Riam M. Zaal, Eyad I. Abbas, Mahmood F. MoslehDOI NO:
Localization algorithm plays the major rule for different applications such as tracking, positioning, and monitoring. The general framework presented by localization approaches may not work well in practical environments, due to many reasons related with dealing with 2 Dimensional space only or having high computational costs. As a result, Hybrid Localization Algorithm (HLA) was proposed and presented in this paper based on the use of both Received Signal Strength (RSS) and Angle-of-Arrival (AoA). The algorithm has been tested in a 3 Dimensional indoor scenario, with considering the effects of different building materials. Obtained result indicate an effectiveness in localizing the received points by using 2 transmitters for more accuracy in positioning coordination with average ranging error of less than 0.23m for both Line of Sight (LoS) and Non Line of Sight (NLoS) cases.Keywords:
RSS,Localization algorithm, indoor,,hybrid,Refference:
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