Sirisha N, K. V. D. KiranDOI NO:
Secure data storage and retrieval is essential to safeguard data from different kinds of attacks. It is part of information security which enables a system to avoid unauthorized access to data. The data storage destinations are diversified which includes the latest Internet computing phenomenon known as cloud computing as well. Whatever be the storage destination, cryptographic primitives are widely used to protect data from malicious attacks. There are other methods like auditing for data integrity. However, cryptography is the technique which has witnessed many variants of algorithms. However, most of the cryptographic algorithms do not support search and data modifications directly on the encrypted data. Homomorphic encryption and its variants showed promising solution towards flexibility in data dynamics. Motivated by this cryptographic technique, in this paper we proposed an algorithm known as Flexible Data Encryption (FDE) which supports encryption, decryption, search operation directly on encrypted data besides allowing modifications. This improves performance and flexibility in data management activities. Moreover, the proposed algorithm supports different kinds of data like relational and non-relational data. The proposed big data security methodology uses Jalastic cloud as the storage destination. Empirical results revealed that the proposed algorithm outperforms baseline cryptographic algorithms.Keywords:
Big data,big data security,Jelastic cloud,flexible encryption,homomorphic encryption,Refference:
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