The transformation of the Internet of Things (IoT) is changing numerous ideas, making them "Smartest". It has upset numerous territories of reality. Smart City is one of the key ideas of this revolution. In spite of the fact that urban areas are carefully and digitally changed, it still has hindrances en route. In this paper, we have dissected various productions for our Systematic Literature Review Protocol (SLRP). This studyhighlights the zones where the blockchain is utilized and decides the advantages of utilizing blockchain. The principle commitment is to investigate and recognize the hindrances and obstacles in Smart City Domain and how these obstacles are relieved by the blockchain innovation. This Systematic Study additionally addresses various difficulties and issues, for example, security, changelessness, interoperability, decentralization, protection, and trust in the advancement of Smart Cities. An overview of the precise research is likewise introduced that would help distinguish the most and least examined concerns tended to in this examination. This paper targets investigating how blockchain innovation is utilized in various SmartCity plans of action, what are the highlights of blockchainthat could believe it to be utilized past digital currencies. We trust that this investigation can motivate enthusiasm for hypothesis and exercise to substitute conversations here in this area to adhere to these confines.Keywords:
Blockchain,Decentralization,immutability,Security,Smart City,Systematic Literature Review Protocol (SLRP),
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