R. Sugin Elankavi, D. Dinakaran, Jaise JoseDOI NO:
Pipeline inspection robots are gaining importance and have seen several developments throughout the past decade. Developing a pipeline inspection robot can specifically overcome the issues of humans in labor and their intervention in an inconvenient condition during repair and maintenance inside the pipeline. This survey shows the advancements made in the field of pipeline inspection robots by classifying them according to their type of locomotion. The locomotion’s are divided into seven basic types and prototypes are developed based on these motions. Each prototype has its benefits and drawbacks based on their purpose of inspection. Different models are designed and validated for ensuring their functionality and performance. This review attempts to present the capabilities of various inspection robot models and compares their performance. This will provide insights into selection, developments and research gaps in this domain.Keywords:
In-pipe robot,Pipelines,Mobile robots,Inspection,Shape adaptability,IPIR,Refference:
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