classification of an object due to its fundamental properties which make decorous contrasting object classification in divergent types of robust in facial and other related images. SPFCA is robust clustering approach to diminish uproar insensitivity and assists to group the vicinity ages, male, female and objects. It also assists to find a solution for coinciding cluster complications which may face preceding clustering approaches. Consequently the proficiency can also be used to increase the comprehensive robustness of face recognition and multi-label object classification system and the result increases its invariance and make it a reliably passable biometric.


Object classification,fuzzy c-means clustering,Eigenvalues,shape,corner,wavelet transform,face recognition ,principal component analysis,


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Radhika chada, N. Shyam Kumar



Joining of heat-treated alloys(AA6061-T6) by Welding process often results a deterioration of mechanical properties because of the coarsening and dissolution of the strengthening precipitates(Mg2Si,Al3FeSi,Al12FeSi) at the weld nugget. However, its scares the applications of AA6061-T6 alloy. In order to enhance mechanical properties of Friction stir welded(FSW) AA6061-T6 alloy and to minimize the loss of T6 condition , four butt joints (FSW-SiC, FSW- B4C, FSW- Zn and FSW- Al2O3)were fabricate with the addition of harder reinforcement materials such as SiC, B4C,Zn and Al2O3 particles. In this study, the microstructure, tensile strength and  hardness of reinforced friction stir welded AA6061-T6 alloy joints were investigated, while the base metal and the welded joint prepared without reinforcement material were utilized as reference to control the process. The grains refinement ,which had been the reason for improved mechanical properties was increased with the addition of reinforced particles in the weld region. Due to the high density of homogeneous dispersion of harder reinforcement particles and  considerably increased grain refinement in the entire welded joints, all the reinforced welded joints resulted improvements over the unreinforced joint in terms of strength and hardness. The addition of SiC, B4C,Zn and Al2O3 reinforcements  particles increases the tensile strength by 24.2% ,1.79%,32.46 and 10.83% respectively, whereas the elongation decreased as compared to unreinforced welded. Due to extremely high hardness value and homogeneous dispersion of B4C particles in the FSW- B4C joint .It showed the highest percentage of hardness enhancement that was about 54.9% followed by Al2O3, SiC and Zn with improved hardness percentage as 50.37% 40.9%, and 23.2% respectively.


Friction Stir welding (FSW) AA 6061-T6 Hardness Reinforcement particles Microstructure,


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Tammineni Sreelatha, M.V. Subramanyam, M. N. Giri Prasad



Texture in images can be utilized as a cue for different computer vision tasks as object identification and classification. This paper proposes CSTC-Mel Identification Model for texture classification, the feature representation which is low dimensional and training free, robust in nature for the texture description. The proposed technique is implemented in 3 phases such as ULL responses, feature computation, Feature encoding and the representation of image. Feature Computation is generated to categorize the texture structures and their connection by implementing linear and non-linear operators on the ULL responses of Gaussian Filter in the scale space, which is established based on steerable filters. Feature encoding through more than one level of thresholding or binary can be adopted to compute these feature computation into texture. Two encoding methods are designed which is robust in nature to the illumination changes and image rotation. The feature representation is explored to combine the discrete texture into the histogram representation. Our proposed model is tested on PH2 dataset. By comparing the experimental outcomes of proposed CSTC-Mel Identification Model with existing models, we can observe t at the proposed CSTC-Mel Identification Model identifies the skin cancer with accuracy of 93.81%.


Texture Classification,Steerable Filter,Gaussian Filter,Feature Computation,Feature Encoding,


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Sirisha N, K. V. D. Kiran



Secure data storage and retrieval is essential to safeguard data from different kinds of attacks. It is part of information security which enables a system to avoid unauthorized access to data. The data storage destinations are diversified which includes the latest Internet computing phenomenon known as cloud computing as well. Whatever be the storage destination, cryptographic primitives are widely used to protect data from malicious attacks. There are other methods like auditing for data integrity. However, cryptography is the technique which has witnessed many variants of algorithms. However, most of the cryptographic algorithms do not support search and data modifications directly on the encrypted data. Homomorphic encryption and its variants showed promising solution towards flexibility in data dynamics. Motivated by this cryptographic technique, in this paper we proposed an algorithm known as Flexible Data Encryption (FDE) which supports encryption, decryption, search operation directly on encrypted data besides allowing modifications. This improves performance and flexibility in data management activities. Moreover, the proposed algorithm supports different kinds of data like relational and non-relational data. The proposed big data security methodology uses Jalastic cloud as the storage destination. Empirical results revealed that the proposed algorithm outperforms baseline cryptographic algorithms.


Big data,big data security,Jelastic cloud,flexible encryption,homomorphic encryption,


I. DING, Wenxiu; YAN, Zheng; and DENG, Robert H.. Encrypted data processing with Homomorphic Re-Encryption. (2017). Information Sciences, 35-55.
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Saad Ali. Alahmari



The rising profit potential in virtual currency has made forecasting the prices of crypto currency a fascinating subject of study. Numerous studies have already been conducted to predict future prices of a specific virtual currency using a machine-learning model. However, very few have focused on using different kernels of a “Support Vector Regression” (SVR) model. This study applies the Linear, Polynomial and “Radial Basis Function”(RBF) kernels to predict the prices of the three major crypto currencies, Bitcoin, XRP and Ethereum, using a bivariate time series method employing the cryptocurrency (daily-Closed Price) as the continuous dependent variable and the “Morgan Stanley Capital International” (MSCI) World Index (MSCI-WI) and the (daily-Closed Price) as the predictor variable. The results demonstrated that ‘RBF’ outperforms most other kernel methods in predicting cryptocurrency prices in terms of “Mean Absolute Error”(MAE), “Mean Squared Error” (MSE), “Root Mean Squared Error” (RMSE) and R-squared (


Support Vector Regression,Cryptocurrency,Machine Learning,Time-series Analysis. Non-linear,


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VI. Das, Debojyoti, and KannadhasanManoharan. “Emerging stock market co-movements in South Asia: wavelet approach.” International Journal of Managerial Finance 15, no. 2 (2019): 236-256.

VII. . H. Drucker, C. Burges, L. Kaufman, A. Smola, and V. Vapnik, “Support vector regression machines,” in M. Mozer, M. Jordan, and T. Petsche, Eds., Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 9, Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press, 1997, pp. 155–161.

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IX. H. Sun and B. Yu, “Forecasting financial returns volatility: A GARCH-SVR model,” Computational Economics, pp. 1–21, 2019.

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XIII. K. Müller, A. Smola, G. Rätsch, B. Schölkopf, J. Kohlmorgen, and V. Vapnik, “Predicting time series with support vector machines,” in International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Berlin,Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 999–1004, 1997.

XIV. L. Catania, S. Grassi, and F. Ravazzolo, “Forecasting cryptocurrencies under model and parameter instability,” International Journal of Forecasting, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 485–501, 2019.

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XVI. M. Suganyadevi and C. K. Babulal, “Support vector regression model for the prediction of loadability margin of a power system,” Applied Soft Computing, vol. 24, pp. 304–315, 2014.

XVII. S. Alahmari, “Using machine learning ARIMA to predict the price of cryptocurrencies,” The ISC International Journal of Information Security, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 139–144, 2019, doi: 10.22042/isecure.2019.11.0.18.

XVIII. S. McNally, J. Roche and S. Caton, “Predicting the price of Bitcoin using machine learning,” in 2018 26th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing (PDP), Cambridge, 2018, pp. 339–343, doi: 10.1109/PDP2018.2018.00060.

XIX. S. Wang, R. Li, and M. Guo, “Application of nonparametric regression in predicting traffic incident duration,” Transport, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 22–31, 2018.

XX. T. Phaladisailoed and T. Numnonda, “Machine learning models comparison for Bitcoin price prediction,” in 2018 10th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE), IEEE, 2018, pp. 506–511.

XXI. V. Derbentsev, N. Datsenko, O. Stepanenko, and V. Bezkorovainyi, “Forecasting cryptocurrency prices time series using machine learning approach,” in SHS Web of Conferences, vol. 65, pp. 02001, 201.

XXII. Y. Peng, P. Albuquerque, J. de Sá, A. Padula, and M. Montenegro, The best of two worlds: Forecasting high frequency volatility for cryptocurrencies and traditional currencies with Support Vector Regression, 2018. Expert Systems with Applications, 97, pp. 177–192.

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Wilver Auccahuasi, Orlando Aiquipa, Edward Flores, FernandoSernaqué, Sergio Arroyo, Ingrid Ginocchio, Aly Auccahuasi, Felipe Gutarra, Nabilt Moggiano



Technology is changing people's daily lives because of the electrical devices that make people's day-to-day life easier. One of the most influential fields is the entertainment field, proof of this is the variety of video games. These are constantly evolving both in the technical requirements and in the complexity of the games that nowadays, strategy games are booming. These games have new ways of interacting with the player. The most characteristic is the level that the player occupies the game and proof of this are the long times that young people devote to the moment of playing. This excess time causes a change in the personality of adolescents as well as causing certain changes in cardiorespiratory effects. Sudden changes of the emotions associated with a high level of stress at the time of playing are causing the heart to react differently to these sudden changes in oxygen requirement. In this paper, we analyze the strategy games that are in full swing at this time such as the famous FORTNITE game. The research consists of a monitoring of 10 young people to whom they have been subjected at long game times. On an average 5 hours in a row, in which they have been evaluated for oxygen saturationand heart rate at the times that players are developing various emotions such as stress, frustration, joy among others. The results show that when young people win and are promoted to higher levels, they present positive emotions such as tranquility and are happy, while when they lose and lower them, they present negative changes presenting frustration, they deny, in some cases they present aggressive attitudes, throwing things. These changes are reflected in an excess of oxygen consumption reaching saturation at 99% and presenting of high heart count greater than 85 beats per minute. It should be noted that young people who are under study, do not present any type of health problem and we end with some recommendations to take into account when playing these video games that require time prolonged subjected to video games.


Video game,Saturation,Oxygen,Heart rate,Frustration,


I. García Cernaz, S. (2018). Videojuegos y violencia: una revisión de la línea de investigación de los efectos.
II. González-Vázquez, A., &Igartua, J. J. (2018). ¿ Por qué los adolescentes juegan videojuegos? Propuesta de una escala de motivos para jugar videojuegos a partir de la teoría de usos y gratificaciones. Cuadernos. info, (42), 135-146.
III. Irles, D. L., Gomis, R. M., Campos, J. C. M., & González, S. T. (2018). Validación española de la Escala de Adicción a Videojuegos para Adolescentes (GASA). AtenciónPrimaria, 50(6), 350-358.
IV. Rauber, S. B., Brandão, P. S., Moraes, J. F. V. N. D., Madrid, B., Barbosa, D. F., Simões, H. G., …& Campbell, C. S. G. (2018). Oxygen consumption and energy expenditure during and after street games, active video games and tv. RevistaBrasileira de Medicina do Esporte, 24(5), 338-342.
V. Santana, M., Pina, J., Duarte, G., Neto, M., Machado, A., &Dominguez-Ferraz, D. (2016). Efectos de la Nintendo Wii sobre el estado cardiorrespiratorio de adultos mayores: ensayo clínico aleatorizado. Estudiopiloto. Fisioterapia, 38(2), 71-77.
VI. Soares, L. M. D. M. M., Moreira, L. C. M., & de Souza, W. I. M. (2018). Respostascardiorrespiratórias e percepção subjetiva do esforço de hemiparéticossubmetidos à prática de exergames/Cardiorrespiratory responses and subjetive perception of the effort in hemipareticsafterexergamespractice/Respuestas… JOURNAL HEALTH NPEPS, 3(2), 492-505.

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Wilver Auccahuasi, Percy Castro, Edward Flores, Fernando SernaquÉ, Sergio Arroyo, Javier Flores, Michael Flores, Felipe Gutarra, Nabilt Moggiano9



The classification of objects that are present in the images or in the videos, is being developed progressively obtaining good results thanks to the use of Convolutional Networks, in this work we also use the convolutional networks for detection of objects that are present in high resolution satellite images, tests were carried out on ships that are on the high seas and in the ports, this classification is useful for monitoring the coasts, as well as for analyzing the dynamics of the ships can be applied in the search of ships, to cover this task of classifying ships in the spectral images, the use of high resolution satellite images of coastal areas and with a large number of ships is used, in order to build a set of images, containing images of the ships, in order to be used for training setting and testing of the convolutional network, a very particular configuration of the convolutional network caused by the particularity of high resolution satellite images is presented, the methodology developed indicating the procedures performed is also presented, a set of images containing 300 was built images of ships that are in the sea or are anchored in the ports, the results obtained in the classification using the convolutional networks are acceptable to be able to be used in different applications.


Convolutional Networks,Satellite Image,Classification,High Resolution,Multispectral Image,


I. Maiwald, F., Bruschke, J., Lehmann, C., &Niebling, F. (2019). A 4D information system for the exploration of multitemporal images and maps using photogrammetry, web technologies and VR/AR. Virtual Archaeology Review, 10(21), 1-13.
II. Peña, A., Bonet, I., Manzur, D., Góngora, M., &Caraffini, F. (2019, June). Validation of convolutional layers in deep learning models to identify patterns in multispectral images. In 2019 14th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
III. Riveros, L., & Raquel, E. (2018). Detección de vehículos con aprendizajeprofundo en Cámara de Vigilancia.
IV. Sánchez Santiesteban, S. (2018). Recuperación de imágenesporcontenidousandodescriptoresgeneradosporRedesNeuronalesConvolucionales. RevistaCubana de CienciasInformáticas, 12(4), 78-90.
V. Weinstein, B. G. (2018). Scene‐specific convolutional neural networks for video‐based biodiversity detection. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9(6), 1435-1441.

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Wilver Auccahuasi, Fernando Sernaqué, Edward Flores, Michael Flores Mamani, Percy Castro, Felipe Gutarra, NabiltMoggiano



In the development of equipment to be used in the remote sensing environment, it is recommended to consider in the design certain technical aspects such as: energy consumption, device size, performance, computational capacity, connectivity, radiation tolerance, among others. Therefore, certain electronic components capable of providing these characteristics are used, which makes their cost high and it becomes difficult to acquire these electronic components for special use. The proposal presented in this investigation, is the use of the embedded card Tegra TK1 of the NVIDIA brand, to be used as a base device for remote sensing equipment. This card provides considerable computational capacity. This card is composed of a CPU and the GPU, as well as communication buses and the communication card expansion to connect certain devices such as sensors and actuators. Another feature is fault tolerance and critical execution times that are critical in these types of equipment, among the main tasks, are the sending of telemetry, control of navigation devices, and synchronization among other tasks that will depend on the payload of the equipment. As a result, it is proposed to install a real-time operating system on the TK1 card, which ensures that the tasks are fulfilled in the established times and with the criticality that is required.


Operating System,Real Time,Driver,Programming,Function,Task,



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