


Ali Khalid Hasan



The concept of intuitionistic fuzzy d-filter of d-algebra introducing in this paper and also several properties are discussing, with studding some relations on this notation with the concept of intuitionistic fuzzy d-algebra.


d-algebra,filter,d-filter,intuitionistic fuzzy set,fuzzy set,


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P. Praveen, Ch. Sai Krishna, M. Hrushikesh, G. Sai Kumar, B. Pranay Kumar



The aim of this project is to develop an android application software package “EASY CHITS” for small scale chit organizers who could not afford chit fund software. This is an end-to-end application  which covers almost all the activities involved in managing a chit, everything in this application is systematically organized and arranged for both the chit organizers and users, unlike other applications each and every activity is arranged in three modules namely total balance, chit details, history , which makes it simple to use and navigate through the entire application for chit organizers, In addition to that all the necessary information is included for users at the user end.Chit Funds are indigenous monetary establishments in India that consolidates credit and investment funds in a solitary plan. In a chit support plot, a gathering of people meet up for a foreordained timespan and add to a typical pool at customary interims. The quantity of chit plans enlisted has been diminishing throughout the years. The chit support individuals show that as much as 72 percent of the individuals take an interest in chit assets for sparing. Moreover, 96 percent of the current and non-current chit finance individuals feel that chit reserves are sheltered. Larger part of the current and non-current chit support individuals have a place with low-salary family units. Our discoveries point to the way that however chit reserves are a significant wellspring of money for independent companies and low-pay family units in India; there has been a general mass migration of low worth chit plans from the enrolled chit support showcase. This is for the most part in light of the fact that enlisted chit subsidizes think that its less worthwhile to serve the poor because of the expanded expense of working such plans forced by the controllers. We find that the chit finance industry tends to the reserve funds needs of individuals, is viewed as sheltered and furthermore offers credits at lower loan costs than moneylenders.               


Classification,Cluster,Easy chits,Android,UPI,







VI. Mohammed Ali Shaik, P. Praveen, Dr. R. Vijaya Prakash, “Novel Classification Scheme for Multi Agents”, Asian Journal of Computer Science and Technology, ISSN: 2249-0701 Vol.8 No.S3, 2019, pp. 54-58.

VII. P. Praveen, B. Rama and T. Sampath Kumar, “An efficient clustering algorithm of minimum Spanning Tree,” 2017 Third International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics, Information, Communication and Bio-Informatics (AEEICB), Chennai, 2017, pp. 131-135.doi: 10.1109/AEEICB.2017.7972398

VIII. P. Praveen, B. Rama, “An Efficient Smart Search Using R Tree on Spatial Data”,Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, Issue 4,ISSN:1943-023x.

IX. Praveen P., Rama B. (2018) A Novel Approach to Improve the Performance of Divisive Clustering-BST. In: Satapathy S., Bhateja V., Raju K., Janakiramaiah B. (eds) Data Engineering and Intelligent Computing. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 542. Springer, Singapore.

X. Praveen P., Rama B(2020). “An Optimized Clustering Method To Create Clusters Efficiently” Journal Of Mechanics Of Continua And Mathematical Sciences , ISSN (Online) : 2454 -7190 Vol.-15, No.-1, January (2020) pp 339-348 ISSN (Print) 0973-8975,

XI. Sallauddin Mohmmad, Dr. M. Sheshikala, Shabana,” Software Defined Security (SDSec):Reliable centralized security system to decentralized applications in SDN and their challenges”, Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 10-Special Issue, 2018, pp. (147-152).

XII. M. Sheshikala, D. Rajeswara Rao and R. Vijaya Prakash, Computation Analysis for Finding Co– Location Patterns using Map–Reduce Framework, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 10(8), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2017/v10i8/106709, February 2017.





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M. Sheshikala, D. Ramesh, P. Kumara Swamy, R. Vijaya Prakash



One of the significant areas of Indian Economy is Agriculture. Work to practically half of the nation’s workforce is given by Indian horticulture segment. As a part of Agriculture, Cotton plays a major role in economic resource of Telangana. Huge number of farmers grows cotton in their fields as the lands fit to that crop. Beside the advantage the major problem affecting the crop are the diseases that are unknown to the farmers at early stages and losing the entire crop when he gets aware on that.  As a solution, we can identify the disease in the early stage and rectify before it affects the entire crop. This can be done by looking into images collected from the crop and given it as a test sample to the convolution neural network, where we test the sample with the existing training data and identify the major areas that are affected with the disease.  As an improvement we can also identify the disease that is also affected and apply the required pesticides. As a result, 91% of the diseases were correctly identified.


Neural Networks,Layers,Filter,Pooling,Padding,softmax,


I. Aakanksha Rastogi, Ritika Arora, Shanu Sharma, “Leaf Disease Detection and Grading using Computer Vision Technology &Fuzzy Logic,” presented at the 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN), IEEE, 2015, pp. 500–505.
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VIII. Prakash, RajanalaVijaya, and SrinathTaduri. “Safe Navigation for Elderly and Visually Impaired People Using Adhesive Tactile Walking Surface Indicators in Home Environment.” In Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development, pp. 771-778. Springer, Singapore, 2020.
IX. Roopa, Goje, and M. Sampath Reddy. “A study on pattern matching intrusion detection system for providing network security to improve the overall performance of security system.” Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 9, no. 11 (2018): 683-687.
X. Sallauddin, M. Ramesh, D. Harshavardhan, A. Pasha, S.N. Shabana, “A comprehensive study on traditional AI and ANN architecture”, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 28 (17) ,pp.479, 2019
XI. Shaik, Mohammed Ali, P. Praveen, and R. VijayaPrakash. “Novel Classification Scheme for Multi Agents.”, Asian Journal of Computer Science and Technology 8, no. S3 (2019): 54-58.
XII. Traore, B.B. Kamsu-Foguem, B. and Tangara, F., 2018. Deep convolution neural network for image recognition. Ecological informatics, 48, pp.257-268.
XIII. Praveen P., Rama B(2020). “An Optimized Clustering Method To Create Clusters Efficiently” Journal Of Mechanics Of Continua And Mathematical Sciences , ISSN (Online) : 2454 -7190 Vol.-15, No.-1, January (2020) pp 339-348 ISSN (Print) 0973-8975,

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Mohanad Aldhaidhawi, Muneer Naji, Abdel Nasser Ahmed



The engine performance, combustion characteristics and exhaust gas emissions of a four-cylinder, four-stroke indirect injection spark ignition engine has been numerically investigated at constant engine speed and different ignition timings when using gasoline, ethanol and LPG fuels. For this purpose, a model has been suggested by using a two-zone burnt and unburnt gas for in-cylinder combustion. The experimental data related to the cylinder pressures have been carried out to validate the engine model. The optimal effective power and effective torque were shown at advanced crank angle degrees before the top dead center. It is observed that the brake specific fuel consumption decreases if the ignition timings increase. The ethanol fuel exhausted a minimum level of carbon monoxide, unburnt hydrocarbon and oxide nitrogen emissions when compared with the gasoline fuel at all operating conditions. LPG fuel produced promising good emission results than that obtains from gasoline fuel.


LPG and Ethanol fuels,SI engine,Engine performance,Emissions,


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Sampath Kumar Tallapally, B. Manjula



Cloud space to yourself is a one of the most considerable tentative issue in cloud computing as some of the clients are satisfied with existing policies or protocols where as rest of them are quite concerned with the aspects of corresponding security [IV].In order to enhance the security levels in this paper we have proposed a multilevel security scheme that provides more security than that of any type of the existing single level encryption based process. In particular the proposed technique ensures that only pre authorized users can only access the cloud data and the other advantage of our algorithm is faster and safer in multiple directions such as while performing uploading and downloading a specific file [X].


Cloud security,single level encryption,multilevel security scheme,cloud data,






V. R Ravi Kumar M Babu Reddy P Praveen, “An Evaluation Of Feature Selection Algorithms In Machine Learning” International Journal Of Scientific & Technology Research Volume 8, Issue 12, December 2019 ISSN 2277-8616,PP. 2071-2074.

VI. T. Sampath Kumar, B. Manjula “Perusing on Cloud Computing and its Security Issues”. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-9 Issue-2, December, 2019

VII. T. Sampath Kumar, B. Manjula “Security Issue Analysis on Cloud Computing Based System” International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking Vol. 12, No. 5, (2019), pp. 143 – 150

VIII. T. Sampath Kumar, B. Manjula, “Asymmetric AES Algorithm for Cloud Security”, International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking Vol. 12, No. 5, (2019), pp. 301- 305

IX. R. Ravi Kumar, M. Babu Reddy and P. Praveen, “A review of feature subset selection on unsupervised learning,” 2017 Third International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics, Information, Communication and Bio-Informatics (AEEICB), Chennai, 2017, pp. 163-167.doi: 10.1109/AEEICB.2017.7972404.

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XI. Survey on triple system security in cloud computing by ParulMukhi and Bhawna Chauhan in IJCSMC, Vol. 3, Issue. 4, April 2014.

XII. T. Sampath Kumar,B. Manjula, D. Srinivas,”A New Technique to Secure Data Over Cloud”, Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, 11-Special Issue, July 2017.

XIII. T. Sampath Kumar, B. Manjula, Mohammed Ali Shaik, Dr. P. Praveen, “A Comprehensive Study on Single Sign on Technique”, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology (IJAST), ISSN:2005-4238E-ISSN:2207-6360, Vol-127-June-2019.

XIV. Praveen P., Rama B(2020). “An Optimized Clustering Method To Create Clusters Efficiently” Journal Of Mechanics Of Continua And Mathematical Sciences, ISSN (Online): 2454 -7190 Vol.-15, No.-1, January (2020) pp 339-348 ISSN (Print) 0973-8975

XV. Praveen., P and Ch. Jayanth Babu. “Big Data Clustering: Applying Conventional Data Mining Techniques in Big Data Environment.” (2019).Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 74, ISSN 2367-3370, Springer Singapore.

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Yerrolla Chanti, Bandi Bhaskar, Nagendar Yamsani



Li-Fi-light constancy is like Wi-Fi innovation and it is one of things to come remote correspondence advancements part. The principle capacity of this innovation is to transmit the information by means of light [IX]. This innovation is unspoiled for fast remote correspondence in a limited district, and it offers numerous advantages over Wi-Fi innovation, for example, high transfer speed, convenience, productivity, and wellbeing. As the light speed is prevalent thus the information correspondence speed is additionally quicker in the current framework [X]. Moreover, this innovation can be executed for quick information access for the PCs, and contraptions that will be transmitted during the pillar in a room [IX]. This paper propose Li-Fi innovation utilizing in flying to theater setup through remote correspondence by basically utilizing the divider/perusing sheep it's protected to state that this innovation region of use are wearisome


Aviation,Wall,Reading Lamps,VLC,Interminable,


Angayarkanni S 1 , Arthi R 2 , Nancy S 3 , Sandhiya A 4 Assistant Professor1 , Student2, 3, 4, 5 Department Of Electrical And Electronics Engineering TejaaShakthi Institute Of Technology For Women” Underwater Communication Using Li-Fi Technology” Research Article Volume 8 Issue No.3 © 2018 IJESC.
II. Anurag Sarkar1, Prof. Shalabh Agarwal2 , Dr. Asoke Nath3, Department Of Computer Science St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous) Kolkata – India” Li-Fi Technology: Data Transmission Through Visible Light” International Journal Of Advance Research In Computer Science And Management Studies Volume 3, Issue 6, June 2015 Pg. 1-12.
III. Bura Vijay Kumar, YerrollaChanti, NagenderYamsani, SrinivasAluvala, BandiBhaskar “Design A Cost Optimum For 5g Mobile Cellular Network Footing On NFV And SDN”, International Journal Of Recent Technology And Engineering (IJRTE), ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-2S3, July 2019
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IX. NagendarYamsani, Bura Vijay Kumar, SrinivasAluvala, Mahesh Dandugudum, G. Sunil Reddy, “An Improved Load Balancing In MANET Using On-Demand Multipath Routing Protocol” , International Journal Of Engineering &Technology, 7 (1.8) (2018) Pp.222-225.
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XII. Srinivas Aluvala, K. Raja Sekar,, Deepika Vodnala, “A Novel Technique For Node Authentication In Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks” In Elsevier – Perspectives In Science, Volume 8, Issue 1, Page No(S) 680 -682, SEP. 2016, [ISSN(Print):2213-0209],
XIII. Yerrolla Chanti, Dr. K. Seena Naik2, Rajesh Mothe3, Nagendar Yamsani4, Swathi Balija5” A Modified Elliptic Curve Cryptography Technique For Securing Wireless Sensor Networks” International Journal Of Engineering &Technology 2018.
XIV. Yerrolla Chanti, Kothanda Raman, K. Seenanaik, Dandugudum Mahesh, B.Bhaskar” An Enhanced On Bidirectional LI-FI Attocell Access Point Slicing And Virtualization Using Das2 Conspire” International Journal Of Recent Technology And Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-2S3, July 2019

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B. M. IkramulHaque, Md. Zaidur Rahman, Md. Iqbal Hossain



Haque’s iteration approach has been applied to obtain analytical solution of the nonlinear jerk equation containing velocity times acceleration-squared. We have used truncated Fourier series by taking different numbers of harmonics for different iteration step. The obtained solutions give more accurate result than others and very nearer to the exact solution.


Jerk equation, nonlinear oscillator,Iteration Method,Truncated Fourier series,


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Tarun Kumar, Pawan Kukreja, Dharmender Singh Kushwaha, Sanjeev Pippal



Internet of Things (IoT) is newfangled area of development that can lead to tremendous efficiency improvement in terms of expensive manpower saving, cost cutting, round the clock  availability and  modular structure to continuously improve processes and things. This paper proposes an application of the IoT in security and management of the army cantonment area. In the context of security, this paper proposes three kind of integrated applications. The Access control system ensures entry of the authorized vehicles using RFID and Automatic Number Plate Recognition techniques. Intrusion detection based on passive infrared, camera and thermal imaging is proposed at the next level. Gun fire detection in residential blocks of the army campus by using sound sensors ensures any intrusion, attack or any other undue situation. Apart from security, this paper also proposes intelligent use of water flow sensors for smart monitoring of underground drainage and water level sensors to reduce the wastage of water in tank overflow conditions. The proposed system is reliable, efficient in terms of accuracy, response time of the various modules, round the clock capability and economical in terms of operational and maintenance cost.


Vehicle detection,Automatic number plate detection,Radio frequency identification, Sensors,


I. Cha, J.-R. and Kim, J.-H. Dynamic framed slotted ALOHA algorithms using fast tag estimation method for RFID system. Proc. IEEE CCNC, 2006, 768–772.
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Ilyas Khan, Majid Ashraf, Asif Nawaz, Rehan Ali Khan, M.Habib Ullah, Wisal Khan, Sheeraz Ahmed



The architecture of WBANs consists of small nodes which are fitted on the body of human or it may be implanted inside body to investigate and analyze and sense data like monitoring body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate and glucose level checking etc. For efficient design and development of WBANs, which ensure reliability and efficiency the knowledge of system and its components are necessary. WBANs must be capable to support lower energy, high data rate, reliability, Quality of Service (QoS) and minimum interference for the consideration of vast applications of WBANs. In WBANs there is a need of proactive management because it is related to more reliable communication. In this research work we are trying to provide a comprehensive review of state of the art routing protocols for WBANs. After the thorough analysis and investigation of different routing protocols, we conclude that there are many good schemes to overcome and resolve the issues of routing in WBANs. But still some of the issues need to be resolved. A new routing protocol for WBANs is developed called DSBAN. In this scheme we considered the performance metrics in terms of the already available schemes SIMPLE, and LAEEBA and see the effects in terms of energy efficiency, Networks lifetime and path-loss. The results show that the scheme DSBAN is significantly showing improved performance than the other two schemes under consideration. The reason is that the scheme considers those positive features of SIMPLE and LAEEBA which help us in the design of the new scheme.


WBAN,LoS communication,Routing protocol, Quality of Service,


I Ahmed, S., et al. “LAEEBA: Link aware and energy efficient scheme for body area networks.” 2014 IEEE 28th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications.IEEE, 2014.

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XIII Khan, Z. A., et al. “Effect of packet inter-arrival time on the energy consumption of beacon enabled MAC protocol for body area networks.”Procedia Computer Science 32 (2014): 579-586.
XIV Monsef, Ehsan, et al. “Managing Quality of Service in Wireless Body Area Networks using CoAP.” 2016 IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology (EIT).IEEE, 2016.

XV Nadeem, Adnan, et al. “Application specific study, analysis and classification of body area wireless sensor network applications.” Computer Networks 83 (2015): 363-380.

XVI Nadeem, Q., et al. “Simple: Stable increased-throughput multi-hop protocol for link efficiency in wireless body area networks.” Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications (BWCCA), 2013 Eighth International Conference on. IEEE, 2013

XVII Ruprecht, David J. “Body Area Networks and Body Sensor Networks.”Wireless Network 17 (2011): 1-18.

XVIII Tauqir, Anum, et al. “Distance aware relaying energy-efficient: Dare to monitor patients in multi-hop body area sensor networks.” Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications (BWCCA), 2013 Eighth International Conference on. IEEE, 2013.

XIX Tavli, Bulent, et al. “A survey of visual sensor network platforms.”Multimedia Tools and Applications 60.3 (2012): 689-726.

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XXI Yick, Jennifer, Biswanath Mukherjee, and DipakGhosal. “Wireless sensor network survey.” Computer networks 52.12 (2008): 2292-2330.

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Asish Mitra



In the present numerical investigation, the epidemic patterns of Covid-19 in India is studied from a mathematical modeling perspective. The study is based on the simple SIR (Susceptible-Infectious-Recovered) deterministic compartmental model. It is analyzed fully and then calibrated against publicly available epidemiological data from late January until 10 July 2020 for interpreting the transmission dynamics of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in India. The purpose of this study is to give a tentative prediction of the epidemic peak and sizes in our country.


COVID-19,India,SIR Model,Parameter Estimation,Simulation,


An Introduction to Mathematical Epidemiology by Maia Martcheva, Springer
II. An Introduction to Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Diseases, Michael Y. Li, Springer.
III. Effect of weather on COVID-19 spread in the US: A prediction model for India in 2020 S Gupta, G S Raghuwanshi , A Chanda, Science of the Total Environment, 728 (2020)
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VI. Rajesh Ranjan, The Ohio State University, Predictions for COVID-19 outbreak in
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VIII. United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs; Population Dynamics as on 20 May 2020.
IX. Ward, Alex (24 March 2020). “India’s coronavirus lockdown and its looming crisis, explained” (http s://

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R. Sivaraman



The need of proper medical diagnosis and treatment has been need of the day to deal with various infections caused by viruses and micro-organisms. To prevent the spread of the disease we need proper scientific approach and methods in place. This paper suggests one such method using Markov Process technique, in particular deciding how many patients should be allocated to respective doctors in a hospital.


Markov Process,Markov Decision Process,Transition Probabilities, Transition Matrix, Diagonalization of a matrix,, Equilibrium Distribution ,


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Jumana A. Altawil, Saba N. Al-Khafaji, Ahmed HadiHussain, Sameer Annon Abbas



We proposed  [0,1] truncated Lomax –Inverted Gamma ([0,1] TLIGD) distribution build on [0,1] truncated Lomax ([0,1] TLD) distribution. General expressions for the statistical properties are obtained, also The Shannon entropy , Relative entropy functions and  Stress- Strength model of the ([0,1] TLIGD)  are presented


[0,1] TLIGD,stress strength model, Shannon entropy and Relative entropy functions,


I. Abid, Salah , K. Abdulrazak, Russul, “[0, 1] truncated fréchet-gamma and inverted gam-ma distributions”, International Journal of Scientific World , 2017.
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Maisagalla Gopal, S. Umamaheshwar, Kommabatla Mahender



Aadhaar based identification systems are gaining momentum and it isused in several authentication mechanisms. In many democratic countries, the electoral system is still in its juvenile stage and operating in a manual mechanism which consumes huge resources for every voting. In this work, we propose a mechanism which uses Aadhaar based identification to enable a voter to vote. The connection between the voting machine and Aadhaar database is fully secured and encrypted. To avoid intentional hacking, the whole system is computerized and does not require human intervention.



I. Ankita R Kasliwal, Jaya S. Gadekar, Manjiri A. Lavadkar, Pallavi K. Thorat and Prapti Deshmukh,“Aadhar Based Election Voting System”IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering, pp.18-21, 2017.
II. K. Dinakaran, P. Aravind Kumar, E. Bagavathi, M. Kathiresh Kumar, R. Madhankumar,“Smart Electronic Voting Machine Using Raspberry Pi”, International Journal of AdvancedResearch in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Vol. No. 8, pp. 829-834, March 2019.
III. Kolluru Venkata Nagendra, Palem Chandrakala, Palicherla Anusha, Dampuru Ramesh,“Implementing Aadhar Voting System in Elections Using Raspberry Pi”, InternationalJournal of Scientific Research and Review, Vol. No.7, pp. 500-507, 2018.
IV. Latha V. and Satheesh Thirumalal, “Aadhar Based Electronic Voting System andProviding Authentication on Internet of Things”, International Journal of Engineering andManufacturing Science, Vol. No. 8, pp.102-108, 2018.
V. Lingamallu Naga Srinivas and K. Srinivasa Rao, “Aadhaar Card Voting System”, Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Data Engineering, Vol. No. 9, pp. 159 -172, December 2018.
VI. N. N Nagamma, M. V. Lakshmaiah and T. Narmada, “Aadhar based Finger print EVMSystem”,International Journal of Electronics Engineering Research,Vol. No. 9, pp. 923-930,2017.
VII. R. Murali Prasad, Polaiah Bojja and Madhu Nakirekanti, “Aadhar based ElectronicVoting Machine using Arduino”, International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. No.145, pp. 39-42, July 2016.
VIII. Rakesh S. Raj, Reshma, Madhushree and Bhargavi, “An Online Voting System Using Biometric Fingerprint and Aadhaar Card”, International Journal of Computing and Technology, Vol. No. 1, pp.87-92, May 2014.
IX. Sneha S.Lad, Pranav N.Tonape, Rohit S.Bhosale, Jayesh A.Shingole, Vinayak S.Kumar, “E-Voting and Presentee Muster Using Raspberry Pi 2 Modules”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Vol. No. 4, pp. 475-482, May 2016.
X. Syed Mahmud Hasan, Arafa Mohd Anis, Hamidur Rahman, Jennifer Sherry Alam, Sohel Islam Nabil and Md KhalilurRhaman, “Development of Electronic Voting Machine with the Inclusion of Near Field Communication ID cards and Biometric fingerprint identifier”,17th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, pp. 383-387, 2014.
XI. Tabish Ansari, Brijesh Chaurasia, Niraj Kumar, Nilesh Yadav, SonaliSuryawanshi, “Online Voting System linked with Aadhaar Card”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication and Communication Engineering, Vol. No. 6, pp. 204-207, September 2017.

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Asmaa Jamal Awad, Ahmed Abdulrasool Ahmed, Osamah Abdallatif



Frequent failure in production systems is one of the most important problems facing maintenance planners. In this paper, the methodology for estimating failure in an electrical energy production system has been proposed.Consisting of a number of related sub-systems, respectively, failure of any one causes the rest to stop producing.Operating data were collected and the type of failure identified, which was classified into three types (mechanical failure, electrical failure, and control failure). The software (Matlab) was used in generating and training an artificial neural network (ANN) to estimate the type of failure, through the data collected for each sub-system of the unit under study, use 90% of the data for training, 5% for testing, and 5% for valuation. The target matrix was built and trained, with a mean square error (MSE) its(6.54 E-16), and regression (91%), and adopted to estimate the type of future failure for subsequent years(2019),conformance results were for the subsequent year between (82%-87%) for all the subsystems. Using the artificial neural network, failure types were estimated for another subsequent year (2020), the failure ratios were for subsystems for every ten days during the year of estimation, were (33%) for the generator, (22%) for the boiler, (31%) for the turbine, and (13%) for the condenser. High percentages, which can be reduced by taking advantage of the proposed methodology that gave an understanding of the type of failure, the time it occurred, and the location of the failure, by building an overlapping preventive maintenance plan whose application is approved in reducing the failuretimes of the unit under study.The proposed methodology can also be applied to all other systems of different production


Matlab software, Generator,Artificial Intelligent (AI),


I. Devika Chhachhiya, Amita Sharma, Manish Gupta “Case Study on Classification of Glass Using Neural Network Tool in MATLAB” International Journal of Computer Applications, 0975 – 8887),(2014).
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Arpita Biswas, Abhishek Majumdar, K. L. Baishnab



IoT is a globally accepted smart technology that has the ability to connect each and almost every physical devices through the network. It acts as a bridge between cloud environment and physical environment. It is mainly used to connect the hardware devices like sensors, actuators, storage, hardware, and software to acquire or exchange data. These devices collect the information from the physical world and convert this into useful information that can help in decision making. Since IoT connects everything to the network, so it may face the problem of a large amount of energy loss. In this respect, this paper mainly focuses on reducing the energy loss problem and designing of an energy efficient data transfer scenario between cloud and IoT devices. For this reason, a Complex Proportional Assessment (COPRAS) based clustering approach has been proposed in this work to select the cluster premier effectively and form the set of best clusters for maximizing the network lifetime. The proposed work deals with data transmission model between IoT and cloud that confirms the improvement in energy efficiency, network lifetime, and latency. Furthermore, the sensitivity analysis has also been carried out and satisfactory results has been obtained.


Cloud Computing, Clustering, MCDM, IoT,


I. A. Majumdar, T. Debnath, S. K. Sood, K. L. Baishnab, “Kyasanur forest disease classification framework using novel extremal optimization tuned neural network in fog computing environment”, Journal of medical systems, Springer, vol. 42, no.10, pp.187, 2018.
II. A. Majumdar, A., Biswas, K. L. Baishnab, S. K. Sood, “DNA Based Cloud Storage Security Framework Using Fuzzy Decision Making Technique”, KSII Transactions on Internet & Information Systems, vol.13, no.7, pp. 3794-3820, 2019.
III. A. Majumdar, N. M. Laskar, A. Biswas, S. K. Sood, K. L. Baishnab, “Energy efficient e-healthcare framework using HWPSO-based clustering approach”, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, IOS Press, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 3957-3969, 2019.
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