Atif Ishtiaq, Sheeraz Ahmed, Asif Nawaz, Mohammad Shahzad, Rehan Ali Khan, Muneeb Sadat, Farrukh Hassan, Zeeshan NajamDOI NO:
Channel bonding is an authenticated approach used in wireless networks that improve data rate as well as reduces latency. Traditional networks like mobile networks, non-cellular networks, and wireless LAN and wireless sensor networks use traditionally the Channel bonding technique. To support channel bonding, effective frequencies assignment techniques are significant to use, and thus improving frequencies use. In multi-hop topologies, WSN usually generates a bunch of packets like scattered and event-driven transmission methods’ where data transmitted over many transitional hops. In this paper, we have thoroughly analyzed the various parameters affecting channel bonding as well as its application in wireless sensor networks. Finally, various challenges for channel bonding implication in futuristic cognitive radio networks are also presented.Keywords:
Channel bonding,mobile networks,non-cellular networks,wireless LAN,Channel aggregation,Refference:
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