Sakgasem Ramingwong, Jutamat Jintana, Tanyanuparb Anantana, Apichat Sopadang, KorrakotYaibuathet Tippayawong, Salinee SantiteerakulDOI NO:
Despite the world’s 20th largest economy, Thailand's innovation ecosystem is questionable, ranked the world’s 43rd in Global Innovation Index 2019 report. The paper aims at investigating the innovation performance and trend of Thailand based on 7 aspects of innovation inputs and outputs. Referred to the data dated back to 2011, knowledge and technology outputs, human capital and research, institutions, and creative inputs are considered Thai strengths with progressive improvement. Market sophistication is strong but there has been no significant improvement. Business sophistication is considerably weak but there is a sign of improvement. Infrastructure is the most concerning issue.Keywords:
Thailand,Global Innovation Index ,innovation performance and trend,Refference:
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