
The Effect of Message Source Credibility on Consumer Purchase Intention: An Empirical Examination of Appreal Industry


S Sudheer, M Siva Koti Reddy, A Sai Manideep



It is must to a marketer to indulge his self to identify that what consumers percept about the companies advertisement message credibility and as well as what factor in that message would influences them most. By intensive literature review the three higher order factors as part of message source credibility are considered in the present study they are message trustworthiness, message expertness and message attractiveness. An empirical examination was performed through a survey by considering the sample size of 139 respondents who purchase apparels. Descriptive and inferential statistical techniques are performed such as factor analysis and multiple regressions and also consumer’s educational qualification was determined as control variable. Observations are presented and discussions are made as per the results.


Constructs source credibility,Endorser credibility,Message appeal,Grocery items purchase intention,


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VI. Hymavathi, C.H., Koneru, K.(2018). Investors’ awareness towards
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Pradesh.International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE). 7(2),
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VII. Hymavathi, C., Koneru, K. (2019). Role of perceived risk in mutual funds
selection behavior: An analysis among the selected mutual fund investors.
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VIII. KishanVarma, M.S., Koneru, K., Yedukondalu, D.(2019). Affect of worksite
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XI. Neelima, J., Koneru, K.(2019). Assessing the role of organizational culture in
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pharmaceutical sector.International Journal of Innovative Technology and
Exploring Engineering. 8(7), pp. 1701-1707.
XII. Sivakoti Reddy, M. (2019).Impact of RSERVQUAL on customer
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XIII. Sivakoti Reddy, M., Venkateswarlu, N.(2019). Customer relationship
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XIV. Sivakoti Reddy, M., Murali Krishna, S.M.(2019). Influential role of retail
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of farmers on inception of solar plants. International Journal of Control
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XVI. Suhasini, T., Koneru, K. (2019).Employee engagement through HRD
practices on employee satisfaction and employee loyalty: An empirical
evidence from Indian IT industry. International Journal of Engineering and
Advanced Technology. 8(4), pp. 1788-1794.
XVII. Suhasini, T. Koneru, K. (2018). A study on employee engagement driving
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Impact of Knowledge Sharing and Dissemination on Agriculture Supply Chain Management: A Case Study on Cotton and Chill Farmers in Guntur and Prakasam Districts


Vidya Sagar. Mullapudi, Subba Raydu. Thunga, A. SrikanthBabu, Ch.Hymavathi



The Research is undertaken among chilli and cotton farmers in various villages of Guntur and Prakasam districts of Andhra Pradesh. This study is formulated to analyse perceptions of farmers on knowledge sharing and dissemination practices that are applying in chilli and cotton crop supply chain functions. By this research the researcher made a attempt to assess and evaluate impact of knowledge sharing practices on effectiveness of agriculture supply chain management. The results are elicited by conducting survey among chilli and cotton farmers in different villages in Guntur and Prakasam districts. The survey was executed by selecting farmers purposefully among various regions in Guntur and Prakasam districts. For critical investigation on variables associated with research problem three categories are undertaken i.e. Knowledge sharing practices, Expertise on suppliers and distributors and Knowledge on marketing quality standards. The study results are extracted by analysing and evaluating perceptions of farmers on knowledge sharing practices, knowledge on suppliers and distributors.


Agriculture Supplychain management,Knowledge sharing practices,distributors,marketing quality standards,


I. Ch.Narahari (2017) “A Study on knowledge dissemination Among the
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II. Hymavathi, C.H., Koneru, K.(2019). Investors perception towards Indian
commodity market: An empirical analysis with reference to Amaravathi
region of Andhra Pradesh. International Journal of Innovative Technology
and Exploring Engineering. 8(7), pp. 1708-1714.
III. Hymavathi, C., Koneru, K. (2019). Role of perceived risk in mutual funds
selection behavior: An analysis among the selected mutual fund investors.
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology. 8(4), pp.
IV. Hymavathi, C.H., Koneru, K.(2018). Investors’ awareness towards
commodities market with reference to GUNTUR city, Andhra Pradesh.
International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE). 7(2), pp. 1104-
V. KishanVarma, M.S., Koneru, K., Yedukondalu, D.(2019). Affect of worksite
wellness interventions towards occupational stress. International
VI. Manukonda et al. (2019). What Motivates Students To Attend Guest
Lectures?. The International Journal of Learning in Higher Education.
Volume 26, Issue 1. 23-34.
VII. Neelima, J., Koneru, K.(2019). Assessing the role of organizational culture in
determining the employee performance – empirical evidence from Indian
pharmaceutical sector. International Journal of Innovative Technology and
Exploring Engineering. 8(7), pp. 1701-1707.
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IX. Sivakoti Reddy, M. (2019). Impact of RSERVQUAL on customer
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retailing. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering. 8(1),
pp. 2917-2920.
X. Sivakoti Reddy, M., Venkateswarlu, N.(2019). Customer relationship
management practices and their impact over customer purchase decisions: A
study on the selected private sector banks housing finance schemes.
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering.
8(7), pp. 1720-1728.

XI. Sivakoti Reddy, M., Murali Krishna, S.M.(2019). Influential role of retail
service quality in food and grocery retailing: A comparative study between
traditional and multi-channel retailing. International Journal of Management
and Business Research. 9(2), pp. 68-73.
XII. Sivakoti Reddy, M., Naga Bhaskar, M., Nagabhushan, A. (2016). Saga of
silicon plate: An empirical analysis on the impact of socio economic factors
of farmers on inception of solar plants. International Journal of Control
Theory and Applications. 9(29), pp. 257-266.
XIII. Sivaraman, A(2017) “ A Study on knowledge management practices among
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XIV. Suhasini, T., Koneru, K. (2019). Employee engagement through HRD
practices on employee satisfaction and employee loyalty: An empirical
evidence from Indian IT industry.
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology. 8(4), pp.
XV. Suhasini, T. Koneru, K. (2018). A study on employee engagement driving
factors and their impact over employee satisfaction – An empirical evidence
from Indian it industry. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and
Technology. 9(4), pp. 725-732.

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A Perceptual Study on Adoption of Technology in Farming: A Descriptive Analysis using Tam


A Nagabhushna, M Siva Koti Reddy



In the present study we analyze the farmers’ perception towards adoption of technology such as ITC for better productivity in farming. The considered constructs are adopted from Technology adoption model (TAM). A total sample of 800 farmers from the Guntur district are collected through simple random technique and out of which survey respondents irregular responses are eliminated finally 756 samples are determined for statistical analysis. Chi-square test was performed to determine the association between perceptions and model constructs. Results are reported and discussions are made as per the results and in correlation between results and previous literature and finally, suggestions and future indication for extension of the study are proposed.


Technology,Farming,Ease of Use,Usefulness,Intention,


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V. Hymavathi, C., Koneru, K. (2019). Role of perceived risk in mutual funds
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VI. Hymavathi, C.H., Koneru, K.(2018). Investors’ awareness towards commodities
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International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering. 8(1), pp. 2917-
XIX. Sivakoti Reddy, M., Venkateswarlu, N.(2019). Customer relationship
management practices and their impact over customer purchase decisions: A
study on the selected private sector banks housing finance schemes. International
Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering. 8(7), pp. 1720-
XX. Sivakoti Reddy, M., Murali Krishna, S.M.(2019). Influential role of retail service
quality in food and grocery retailing: A comparative study between traditional
and multi-channel retailing. International Journal of Management and Business
Research. 9(2), pp. 68-73.
XXI. Sivakoti Reddy, M., Naga Bhaskar, M., Nagabhushan, A. (2016).Saga of silicon
plate: An empirical analysis on the impact of socio economic factors of farmers
on inception of solar plants. International Journal of Control Theory and
Applications. 9(29), pp. 257-266.
XXII. Suhasini, T. Koneru, K. (2018). A study on employee engagement driving factors
and their impact over employee satisfaction – An empirical evidence from Indian
it industry.International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology.
9(4), pp. 725-732.

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An Empirical study of Consumer price Index on BSE SENSEX





The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure that examines the weighted average of pricesof a basket of consumergoods and services, such as transportation, food, and medical care. It is calculated by taking pricechanges for each item in the predeterminedbasket of goods and averaging them.The main objective of this study to check howconsumer price index affects the BSE sensex. In this paper null hypothesis is taken and to prove that hull hypothesis is correct for this correlation and regression analysis tools are used for the analysis.


Consumer price Index,Hypothesis,Sensex,


I. Sivakoti Reddy, M. (2019). Impact of RSERVQUAL on customer
satisfaction: A comparative analysis between traditional and multi-channel
retailing. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering. 8(1),
pp. 2917-2920.
II. Sivakoti Reddy, M., Venkateswarlu, N.(2019). Customer relationship
management practices and their impact over customer purchase decisions: A
study on the selected private sector banks housing finance schemes.
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering.
8(7), pp. 1720-1728.
III. Sivakoti Reddy, M., Murali Krishna, S.M.(2019). Influential role of retail
service quality in food and grocery retailing: A comparative study between
traditional and multi-channel retailing. International Journal of Management
and Business Research. 9(2), pp. 68-73.
IV. Sivakoti Reddy, M., Naga Bhaskar, M., Nagabhushan, A. (2016). Saga of
silicon plate: An empirical analysis on the impact of socio economic factors
of farmers on inception of solar plants. International Journal of Control
Theory and Applications. 9(29), pp. 257-266.
V. Manukonda et al. (2019). What Motivates Students To Attend Guest
Lectures?. The International Journal of Learning in Higher Education.
Volume 26, Issue 1. 23-34.
VI. Hymavathi, C.H., Koneru, K.(2019). Investors perception towards Indian
commodity market: An empirical analysis with reference to Amaravathi
region of Andhra Pradesh. International Journal of Innovative Technology
and Exploring Engineering. 8(7), pp. 1708-1714.
VII. Hymavathi, C.H., Koneru, K.(2018). Investors’ awareness towards
commodities market with reference to GUNTUR city, Andhra Pradesh.
International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE). 7(2), pp. 1104-
VIII. Hymavathi, C., Koneru, K. (2019). Role of perceived risk in mutual funds
selection behavior: An analysis among the selected mutual fund investors.
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology. 8(4), pp.
IX. KishanVarma, M.S., Koneru, K., Yedukondalu, D.(2019). Affect of worksite
wellness interventions towards occupational stress. International
Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering. 8(1), pp. 2874-2879.
X. Neelima, J., Koneru, K.(2019). Assessing the role of organizational culture in
determining the employee performance – empirical evidence from Indian
pharmaceutical sector. International Journal of Innovative Technology and
Exploring Engineering. 8(7), pp. 1701-1707.

XI. Suhasini, T., Koneru, K. (2019). Employee engagement through HRD
practices on employee satisfaction and employee loyalty: An empirical
evidence from Indian IT industry.
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology. 8(4), pp.
XII. Suhasini, T. Koneru, K. (2018). A study on employee engagement driving
factors and their impact over employee satisfaction – An empirical evidence
from Indian it industry. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and
Technology. 9(4), pp. 725-732.

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Consumers’ Perceptions on Nanotechnology Enabled Cosmetic Products in Conception of Physical Wellness


A Sai Manideep, M Siva Koti Reddy, P Srinivas Reddy



Applications of Nanotechnology has widened in diverse fields such as, agrifood processing, food packaging, cosmetics and many more. In this paper we defined a research model constitutes consumers’ willingness to pay for NCPs (Nanotechnology enabled cosmetics products) in fulfillment of physical wellness which is studied from observed variables perceive risk, trust and perceived benefit for the past literature. A total of 139 consumer sample data was taken to conduct the study. It is observed through hierarchical regression that perceived risk is more associated with cosmetics products enabled with nanotechnology and perceived benefit is also a significant predictor i.e., at a benefit forthcoming consumers are comprised to pay for NCPs and followed by trust component in predicting the behavior. It is also observed that consumer’s education qualification (control variable) was having a significant positive association on the behavioral aspect willing to pay for nanotechnology enabled products. Inclusion of a variable educational qualification as control variable the explained variance of the model has increased.


Nanotechnology,wellness,cosmetic products,perceived benefit,perceived risk,trust,


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Engineering. 8(7), pp. 1708-1714.
III. KishanVarma, M.S., Koneru, K., Yedukondalu, D.(2019). Effect of worksite
wellness interventions towards occupational stress. International Journal of
Recent Technology and Engineering. 8(1), pp. 2874-2879.
IV. Hymavathi, C., Koneru, K. (2019). Role of perceived risk in mutual funds
selection behavior: An analysis among the selected mutual fund investors.
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V. Hymavathi, C.H., Koneru, K.(2018). Investors’ awareness towards commodities
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International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering. 8(1), pp. 2917-
XVII. Sivakoti Reddy, M., Venkateswarlu, N.(2019). Customer relationship
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Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering. 8(7), pp. 1720-

XVIII. Sivakoti Reddy, M., Murali Krishna, S.M.(2019). Influential role of retail service
quality in food and grocery retailing: A comparative study between traditional
and multi-channel retailing. International Journal of Management and Business
Research. 9(2), pp. 68-73.
XIX. Sivakoti Reddy, M., Naga Bhaskar, M., Nagabhushan, A. (2016). Saga of silicon
plate: An empirical analysis on the impact of socio economic factors of farmers
on inception of solar plants. International Journal of Control Theory and
Applications. 9(29), pp. 257-266.
XX. Suhasini, T., Koneru, K. (2019). Employee engagement through HRD practices
on employee satisfaction and employee loyalty: An empirical evidence from
Indian IT industry.International Journal of Engineering and Advanced
Technology. 8(4), pp. 1788-1794.
XXI. Suhasini, T. Koneru, K. (2018). A study on employee engagement driving factors
and their impact over employee satisfaction – An empirical evidence from Indian
it industry. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology.
9(4), pp. 725-732.

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Ethics: Its Management and Impact on Work Place


Gaurab Kumar Sharma, Princi Gupta, Nisha Singh



This paper tries to investigate the role of ethics in managing organization. This study is divided into three parts, Firstly, the introduction of ethics in management context, secondly, its relevance and challenges in implementing ethics in any institutions and lastly, the ways to get rid of challenges with the help of model in step wise construction.




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Shoppers’ Patronage Behaviour with reference to Online Apparel Retailing


M. Uma Devi, Suneel Sankala



Online retail growth drivers are many in number but it all depends on the extent of shopper’s traffic and choice of preference, to achieve this, online stores need to improve on its productivity by ensuring high level of conversion rate from casual visitors to patron customers. This conversion is possible by impacting the patronage behaviour using the variables within the control of the on line retailers. From online shoppers’ perspective, apparel may be a risky product to buy in any one of the online shop due to the uncertainty of apparel quality and non suitability of the various dimensions expected by the shoppers. There are various behavioural theories to explain how an individual forms his intentions, and how intentions relate to actions. Among them the most widely used is multi-attribute model developed by fishbone and ajzen in the year of 1975 i.e., Theory of Reasoned Action and after few years(1985, 1991) ajzen was come up with addition of TRA i.e Theory of Planned Behaviour. The primary purpose of this research study was to identify and investigate the factors and proposed suitable model that affect on-line apparel shoppers’ store patronage behaviour. To attain these objectives, researcher used two diverse tools, i.e., SPSS &AMOS was used for dimension model analysis and structural equation model to test the anticipated hypothesized model.


Shoppers’ Patronage Behaviour,Online Apparel Retailing,Theory of Reasoned Action,Theory of Planned Behaviour,


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HRD – Banks in the ICT Era a Focus on Private sector Banks


Ashok Kumar Katta, P. SubbaRao, S. Venkata Ramana



The banking sector in India plays a vital role in the economic growth of the country. Hence, the performance of banks has got a decisive role in controlling the pace of economic development of the whole nation. Performance of banks, in turn, depends on the performance of their human resources (HR) – the most sensitive and most valuable among all resources of an organization. Effective management of HR along with proper adoption and utilization of technological advances particularly those in the field of Information and Communication Technology, (ICT) has become an imperative for banks for their survival and growth. Likewise, thrust on the promotion of bank products particularly using modern philosophies like e-CRM side by side with provision of excellent quality customer service is another imperative. At the centre of all these lies Human Resources (HR); because a well-trained and techno-savvy workforce alone can provide customer service matching with the expectations of today’s discerning customers. As India’s banking sector is passing through a highly turbulent world characterized by VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity), this paper seeks to study the relative performance of the Old generation Private sector Banks (OPBs) based in Kerala with a focus on their HR productivity and allied HR-related performance parameters.


Old Private sector Banks (OPBs),ICT,CRM,HRM,Employee Productivity,


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Enhancement of Non-Linear Generators to Calculate the Randomness Test for Frequency Property in the Stream Cipher Systems


Ibrahim Abdul Rasool Hammood, Ayad Ghazi Naser Alshamri



In this paper, the key generators generated by using (Brüer generator, Geffe generator, and Linear generator), then improved these key generators (Brüerand Geffe). In this research was the focus on the frequency test and then compares the outputs with results in a chi-square.


Cryptography,Stream Cipher,Frequency,LFSR,


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Estimation the Shape Parameter of (S-S) Reliability of Kumaraswamy Distribution


A. S. Mohammed, Alaa M. Hamad, Abbas Najim Salman



In this paper dealt with estimating the reliability in the (S-S) stress-strength of Kumaraswamy function distribution using different estimation methods, Maximum likelihood, Moment method, Shrinkage method depend on to Monte Carlo simulation Comparisons between estimation methods have been using mean square error criteria.


Reliability,Stress-Strength (S-S),Kumaraswamy distribution,Maximum likelihood estimator,Moment estimator and Shrinkage estimator,


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