


Phaneendra Kumar Kopparthi, Kiran Kumar Yadav Aerra, Srikar Gemaraju, Bhaskara Rao Pathakokila, Suresh Gamini



The woven E-glass/epoxy composite with circular artificial defect located at center position between first and second plies was manufactured using hand lay-up method. The composite consisted of twelve layers of glass cloth. Experiments were conducted in tension and flexure with four-point loading to determine the behavior of laminate. The results were compared with those of laminates without artificial defect. A knee was observed on the load displacement curve for the laminate without defect loaded in tension. Results show that the defect does not affect considerably the tensile strength of the composite and the existence of defect influences highly the flexural properties.


Tension, Flexure,Artificial defect, Knee,Four-point loading,Delamination ,


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Gamini Suresh, Emani. Siva Krishna



This paper mainly focuses on the Nano clay effect in mechanical properties of sisal/banana hybrid FRP composites. The composites with and without the addition of Nano clay have been made by fusing sisal/banana fiber up to maximum volume of 30% as support in polymer matrix and mechanical properties are Investigated. The composite material prepared was tested for tensile, flexural, impact strength with aid of respective apparatus. Fiber length and % of weight were calculated initially for preparation of specimens. Banana fiber was hybridized with sisal fiber to examine the changes in mechanical properties of the samples. Mechanical properties (Tensile strength, Flexural strength along with their modulus) of the composites with nano clay   are found to be 0.8, 1, 1.5 and 2.3 times greater than that of composites without nano clay. 50% better results in the impact test were achieved. SEM analysis was carried out on the samples after conducting the test to find out the fracture pattern and the fiber pull out.  The experimental outcomes illustrate that under testing the mechanical properties shows an increase with adding up of Nano clay at higher volume fraction. Tensile & flexural properties show an affirmative hybrid effect.


Polymer- Matrix composites,Mechanical properties,scanning Electron Microscope analysis,Hybridization of sisal/banana,


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K. Arunkarthikeyan, A. Chinnamahammad Bhasha, M. Venkata pavan, P.Sneha, Shaik. Abrar



Abrasive water jet had proven to be a suitable unconventional machine technique for cut-through operation. Using abrasive water jet turning only limited studies are available. Apart from usual machining practice in Abrasive Water Jet Machine (AWJM), the installation of the chuck with motor assembly as a unit similar set up like conventional lathe machine will enhance the machinability of AWJM. From the earlier studies, it is understood that the author has performed the machinability studies using this experimental set up in AWJM. But no standard procedure is described as the installation procedure of chuck and motor assembly in AWJM. Considering this, a review is conducted on the design and implementation of turning setup in an abrasive water jet machine. Based on the acquired knowledge through a literature survey and also, considering vibration, assembly, and safety factors, a new design is proposed. The author ensures that implementing this setup in an abrasive water jet machine will enhance the research work to a higher level of significance.


AWJM,Turning,Chuck and motor assembly,Worktable design,


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X. Z. Hutyrová, J. Ščučka, S. Hloch,P. Hlaváček,M. Zeleňák,“Turning of wood plastic composites by water jet and abrasive water jet”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol: 84,Pages : 1615-1623, (2016)
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XIII. F. Kartal, M.H. Çetin, H. Gökkaya Z. Yerlikaya,“Optimization of abrasive water jet turning parameters for machining of low density polyethylene material based on experimental design method”, International Polymer Processing, Vol: 29, 535-544, (2014)
XIV. Q.W. Xu, C.H. Qiang, C.W. Guo,“Experimental Study on the Surface Roughness of 1060 Aluminum Alloy Cut by Abrasive Water Jet”, Materials Science Forum, Trans Tech Publications, Vol: 950, Pages: 32-37, 2019
XV. K. Balamurugan,M. Uthayakumar,S. Sankar, U.S Hareesh, K.G.K. Warrier, “Modeling and surface texturing on surface roughness in machining LaPO4–Y2O3 composite”, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol: 33, Pages : 405-413, 2018
XVI. K. Balamurugan, M. Uthayakumar, S.Gowthaman,R. Pandurangan, “A study on the compressive residual stress due to waterjet cavitation peening”, Engineering Failure Analysis, Vol; 92, Pages : 268-277, 2018
XVII. A.C. Bhasha, K.Balamurugan,“Fabrication and property evaluation of Al 6061+ x%(RHA+ TiC) hybrid metal matrix composite”, SN Applied Sciences, Vol: 1(9), Pages : 977, 2019
XVIII. K. Arunkarthikeyan, K. Balamurugan,“Experimental Studies on Deep Cryo Treated plus Tempered Tungsten Carbide Inserts in Turning Operation”, ICAIASM conference proceedings, Santhiram Engineering college, Kurnool, India, 2019

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P.Sneha, A.Chinnamahammad Bhasha, Deepthi.T , ArunKarthikeyan



The pressurized high-speed water flows together with the Al2O3 particles forms slurry used in abrasive water jet machining (AWJM) to slice specimens. This approach is particularly appropriate for fragile, soft and strident materials. D3 tool steel used as a sample size of 200 x 200 x 23 mm has excellent strength and is also suitable for high-temperature machining operations. In the present work, the 8 mm diameter hole was created using AWJM. The L27 orthogonal array experiments were conducted with crossover speeds (Ts) 80, 100 and 120 mm / min, abrasive mass flow rate (Af) 250, 325 and 400 (g / min) and a standoff distance (Sod) of 1,1.5 and 2 mm as processing parameters. Optimum parameters have been set from ANOVA to achieve high metal extraction. Optimum Sod, Ts, and Af are 400 g / min, 1.5 mm and 120 mm / min. Experiment number 26 and the 27 processing parameters are the best for the D3 tool steel unit to achieve higher metal extraction.


AWJM, D3 Tool Steel, ANOVA, cutting speed ,standoff distance,Traverse speed,


I Geethapriyan T., Manoj Samson R., Arun Raj A.C., Senkathi S., Gunasekar C. (2019) Parametric Optimization of Abrasive Water jet Machining Process on Inconel 600 Using Two Different Abrasive Grain Sizes. In: Vijay Sekar K., Gupta M., Arockiarajan A. (eds) Advances in Manufacturing Processes. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore.
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VIII P. Shanmughasundaram,” Influence of abrasive water jet machining parameters on the surface roughness of eutectic Al-Si alloy- graphite composites” Journal of materials physics and mechanics19 (2014) 1-8.
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XII K Balamurugan, M.UthayaKumar,S.Sankar,U.S.Hareesh& G.K.Warrier,”Modeling and Surface Texturing on surface roughness in machining LaPO4-Y2O3 Composite” Materials and Manufacturing Processes, (2017).
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XV K.Balamurugan,M.Uthayakumar,S.Sankar,U.S.Hareesh,K.G.K.Warrier,” Predicting correlations in abrasive water jet cutting parameters of Lanthanum Phosphate/ Yttria composite by response surface methodology”, Measurement (2019), 309-318.
XVI SenerKarabulut, “Optimization of surface roughness and cutting force during AA7039/Al2O3 metal matrix composites milling using neural networks and Taguchi method”, Measurement (2015), 139-149.
XVII Pandu R.Vundavilli, M.B.Parappagoudar,S.P.Kodali,Surekha Benguluri,”Fuzzy logic-based expert system for prediction of depth of cut in abrasive water jet machining process”, Knowledge-Based Systems (2012), 456-464.
XVIII KSK Sasikumar,KP Arulshri, K Ponappa,“ A study on kerf characteristics of hybrid aluminum 7075 metal matrix composites machined using abrasive water jet machining technology”, Journal of Engineering Manufacture, (2016).
XIX S.Vigneshwaran, M.UthayaKumar, V Arumugaprabu, “Abrasive water jet machining of fiber-reinforced composite materials”, Journal of Reinforced plastics and composites, (2017).
XX John Kechagias, George Petropoulos, Nikolaos Vaxevanidis, ”Application of Taguchi design for quality characterization of abrasive water jet machining of TRIP sheet steels.” The international Journal of advanced manufacturing technology, (2012).
XXI K Balamurugan , A.chinnamahammad bhasha, Fabrication and property evaluation of Al 6061 + x% (RHA + TiC) hybrid metal matrix composite”, Sn applied science,(2019),1:997.

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V. Uma Sai Vara Prasad , K. Venkata Rao, Ch. Nagraju , M. Venu, M. Venkataiah



Surface quality is a vital aspect  to assess the eminence of products that chooses wear and also stimuli quality of assemblies. The research journal article is focused to estimate the surface quality during helical milling with ultrasonic vibration assistance to workpiece. This study presents an investigation of surface eminence on ultrasonic machining (UM) of difficult to cut material of D2 steel, an effort was  made for modeling response i.e. surface roughness(Ra) in UM technique by means of DESIGN EXPERT software. Three operational factors i.e. spindle speed(N), axial depth(ap)  each at two levels and orbital speed(nc) of four levels were  varied to investigate surface quality variations with respect to levels of operational factors. The ANOVA was performed to ascertain importance of model established. The testings outcomes confirms validity and competence of model developed.


Surface quality ,ultrasonic vibration,ANOVA,Helical milling,


Bhuvnesh Bhardwaj, Rajesh Kumar, Pradeep K. Singh, et al., “Surface roughness prediction model for turning of AISI 1019 steel using response surface methodology and Box-Cox transformation”, Proc. Inst. Mech. E Part B: J. Eng. Manuf. 228 (2) (2014) 223–232.
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IX. Sanjay, Prithvi, “Hybrid intelligence systems and artificial neural network (ANN) approach for modeling of surface roughness in drilling”, Cogent Engineering, vol.1 (1), 2014.
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Lam Suvarna Raju, Venu Borigorla



AA2014 has been extensively used in manufacture of light weight fabricated components similar to commercial automobile components, which requires high strength with minimal weight and along with decent corrosion effect. The traditional welding of thisAluminium alloyed materials generally encounter solidification problems like hot cracking. Friction Stir Welding (FSW) is an ecofriendly joining process where in the actual melting of material and recasting will not happen. Many of the researchers carried out sufficient experiments for optimizing process parameters and to establish empirical relationships in order to predict better mechanical properties. In the present investigation, a comparative study of FSW between experimentation and optimization of process parameters such as tool rotation speed and weld speed, to attain maximum mechanical properties using Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Teaching Learning Based Optimization (TLBO) algorithm. From the results it shows that the TLBO gives the better combinations of process parameters which give superior mechanical properties compared to experimental results as well as other optimization techniques.


FSW,Process Parameters, Mechanical Properties,Genetic Algorithm,TLBO,


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Divya Ch., Suvarna Raju.L, Singaravel. B



Metal cutting or machining is a backbone of manufacturing industries. In machining process, heat is generated and it must be removed with the help of cutting fluid. Generally, hydrocarbon oil based cutting fluid is used, but it leads to environmental pollution and as well as operator’s ill health. Solid lubrication is a good alternative to hydro carbon oil based cutting fluid.In this work, turning process is carried out on Inconel 718 with perpendicular direction textured cutting insert filled with different solid lubricants.Solid lubricants as lubricant materials, which are basically solid but becomesoft due to frictional heat at the point of contact. In this work, Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) and Graphite solid lubricants are used.Experiments are performed as per L9 orthogonal array and theeffect of each process parameter is determined through the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The result revealed that solid lubricant with textured tool produces a continuous lubricating layer on the surface of the tool due to the thermal expansion of heat produced during machining. This thin layer may reduce friction in the machining zone. Perpendicular direction textured cutting inserts are used to reduce friction and good surface finish is obtained.Compared with MoS2, graphite has shown better results in terms of surface finishdue to its low shear strength properties.


Turning,Solid Lubrication, Surface finish,Taguchi,


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X. Sharma, V. and Pandey, P.M., 2016. Comparative study of turning of 4340 hardened steel with hybrid textured self-lubricating cutting inserts. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 31(14), pp.1904-1916.

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XII. Yılmaz, B., Karabulut, Ş. and Güllü, A., 2018. Performance analysis of new external chip breaker for efficient machining of Inconel 718 and optimization of the cutting parameters. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 32, pp.553-563.

XIII. Singaravel, B. and Selvaraj, T., 2016. Application of desirability function analysis and utility concept for selection of optimum cutting parameters in turning operation. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, 15(01), pp.1-11.

XIV. Wenlong, S., Jianxin, D., Hui, Z. and Pei, Y., 2010. Study on cutting forces and experiment of MoS 2/Zr-coated cemented carbide tool. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 49(9-12), pp.903-909.

XV. Singaravel, B. and Selvaraj, T., 2016. Application of Taguchi method for optimization of parameters in turning operation. Journal for Manufacturing Science and Production, 16(3), pp.183-187.

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L. Suvarna Raju, , N. Ramakrishna, G. Mallaiah



Pure copper is reinforced with 20µm ceramic particles like SiCp and TiB2 using FSP to fabiricate surface composites at constant rotational speed of 1120 revaluations per minutes and speed of the weld at 40mm/min. Cylindrical tapper threaded profile pin made of high carbon high chromium was used to prepare the copper surface composites. Experiments were conducted on a vertical milling machine to prepare Surface composites by varying volume percentage of reinforcements (vol.%2, vol.%4,vol.%6). six combinations of surface composites Cu/2vol.%SiC, Cu/4vol.%Sic, Cu/6vol.%Sic; Cu/2vol.%TiB2, Cu/4vol.%TiB2 and Cu/6vol.%TiB2 were fabricated. The processed composites were examined by using and optical microscope to reveal the microstructure. At 4 vol. % sic particles and 4vol.% of TiB2 particles the microstructure reveals fine grains (equiaxed) at the processed region as compared with 2&6 vol.% of reinforcements. Mechanical tests were conducted to determine ultimate tensile strength, yield strength. Hardness survey was made on the processed sample and base metal. From the results, it is found that at 4 vol. % of SiC and 4 vol.% of TiB2  superior properties were obtained as that of vol.% 2 and vol.% 6 of reinforcements. This is attributed to the fine grains formed in the copper surface composites. Cu surface composite reinforced with 6 vol. % of TiB2 resulted in higher hardness. As the vol. % of SiC and TiB2 increased the resistance to wear is also increased.


Volume percentage (vol.%),SiCp (Silicon Carbide particles),TiB2p (Titanium diboride particles), Cu/SiC (Copper surface composite),


I A. N. Attia, “Surface metal matrix composites,” Materials and Design, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 451–457, 2001.
II Chang CI, Du XH, Huang JC. Achieving ultrafine grain size in Mge Ale Zn alloy by friction stir processing. Scr Mater 2007; 57: 209e12.
III Devaraju A, Kumar A, Kotiveerachari B. Influence of rotational speed and reinforcement on wear and mechanical properties of aluminum hybrid composites via friction stir processing. Mater Des2013; 45: 576e85.
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V M. Barmouz, P. Asadi, M. K. B. Givi, and M. Taherishargh, “Investigation of mechanical properties of Cu/SiC composite fabricated by FSP: effect of SiC particles’ size and volume fraction,” Materials Science and Engineering A, vol. 528, no. 3, pp. 1740–1749, 2011.
VI P. Asadi, M. K. B. Givi, K. Abrinia, M. Taherishargh, and R. Salekrostam, “Effects of SiC particle size and process parameters on the microstructure and hardness of AZ91/SiC composite layer fabricated by FSP,” Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, vol. 20, no. 9, pp. 1554–1562, 2011.
VII properties of copper surface composites fabricated by friction stir processing”, Defence Technology, 2014
VIII R. S. Mishra and Z. Y. Ma, “Friction stir welding and processing,” Materials Science and Engineering R: Reports, vol. 50, no. 1-2, pp. 1–78, 2005.
IX R. Sathiskumar, N. Murugan, I. Dinaharan, S.J. Vijay. “Prediction Of Mechanical And Wear Properties of Copper Surface Composites Fabricated Using Friction Stir Processing”, Materials & Design, 2014.
X S. Cartigueyen and K. Mahadevan, “Role of friction stir processing on copper and copper-based particle reinforced composites—a review,” Journal of Materials Science & Surface Engineering, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 133–145, 2015.

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P. Satish Kumar, L. Suvarna Raju, M. Ravi Kumar, L. Siva Rama Krishna



Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing an arc based metal additive manufacturing creates 3D components with layer by layer weld depositions has a lot of advantages over powder based techniques and has the capability of fabricating medium to large components . The present work focussed on the study of the microstructure and hardness for wall structure fabricated by weld depositions based on Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing technique with different wire feed rates utilized from bottom to top in the build direction. Component fabricated is with 3 slabs with different wire feed rate in each slab and these slabs are deposited with multiple beads and multiple layers by using ABB 6 – AXIS Industrial Robot 1520ID. It is observed that internal matrix irrespective of slabs has insignificant variations in the hardness of the material in the build direction. The microstructure characterization exposes typically a homogenous polygonal ferrite with perlite. In general the overall process looks to be stable with negligible hardness variation. The core idea of this paper is to understand the microstructure and hardness of as-built WAAM components with varying feed rates.


Hardness, Microstructure,Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing,


I Apparao and M. V. J. Raju, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering (ICETE), vol. 2, no. i. Springer International Publishing, 2020.

II Cong, Z. Qi, B. Qi, H. Sun, G. Zhao, and J. Ding, “A comparative study of additively manufactured thin wall and block structure with Al-6.3%Cu alloy using cold metal transfer process,” Appl. Sci., vol. 7, no. 3, 2017.

III J. Ding et al., “Thermo-mechanical analysis of Wire and Arc Additive Layer Manufacturing process on large multi-layer parts,” Comput. Mater. Sci., vol. 50, no. 12, pp. 3315–3322, 2011.

IV L. Quintino, O. Liskevich, L. Vilarinho, and A. Scotti, “Heat input in full penetration welds in gas metal arc welding (GMAW),” Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol., vol. 68, no. 9–12, pp. 2833–2840, 2013.

V P. M. Sequeira Almeida and S. Williams, “Innovative process model of Ti-6Al-4V additive layer manufacturing using cold metal transfer (CMT),” 21st Annu. Int. Solid Free. Fabr. Symp. – An Addit. Manuf. Conf. SFF 2010, pp. 25–36, 2010.

VI S. Suryakumar and M. A. Somashekara, Manufacturing of functionally gradient materials by using weld-deposition. Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2013.

VII S. Suryakumar, K. P. Karunakaran, U. Chandrasekhar, and M. A. Somashekara, “A study of the mechanical properties of objects built through weld-deposition,” Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. Part B J. Eng. Manuf., vol. 227, no. 8, pp. 1138–1147, 2013.

VIII S. W. Williams, F. Martina, A. C. Addison, J. Ding, G. Pardal, and P. Colegrove, “Wire + Arc additive manufacturing,” Mater. Sci. Technol. (United Kingdom), vol. 32, no. 7, pp. 641–647, 2016.

IX Sola and A. Nouri, “Microstructural porosity in additive manufacturing: The formation and detection of pores in metal parts fabricated by powder bed fusion,” J. Adv. Manuf. Process., vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 1–21, 2019.

X Wu et al., “A review of the wire arc additive manufacturing of metals: properties, defects and quality improvement,” J. Manuf. Process., vol. 35, no. February, pp. 127–139, 2018.

XI Y. Koket al., “Anisotropy and heterogeneity of microstructure and mechanical properties in metal additive manufacturing: A critical review,” Mater. Des., vol. 139, pp. 565–586, 2018.

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D. Brahmeswara Rao, M.Balaji, P.B.G.S.N.Murthy, K.Venkata Rao



The present work is aimed to investigate the influence of process parameters namely cutting speed, feed and uncut chip thickness ontool life in micro milling of Ti-6Al-4V alloy. Twenty Seven experiments have been planned as per full factorial design with three levels of each parameter using carbide end mill cutters. Surface roughnessand vibration amplitude are considered as responses to evaluate the tool life and to identify significance of input process parameters. In this study, a non-contact sensor, Laser Doppler Vibrometer (LDV) was used to measure the vibration of tool in terms of AcoustoOptic Emission (AOE) signals. A high-speed Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) analyser was used to transform the acousto optic emission signals in to useful signals like vibration amplitude. In the analysis of surface roughness and amplitude of vibration, optimum cutting parameters were found as 5000 r.p.m. of spindle speed, 40 mm/min of feed rate and 25.6 µm of uncut chip thickness.


Surface Roughness,Micro Milling,Tool wear,Taguchi,LDV,Multi Response Optimization,


I. Bhuvnesh Bhardwaj, Rajesh Kumar, Pradeep K Singh, “Surface roughness predction model for turning of AISI 1019 steel using response surface methodology and Box–Cox transformation”, Proc I Mech E Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture,Volume: 228, Issue:2, pp: 223–232, 2014.
II. EmelKuram and Babur Ozcelik, “Effects of tool paths and machining parameters on the performance in micro-milling of Ti-6Al-4V titanium with high-speed spindle attachment”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Volume: 84. Pp.691–703, 2016.
III. Fabio de Oliveira Campos, Adriane Lopes Mougo and Anna Carla Araujo, “Study of thecutting forces on micromilling of an aluminum alloy”, Journal of Brazilian Society of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Volume: 39, pp:1289–1296, 2017.
IV. Hongqiu Liu, Yongjun He , Xinyong Mao , Bin Li and Xing Liu, “Effects of cutting conditions on excitation and dynamic stiffness in milling”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Volume: 91, pp.813–822, 2017.
V. James M. Griffin, Fernanda Diaz, Edgar Geerling, Matias Clasing, Vicente Ponce, Chris Taylor, Sam Turner, Ernest A. Michael, F. Patricio Mena and Leonardo Bronfman, “Control of deviations and prediction of surface roughness from micro machining of THz waveguides using acoustic emission signals”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Volume: 85, pp:1020–1034, 2017.
VI. Rajesh kumar Bhushan, “Multiresponse Optimization of Al Alloy-SiC Composite Machining Parameters for Minimum Tool Wear and Maximum Metal Removal Rate”, ASME, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Volume:135, pp:210-219, 2013.
VII. Rosemar B. da Silva Álisson R. Machado, Emmanuel O. Ezugwu, John Bonney, Wisley F. Sales, “Tool life and wear mechanisms in high speed machining of Ti–6Al–4V alloy with PCD tools under various coolant pressures”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume: 213, pp: 1459– 1464, 2013.
VIII. Samad NadimiBavilOliaei and YiğitKarpat, “Influence of tool wear on machining forces and tool deflections during micro milling”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,, Volume: 84, pp:1963–1980, 2016.
IX. Subramanian M., Sakthivel M., Sooryaprakash K., Sudhakaran R.,” Optimization of end mill tool geometry parameters for Al7075-T6 machining operations based on vibration amplitude by response surface methodology”, Measurement, Volume:46, pp: 4005–4022, 2013.
X. Wanqun Chen, Xiangyu Teng, DehongHuo and Quanlong Wang, “An improved cutting force model for micro milling considering machining dynamics”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,Volume:93, pp.3005–3016, 2017.
XI. W Rmili, A Ouahabi, R Serra, R Leroy, “An automatic system based on vibratory analysis for cutting tool wear monitoring”, Measurement, Volume: 77, pp: 117-123, 2016.

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V. Vasu, K. Jagadeesh, B. Venkata Sai Pavan, G. Anish, Y. Aravind



One of the major losses occurring in the engine of an automobile is due to friction between its moving partsThis misfortune is huge and around 15 % of the absolute loss of vitality and directly affects the productivity and toughness of the motor. This work results shows there is significant reduce in friction due to addition of nano particles to the base oil . nickel and copper nanoparticles are added at 0.2 %wt, 0.3 %wt. 0.4 %wt to base oil (Castrol SAE 10W30 4T engine oil) by stirring and later sonication was done by sonicator machine for 3hours. Anti-wear properties were obtained using pin on disc machine under different loads and sliding speed of 1m/s for 2 min. This study led to following conclusion that at 0.4%wt of NiO and 0.4%wt of CuO Nano lubricant exhibited reduction in coefficient of friction when compared to other composition of lubricating oil. Mechanical efficiency and Brake thermal efficiency of four stroke single cylinder diesel engine results was evaluated and compared.


Nickel oxide, copper oxide,coefficient of friction, Efficiency of engine,


I. F. Ilie, C. Covaliu, Tribological Properties of the Lubricant Containing Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles as an Additive, Lubricants, vol. 4, pp. 1-13, 2016, doi: 10.3390/lubricants4020012
II. Laad, M., &Jatti, V. K. S. (2018). Titanium oxide nanoparticles as additives in engine oil. Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences, 30(2), 116–122. doi:10.1016/j.jksues.2016.01.008
III. Q. Wan, Y. Jin, P. Sun, Y. Ding, The Tribological behaviour of a lubricant oil containing boron nitride nanoparticles, Procedia Engineering, vol. 102, pp. 1038-1045, 2015, doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2015.01.226
IV. Wu, Y., & Kao, M. (2011). Using TiO2 nanofluid additive for engine lubrication oil. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 63(6), 440–445.doi:10.1108/00368791111169025
V. Xu, Y., Peng, Y., You, T., Yao, L., Geng, J., Dearn, K. D., & Hu, X. (2017). Nano-MoS2 and Graphene Additives in Oil for Tribological Applications. Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, 151–191. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-60630-9_6
VI. Y.Y. Wu, W. C. Tsui, T. C. Liu: Experimental analysis of tribological properties of lubricating oils with nanoparticle additives, Article in Wear 262(7-8):819-825 • March 2007, DOI: 10.1016/j.wear.2006.08.021
VII. Zhang, M., Wang, X., Liu, W., Fu, X., 2009. Performance and anti- 330 wear mechanism of Cu Nano-particles as lubricating additives. Ind. 331 Lubr.Tribol. 61 (6), 311–318. (vii)
VIII. Zhang, M., Wang, X., Liu, W., Fu, X., 2009. Performance and anti- 330 wear mechanism of Cu Nano-particles as lubricating additives. Ind. 331 Lubr.Tribol. 61 (6), 311–318. (vii)

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B. Nageswara Rao, K. Pavan Kumar Reddy, M. Srinivasa Reddy, T. Sreedhar



In the present work investigations have been carried out by simulation to study and examine the roof of a building in corporating PCM for thermal comfort in residential building. Two models were used and the theoretical performance of both is compared by considering one as the reference case. A PCM integrated roof has the potential to maintain a fairly constant temperature within the room due to its huge heat absorbing and storing capacity in a passive manner. Whereas, the ceiling temperatures always fluctuate in a Non-PCM room (RCC room) throughout the day and every day. The results of ceiling temperatures, heat flux and heat transfer rate in the Non-PCM and PCM room were observed and better results are found for PCM Room.


Phase Change Material – PCM,Latent Heat of Fusion – LHF, Sensible Heat - SH ,


I Agyenim F, Eames P, Smyth M. Heat transfer enhancement in medium temperature thermal energy storage system using a multitube heat transfer array. Renewable Energy 2010;35:198–207.
II Arkar C, Vidrih B, Medved S. Efficiency of free cooling using latent heat storage integrated into the ventilation system of a low energy building. International Journal of Refrigeration 2007;30:134–43.
III Haoshan Ge, Haiyan Li,ShengfuMei,JingLiu,Low melting point liquid metal as a new clau of PCM; An emerging frontier in energy area-Renewable & Sustainable energy Reviews.21(2013)331-346.
IV Kandasamy R, Wang XQ, Mujumdar AS. Transient cooling of electronics using phase change material (PCM)-based heat sinks. Applied Thermal Engineering 2008;28:1047–57.
V Mondal S. Phase change materials for smart textiles – An overview. Appl ThermEng2008;28:1536–50.
VI Pasupathy A, Velraj R, Seeniraj RV. Effect of double layered phase change materials in building roof for year round thermal management. Energy and Building 2008;40(3):193–203.
VII Santamouris M, Pavlo K, Synnefa K, Niachou K, Kolokotsa D. Recent progress on passive cooling techniques, advanced technological developments to improve survivability levels in low income households. Energy and Buildings 2007;39(7):859–66
VIII Sari A, Kaygusuz K. Thermal performance of a eutectic mixture of lauric and stearic acids as PCM encapsulated in the annulus of two concentric pipes. Solar Energy 2002;72:493–504.
IX Tgagi.VV ,Buddi.D. Thermal cycling testing of calcium chloride hexa hydrate as a possible PCM for latent heat storage. Solar energy mater solar cell 2008:92:891-9.

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B.Nagaeswara Rao, Juluru Pavanu Sai



The extremely important of Heat Exchanger (HE) is that without mixing of fluid that carries the heat. Substances that leave or absorb large amount of so-called ‘latent’ heat this type of substances are called phase change materials (PCMs) once they undergo a change in their physical state i.e. from solid to liquid and contrariwise. This paper addresses a CFD analysis of phase change materials in thermal energy storage units dominated by heat condition. The result states that by utilization of PCM, the temperature is increment identified in counterflow whereas compared to parallel flow. The heat transfer rate is nearly 20% increased in counterflow.


Triplex concentric tube,Creo 2.0,Heat exchanger,shell and tube heat exchanger,CFD,


I. AbduljalilA.Al-Abidi, Sohif Mat, K.Sopian, M.Y.Sulaiman, Abdulrahman. Th.Mohammad, “Experimental study of melting and tube solidification of PCM in a triplex heat exchanger with fins,” Energy and Buildings, Vol.68,pp. 33–41,September 2013.
II. Kun Yang, Neng Zhu, Chen Chang, Haoran Yu, Shan Yang, “Numerical analysis of phase-change material melting in the triplex tube heat exchanger, “Renewable Energy, Vol. 145, pp.867-877, June2019.
III. Long Jian-you, “Numerical and experimental investigation for heat transfer in triplex concentric tube with phase change material for thermal energy storage,” Solar Energy, Vol. 82, pp.977-985, May.2008.
IV. M. Esapour, M.J. Hosseini, A.A. Ranjbar, Y. Pahamli, R. Bahrampoury, “Phase change in multi-tube heat exchangers,” Renewable Energy, Vol. 85, pp.1017-1025, July2015.
V. M. Rahimi, A.A.Ranjbar, D.D.Ganji, K.Sedighi, M.J.Hosseini, R. Bahrampoury, “Analysis of geometrical and operational parameters of PCM in a finandtube heat exchanger,” International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 53,pp.109–115,March2014.
VI. M.J. Hosseini, A.A. Ranjbar, K. Sedighi, M. Rahimi, “A combined experimental and computational study on the melting behaviour of a medium temperature phase change storage material inside shell and tube heat exchanger,” International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 39, pp.1416-1424, August.2012.
VII. Maher Al-Maghalseh, KhamidMahkamov, “Methods of heat transfer intensification in PCM thermal storage systems: Review paper,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,Vol.92,pp.62–94,2018.
VIII. Rathod Manish K and Jyotirmay Banerjee, “Thermal Performance Enhancement of Shell and Tube Latent Heat Storage Unit using Longitudinal Fins,” Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.14, pp.1359-4311, October 2014.
IX. S. Gurulingam and N. Alagumurthi, “Phase change materials for solar latent heat storage applications: a review,” Thermal Engineering, Vol.33, pp.2179-2207, March2011.
X. SaeidSeddegh, Xiaolin Wang, Alan D. Henderson, “Numerical investigation of the heat transfer mechanism in a vertical shell and tube latent heat energy storage system,” Applied Thermal Engineering,Vol.15,pp.1359-4311,May2015.
XI. Yuichi Hamada, Wataru Ohtsu, Jun Fukai, “Thermal response in thermal energy storage material around heat transfer tubes: effect of additives on heat transfer rates,” Solar Energy, Vol. 75, pp.317-328, July.2003.

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D.Satyanarayana, Sriramireddy.K , P.S.R.Gopalasetti, RavikumarMandava



This paper is all about the reduction in the emissions of harmful gases from the IC engine.As we all know that the major problem in the world is air pollution.Thesignificant portion of the air pollution is due to automobiles only .soif we can able to control the emissions from engines that will lead to the gradual decrease in the overall pollution .the simplest method to decrease in the emission of harmful gases from the engine is by sending the pure oxygen into the cylinder. This is possible when we can purify the air by removing all the harmful gases from the air. This paper will explain that purifying method. This method will results in almost 60% reduction in pollution from current stage pollution if we put this method in practices. This method will also improve engine performance parameters. If we apply this method for every vehicle, then we can expect a pollution-free environment.


Elecrolysis,purifying method,


I. Bharath.P, Kamalakkannan .K, “Analysis of Brake Thermal efficiency and Oxygen in exhaust using oxygen-enriched air in Compression Ignition engine”- IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSRJMCE),e- ISSN: 2278-1684, p-ISSN: 2320–334X, PP.30-33

II. K.Rajkumar, P. Govindarajan, “ExperimentalInvestigation of Oxygen Enriched air intake onCombustion Parameters of a Single Cylinder DieselEngine” – International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 2(8), 2010, PP 3621-3627

III. GarimaShakya,” Problems in Computational Mechanism Design” Doctoral Consortium AAMAS 2019, May 13-17, 2019, Montréal, Canada.


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D.Vinay Kumar , G.Samhita Priyadarsini, V.Jagadeesh Babu, Y.Sai Varun Teja



Alcohol based fuels can be produced from renewable energy sources and has the potential to reduce pollutant emissions due to their oxygenated nature. Lighter alcohols like ethanol and methanol are easily miscible with gasoline and by blending alcohols with gasoline; a part of conventional fuel can be replaced while contributing to fuel economy. Several researchers tested various ethanol blends on different engine test rigs and identified ethanol as one of the most promising ecofriendly fuels for spark ignition engine. Its properties  high octane number, high latent heat of vaporization give better performance characteristics and reduces exhaust emissions compared to gasoline. This paper focuses on studying the effects of blending 50 of ethanol by volume with gasoline as it hardly needs engine modifications. Gasoline (E0) and E50 fuels were investigated experimentally on single-cylinder, four-stroke port fuel injection spark ignition engine by varying engine speed from 1500 rpm to 3500 rpm. Performance Characteristics like torque, brake power, specific fuel consumption, and volumetric efficiency and exhaust emissions such as HC, CO, CO2, NOx were studied..


Ethanol,Emissions,Gasoline,Port fuel Injection,


I Badrawada, I. G. G., and A. A. P. Susastriawan. “Influence of ethanol–gasoline blend on performance and emission of four-stroke spark ignition motorcycle.” Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy (2019): 1-6.
II Doğan, Battal, et al. “The effect of ethanol-gasoline blends on performance and exhaust emissions of a spark ignition engine through exergy analysis.” Applied Thermal Engineering 120 (2017): 433-443.
III Efemwenkiekie, U. Ka, et al. “Comparative Analysis of a Four Stroke Spark Ignition Engine Performance Using Local Ethanol and Gasoline Blends.” Procedia Manufacturing 35 (2019): 1079-1086.
IV Galloni, E., F. Scala, and G. Fontana. “Influence of fuel bio-alcohol content on the performance of a turbo-charged, PFI, spark-ignition engine.” Energy 170 (2019): 85-92.
V Hasan, Ahmad O., et al. “Impact of changing combustion chamber geometry on emissions, and combustion characteristics of a single cylinder SI (spark ignition) engine fueled with ethanol/gasoline blends.” Fuel 231 (2018): 197-203.
VI Mourad, M., and K. Mahmoud. “Investigation into SI engine performance characteristics and emissions fuelled with ethanol/butanol-gasoline blends.” Renewable Energy 143 (2019): 762-771.
VII Singh, Ripudaman, et al. “Influence of fuel injection strategies on efficiency and particulate emissions of gasoline and ethanol blends in a turbocharged multi-cylinder direct injection engine.” International Journal of Engine Research (2019): 1468087419838393.
VIII Thakur, Amit Kumar, et al. “Progress in performance analysis of ethanol-gasoline blends on SI engine.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 69 (2017): 324-340.

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