


R. Sugin Elankavi, D. Dinakaran, Jaise Jose



Pipeline inspection robots are gaining importance and have seen several developments throughout the past decade. Developing a pipeline inspection robot can specifically overcome the issues of humans in labor and their intervention in an inconvenient condition during repair and maintenance inside the pipeline. This survey shows the advancements made in the field of pipeline inspection robots by classifying them according to their type of locomotion. The locomotion’s are divided into seven basic types and prototypes are developed based on these motions. Each prototype has its benefits and drawbacks based on their purpose of inspection. Different models are designed and validated for ensuring their functionality and performance. This review attempts to present the capabilities of various inspection robot models and compares their performance. This will provide insights into selection, developments and research gaps in this domain.


In-pipe robot,Pipelines,Mobile robots,Inspection,Shape adaptability,IPIR,


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Nithin Srinivasan, RM. Kuppan Chetty, Oh Joo Ztat, Manju Mohan, A. Joshuva



Railroad track inspection is essential to guarantee safe operation condition for the rails to travel on. Even though railway sector invests hefty costs, time and strong human workforce to ensure the performance and safety of the railroads, frequent accident occurs throughout the year due to poor visual inspection carried out by the human inspectors. The quality of inspection remains a question mark and deteriorates progressively when the experienced human inspectors are made to carry out the inspection all along the railroads exposing them to mental fatigue and other potential health hazards. Therefore, in this study, a simple method using visual perception and image processing techniques for the inspection of railroad track for anomalies is presented as an alternate solution to the traditional inspection system. An automated wheeled mobile robot is also prototyped to carry out the inspection on the railroads. This prototyped system uses a visual perception algorithm based on edge detection and feature extraction is developed in LabVIEW, which continuously records the images of the track; assesses and detects the railroad components such as loose bolts, bent boltsand surface cracks, which are very critical for rail safety. The performance of the proposed system is investigated in the laboratory conditions and results show high performance in the detection of railroad track anomalies.


Railroad Track Inspection,Visual Perception,Mobile Robot,Image Processing,Image Analysis,


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Suhaib J. Shbailat, Mohammed A. Nima



In this paper, Numerical investigation of the influence of inserting the metal foam to the solar chimney to induce natural ventilation in the test room is analyzed in this work. Two types of solar chimneys which without insertion of metal foam absorber and with insertion of metal foam absorber are designed with dimensions of length× width× air gap (2 m× 1 m×0.3 m) and size of the test room (1.5 m× 1.5 m×1 m). Four incline angles are tested (30o,45o,60o,90o) for each chimney and two length of tower inlet (30 cm, 40 cm). ANSYS FLUENT program (version 14.5) used to simulate this model and solve the governing equations by finite volume technique. The results showed that the air flow velocity at the outlet of ventilation solar chimney increases of the model with copper foam absorber about 33% from the model without copper foam absorber at constant inclination angle, therefore this gives indication of the important of insertion the copper foam as an absorber media in the ventilation solar chimney.


Solar Chimney,Low-Energy House,Ventilation,Metal Foam,Porous Media,ANSYS FLUENT,


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Fathi A. Alshamma, Munaf Hadi Salman



In this research, for studying dynamic crack propagation behavior in thin plate, a modified method has adopted, when solidification with laser shot peening with cycling thermal effect have done. Since anew a technique is based on an accumulating two types of energies and employments, these together or alone by [Griffith] approach are used to emulate what happen in fuselage with specific conditions in order to study crack velocity and stress intensity factor. The two energies are coming from laser ray and cycling thermal. Analytical model has built with two scenarios for comparing between them. The first one (oven state) when cycling temperatures range for one cycle is from 30 to 150°C and the second (plane path state) when temperature range decreases from 30 to -30 °C  . In addition, the functions (cycling thermal) are functions of duration. Therefore, Fourier series method for periodic functions has built for cycling during path of flight. Oven state for a specific function has assumed with specific shape. Accordingly, simply support condition is adopted for all plates' edges. Laser ray influence has applied according to (P. Peyer & R. Fabbro) equations. For plane path state (cooling), it has been observed that the dynamic crack propagation clearly decreases when the energy of laser was influenced and cycling thermal has increased retardation of crack extension. While for oven state (heating), cycling thermal leads to reducing retardation of crack extension. Also, when comparing between two energies, a high benefit energy is produced from laser (positive effect), and thermal effect depends on state of system if heating or cooling and type of boundary conditions. The values are as well depended on thickness, crack ratio and properties of material


dynamic crack propagation,stress intensity factor,laser energy,thermal energy,


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Sagnick Biswas, Labhvam Kumar Sharma, Ravi Ranjan, Jyoti Sekhar Banerjee



Currently, COVID-19 is the biggest obstacle for the survival of the human race. Again, as mobile technology is now an essential component of human life, hence it is possible to utilize the power of mobile technology against the treat of COVID-19. Every nation is now trying to deploy an interactive platform for creating public awareness and share the necessary information related to COVID-19. Keeping all of these in mind, authors have deployed an interactive cross-platform (web/mobile) application GO-COVID for the ease of the users, specifically in India. This dashboard is featured with all the real-time attributes regarding the novel coronavirus disease and its measures and controls. The system deliberately aims to maintain the digital well-being of the society, create public awareness, and not create any panic situation among the individuals of the society. The application uses modern AI-ML tools to analyze the disease among the individuals with the help of an informative test and has also deployed a chat-bot for user ease of interaction. The application also collects the geo-location and other necessary historical data to ensure your safety and distancing from the affected personals. The same is also used to backtrack the ones affected and perform tests. All of these features enable the app to compete with the pandemic in this modern world.


COVID-19,pneumonia,mobile application,Artificial Intelligence-Machine Learning (AI-ML) tool,chat-bot,geo-location,


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XXII. J. S. Banerjee, and A. Chakraborty, “Fundamentals of Software Defined Radio and Cooperative Spectrum Sensing: A Step Ahead of Cognitive Radio Networks”. In Handbook of Research on Software-Defined and Cognitive Radio Technologies for Dynamic Spectrum Management, IGI Global, pp 499-543 2015

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XXIV. J. S. Banerjee, and A.Chakraborty, “Modeling of Software Defined Radio Architecture & Cognitive Radio, the Next Generation Dynamic and Smart Spectrum Access Technology”. In M.H. Rehmani& Y. Faheem (Ed.), Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks: Applications, Architectures, and Challenges, IGI Global, pp. 127-158 2014

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XXXIII. O.Saha; A. Chakraborty, and J. S. Banerjee, “A Decision Framework of IT-Based Stream Selection Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) for Admission in Technical Institutions”, In: Proc. OPTRONIX 2017, IEEE, pp. 1-6, Nov. 2017

XXXIV. O. Saha; A. Chakraborty, and J. S. Banerjee, “A Fuzzy AHP Approach to IT-Based Stream Selection for Admission in Technical Institutions in India”, In: Proc. IEMIS, AISC-Springer, pp. 847-858, 2019

XXXV. R. Roy, S.Dutta, S. Biswas, & J. S. Banerjee, “Android Things: A Comprehensive Solution from Things to Smart Display and Speaker”. In Proceedings of International Conference on IoT Inclusive Life (ICIIL 2019), NITTTR Chandigarh, India, 339-352, Springer, Singapore,2020

XXXVI. S. Paul, A. Chakraborty, and J. S. Banerjee, “A Fuzzy AHP-Based Relay Node Selection Protocol for Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN)”, In: Proc. OPTRONIX 2017, IEEE, pp. 1-6, Nov. 2017

XXXVII. S. Paul, A. Chakraborty, and J. S. Banerjee, “The Extent Analysis Based Fuzzy AHP Approach for Relay Selection in WBAN”, In: Proc. CISC, (pp. 331-341). Springer, Singapore, 2019

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XLII. Z. Y.Zu, M. D. Jiang, P. P. Xu, W. Chen, Q. Q. Ni, G. M. Lu, & L. J. Zhang, “Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): a perspective from China”. Radiology, 200490, 2020

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Dheyaa A. Khalaf, Karima E. Amori, Firas M.Tuaimah



In this paper, collection of research related to the effect of using nanofluids of various kinds on improving heat transfer and increasing the efficiency of solar collectors was reviewed on the other hand studies will be presented regarding the effect of electromagnetic field on improving heat transfer and its effect on solar collectors. In this paper, we have examined the electromagnetic effect of thermo-hydrodynamics behavior of nanofluid. The results of the previous research that was reviewed clearly showed that the use of nanofluids has a clear effect on improving the thermal efficiency of solar collectors and improving heat transfer in high proportions, as well as between studies that adding the effect of electromagnetic overflow on solar collector systems has had a positive effect in improving heat transfer and improving properties Physical fluid


Solar collector,magnetic nanofluid,Ferrofluid,Parabolic solar trough collector,Solar energy,electromagnetic field,Nanofluid,


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Liaqat Ali, Yaqoub Ahmed Khan, Muhammad Aslam



In this article, we introduce the monomial ideals of semirings and study some of its properties. Main objective of this articleis to investigate prime spectrum of monomial ideals of semirings and discuss its topology.


Monomial Ideals,Prime Spectrum,Topological Semirings,Zariski Topology,


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Anurak Sawangwong, Jutamat Jintana, Poti Chaopaisarn, Sakgasem Ramingwong



The paper aims at exploring how Thai industry gives significance to supply chain performance based on supply chain strategic, tactical, and operational levels.  Together, there are 40 indicators of interest.  The questionnaire is designed and distributed to ask Thai manufacturing companies to assess the significance level of these supply chain performance indicators.  The paper explores the result based on 223 companies in Thailand who responded to the survey.  The investigations divided into two sections; (1) the identification of the most and the least significant supply chain performance of the Thai industry, and (2) the identification of the most and the least significant supply chain performance of 5 key industries in Thailand.  The discussion is then made to reflect the different concerns on each industry type.


Supply chain,Supply Chain Performance,Thai industry,


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XXXVII. W. Manopiniwes, K. Y. Tippayawong, J. Numkid, S. Santiteerakul, S. Ramingwong, P. Dallasega, “On Logistics Potential of Thai Industry in Identifying Gap to Logistics 4.0”, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol: 14, Issue: 5, Pages: 1608-1613, 2019.

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Bushra S. Albusoda, Saba I. Jawad, Samir H. Hussein, Mohammed S. Mohammed



The response of single pile foundations subjected to different earthquake excitations is considered in this paper. The behavior of such foundation is important specifically in case of earthquake loading through the supporting soil medium. An axisymmetric finite element model has been implemented to simulate the behavior of pile in soil deposit using Abaqus software. Eight node axisymmetric quadrilateral elements CAX8R used to simulate the soil continuum. Contact behavior between the single pile part and the part of soil was simulated using the ‘surface to surface’ contact method with master-slave concept. Furthermore, the pile behavior material has been simulated with a linear elastic model while soil material has been simulated with an elasto-plastic model “Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion”. Three different excitation records have been adopted in the analysis: El-Centro, Halabja and Ali-Algharbi earthquake records in order to investigate the effect of various dynamic loading. The results of the analysis demonstrate alteration in the response along the pile with different soil layer with each earthquake excitation.


Dynamic Analysis,Single Pile,Erthquake,Abaqus Software,


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N. Santhi Sree, N. V. V. S.Sudheer, P. Bhramara



The heat transfer devices involving phenomena of two phase heat transfer are proven to be the best solution for handling moderate to high heat fluxes in different applications. In this regard, an emerging and new technique is “Pulsating heat pipe cooling”, when it comes to the field of electronics thermal management. CLPHP development meets the current requirements for elimination of moving parts in a cooling system. As the demand for effective and small heat transfer devices is increasing, the present paper describes an experimental analysis of a closed loop pulsating heat pipe. Vertical bottom heat mode is considered as the position of CLPHP for the experimental work. PHP consists of a copper tube of length 262 mm, with capillary dimensions of 2 mm and 3.1 mm having internal and external diameter respectively. The tube is bent in a serpentine manner with 8 number of turns and is connected end to end. Before filling the working fluid in the tube, it is first evacuated partially. Based on the total volume, 50%, 60%, and 75 % filling ratios are considered for analysis. Different pure working fluids, viz., Ethanol, Methanol, Acetone and their mixtures, viz., Ethanol-Methanol, Ethanol-Acetone, and Methanol-Acetone are considered for experimentation. The experiments are conducted for different heat inputs varying from 20 to 100 W. The maximum heat input is dependent on the boiling point of the particular fluid. CLPHP is affected by various parameters like heat input, filling ratio, working fluid etc. Acetone shows least thermal resistance value among pure fluids whereas Ethanol-Acetone shows least thermal resistance and better heat transfer performance among mixtures. For low heat input conditions ethanol shows better performance.


Binary mixtures,closed loop pulsating heat pipe,fill ratio,heat input,thermal resistance,working fluids,


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P. Anjali, G. Navya jyothi, Yalabaka Srikanth



Today, everything has been digitized, and the entire gasoline pump has a design that can display the task of controlling the pump, driving the display, quantifying the flow rate, and turning off the pump. To collect the cash, still someone is mandatory and there is a chance of many human errors. So, the main aim is to propose a system is to avoid human errors. My proposed system is petrol pump automation, which can deduct gasoline from the user card based on RFID technology without human intervention. Today, fluid supply systems are common in different places in our daily lives. Here, we will introduce the modern gasoline distribution system. To place petrol stations in remote areas is extremely precious to supply outstanding capacity to the clients. All these troubles can be solved by using this gasoline pump automation technology, which requires shorter operating time, higher efficiency and can be installed anywhere. This self-service gasoline pump device also provides customers with the protection of fueling at the gas station without any involvement of the service provider, so the risk of carrying money every time is minimized.


RFID,DC motor,LCD,Relay,


I. Aishwarya Jadhav, Lajari Patil , Leena Patil , A. D. Sonawane, April 2017,“Smart Automatic Petrol Pump System“, International Journal of Science Technology and Management, vol. 6, no. 4.

II. Arabelli, R.R. &Revuri, K. 2019, “Fingerprint and Raspberri Pi based vehicle authentication and secured tracking system”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 1051-1054.

III. Kulkarni Amruta M. & Taware Sachin S., “Embedded Security System Using RFID & GSM Module”, International Journal of Computer Technology & Electronic Engineering, Volume 2 (Issue 1), Page No. 164-168.

IV. Kumar, M.A. 2019, “Security and controlling system at home by using GSM technology”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, vol. 8, no. 9, pp. 2470-2474.

V. Nitha. C. Velayudhan, Raseena. K. R, Rashida. M. H, Risvana. M. P, Sreemol.C.V, March 2019, “Automatic Fuel Filling System”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE), Vol. 8, Issue 3.

VI. Subba Rao, A. & Vidya Garige, S. 2019, “IoT based smart energy meter billing monitoring and controlling the loads”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, vol. 8, no. 4S2, pp. 340-344.

VII. Vasantha, K. & Ravichander, J. 2019, “Image quality assessment for fake biometric detection: Application to iris, fingerprint, and face recognition”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, vol. 8, no. 1 Special Issue4, pp. 63-67.

VIII. Vinay Kumar, P. & Saritha, B., 2019, “Wireless arm based automatic meter reading & control system”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 292-294.

IX. Wavekar Asrar A, Patel Tosif N, Pathansaddam I, Pawar H P,2016,”RFID based Automated Petrol Pump”, International Journal for Scientific Research and Development, Vol. 4, Issue 01.

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E Sudarshan, Seena Naik Korra, P. Pavan Kumar, S Venkatesulu



Smartphone with the Internet is the most common item today and it provides the best online platform for businesses to trade their goods. Customers are more comfortable with online shopping and banking transactions, which are enough for hackers to cheat. Phishing attacks are now very common for smart phones. These attacks come in a variety of ways to steal customer sensitive information and payment information through fake Short Message Service(SMS) or E-Mail or Uniform Resource Locator (URL) links or applications(APPs). Therefore, the end user needs to know a few precautions to avoid phishing attackers. This paper explicitly discusses phishing attacks by their behavior and proposes a parallel defending approach to classifying messages as harm or spams using the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) platform, which is achieved in logarithmic time of O(n log n) and also discusses the future scope.


Smartphone,Phishing,Mobile Security,GPU,Parallel avNNet,Smishing,


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Shikha Singh, Manuj Darbari, Gaurav Kant Shankhdhar



The authors have devised a multi-agent system for management of enormous queries by the customers in an e-commerce website. The paper discusses the phenomenon of having a first visit registration of the customers, extracting the preferences as specified by the customers, accepting the queries for products and applying Affinity Propagation Algorithm in order to obtain the clusters. These clusters are the groups of customers who share common interests in buying products offered by the e-commerce website. So, now the system has segregated the similar types of queries into distinct groups. The queries are then prioritized according to the size of the clusters, that is, the biggest cluster containing maximum number of customers has greatest priority and so on. The queries belonging to same cluster (queries with same priority) are then passed through logical intervention using Object Constraint Language to maximize resource utilization and prevent double payment.   


OCL,Multi Agent System,e-commerce application,customer query based cluster,Affinity Propagation Algorithm,


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Yaqoub Ahmed, M. Aslam



In this article, we study the diversity in generalized reverse derivation by defining L*, R* and ( , )-*- Generalized reverse derivation in rings. We introduce some conditions which make these generalized reverse derivations and their associated *-reverse derivations to be commuting. Moreover, we discuss the conditions on these mappings that enforce the rings to be commutative


Reverse derivations,Prime rings,Semiprime rings,Involution,


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Jaweria Azam, M. HabibUllah, Asif Nawaz, Muammad Tayyab, Muneeb Saadat, Zeeshan Najam, Sheeraz Ahmed



Electrocardiogram (ECG) plays vital role in diagnosing large number of diseases and disorders related to heart. ECG devices are able to perform multiple parameters by analyzing the patterns of bio-signals. The state-of-art ECG machine uses electrodes attached to human body using gel. The whole process agitates the patient resulting in disturbed ECG report by producing noise due to movement, imbalanced electrodes, and heavy objects. The proposed ECG system is portable finger-based system that generates ECG report in minimum time duration with providing ease to users. The system replaces disturbing electrodes by a single bio signal identification sensor. It takes signals from one finger of patient through sensor in 7 seconds. The sensor is followed up by combination of various capacitors and buffers in order to enhance signals. The signals are then transferred to software using USB port for several medical required filtrations and overall noise removal. The result of the process is an ECG signal representing heart condition of patient. The results can be stored for future medical investigations like improvement or decline in health of patient. The proposed prototype is deployed in several hospitals for testing. The system evaluated through comparison method with current system and results are satisfactory.


ECG,Bio-Signals,Filters,IR Sensors,Quality of Service,


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XVIII Wang, Ning, Jun Zhou, Guanghai Dai, Jiahui Huang, and YuxiangXie. “Energy-efficient intelligent ECG monitoring for wearable devices.” IEEE transactions on biomedical circuits and systems 13, no. 5 (2019): 1112-1121.

XIX Zhao, Peng, DekuiQuan, Wei Yu, Xinyu Yang, and Xinwen Fu. “Towards deep learning-based detection scheme with raw ECG signal for wearable telehealth systems.” In 2019 28th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN), pp. 1-9.IEEE, 2019.

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