
Analyzing the purchase intentions of Smartphone: A Descriptive Study


A. Uday Kiran Sarma, K. Murali Krishna, S. Sai Devendra Kumar



Previous studies revealed that the behavior of the customer while purchasing a smartphone is influenced by various factors. These factors may be the features of the phone or external factors arising out of the offers from retail stores. The present study aspires to investigateif there is any significant relation between the perceptions of educated customers taking into consideration the factors (Price, Advertisements, offers in retail stores, Add-on accessories given and After Sales Service) which largelyinfluence the consumer's choice while purchase of Smartphone. A structured questionnaire, on a 5-Point likert Scale, developed from previous studies was employed for acquiring data. A sample of 381 respondents was selected for the survey, using nonprobability sampling technique. The Sample is a mix of students and professionals from Rural and Urban locality of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana


Purchase Intentions,Smart Phone,Education levels,Price,Advertisements,Offers in Retail Stores,Add-on Accessories,After Sales service of Smartphone,


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The Strategic Implications of Green HRM Practices towards Employee Organizational commitment an Inferential Analysis


M S KishanVarma, K Kalpana, Leonard Lambert




The purpose of the study is to understand employee Green HR Practices and their implementation in Educational institutions located in Guntur. The well-being of employees has become an important issue in competitive market within the educational institutions. Many institutions conduct various Green HR Practices programs for understanding its effect and influence on employee organization commitment strategically. But some employees skip these programs as they are not aware about the benefits of participating in these programs. Conveniences of 125 respondents are finalized for the study out of 150 samples was 25 responses are inconsistent and semi-filled are removed for inclusion in the study. Through this study we try to explore that factors by which employees are interested to participate in the Green HR Practices program interventions in the organization. To test the model we used descriptive and inferential statistics. The correlation between the constructs resulted that they exhibit a high correlation and the regression was performed to identify the dependence relation between the constructs. It is found that the all the constructed hypothesis are positively and significantly show a meaningful relation with organizational commitment by interventions of Green HR Practices.


Green HR Practices,Greater focus on CSR,Increased Savings,Change commitment,improved social image,


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V. KishanVarma, M.S., Koneru, K., Yedukondalu, D.(2019). Affect of worksite
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Reward and Recognition Impact on Job Satisfaction and Performance in retail sector: an Empirical Study from Andhra and Telangana


Potineni Swapna, P. Lakshmi Narayanamma



Today’s business environment facing many issues regarding employee’s job satisfaction and employee’s performance. Human resources focusing more on increasing satisfaction and performance of employees by using Rewards as a motivational factor. Rewards and recognition has more impact on employees. Many studies are concluded in past analyzed the impact of rewards and recognition. This study analyzes the effect of employee rewards and recognition on job satisfaction. Total 225 responses collected from two different Retail sectors (D Mart & Big Bazaar)Survey responses from D Mart (n = 145)and Big Bazaar (n = 80)in Telangana and Andhra. Motivated employee performs more effectively it helps to more productivity and organizational profits. The study examines that rewards and recognitions had a positive impact on job satisfaction and performance of the employees in retail sector. In this study we used five point like rt scale for measuring of responses.


Job satisfaction,Reward,Recognition,performance,Retail sector,


I. Hymavathi, C.H., Koneru, K.(2019). Investors perception towards Indian
commodity market: An empirical analysis with reference to Amaravathi
region of Andhra Pradesh. International Journal of Innovative Technology
and Exploring Engineering.8(7), pp. 1708-1714.
II. Hymavathi, C., Koneru, K. (2019). Role of perceived risk in mutual funds
selection behavior: An analysis among the selected mutual fund investors.
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology.8(4), pp.
III. Hymavathi, C.H., Koneru, K.(2018). Investors’ awareness towards
commodities market with reference to GUNTUR city, Andhra
Pradesh.International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE). 7(2), pp.
IV. KishanVarma, M.S., Koneru, K., Yedukondalu, D.(2019). Affect of worksite
wellness interventions towards occupational stress. International Journal
of Recent Technology and Engineering.8(1), pp. 2874-2879.
V. Lakshmi Narahari, C., Koneru, K. (2018). Stress at work place and its impact
on employee performance. International Journal of Engineering and
Technology(UAE). 7(2), pp. 1066-1071.
VI. Manukonda et al. (2019).What Motivates Students To Attend Guest
Lectures?.The International Journal of Learning in Higher Education.Volume
26, Issue 1. 23-34.
VII. Neelima, J., Koneru, K.(2019). Assessing the role of organizational culture in
determining the employee performance – empirical evidence from Indian
pharmaceutical sector.International Journal of Innovative Technology and
Exploring Engineering. 8(7), pp. 1701-1707.
VIII. Sivakoti Reddy, M. (2019).Impact of RSERVQUAL on customer
satisfaction: A comparative analysis between traditional and multi-channel
retailing. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering. 8(1),
pp. 2917-2920.
IX. Sivakoti Reddy, M., Venkateswarlu, N.(2019). Customer relationship
management practices and their impact over customer purchase decisions: A
study on the selected private sector banks housing finance schemes.
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering.
8(7), pp. 1720-1728.
X. Sivakoti Reddy, M., Murali Krishna, S.M.(2019). Influential role of retail
service quality in food and grocery retailing: A comparative study between
traditional and multi-channel retailing. International Journal of Management
and Business Research. 9(2), pp. 68-73.

XI. Sivakoti Reddy, M., Naga Bhaskar, M., Nagabhushan, A. (2016).Saga of
silicon plate: An empirical analysis on the impact of socio economic factors
of farmers on inception of solar plants. International Journal of Control
Theory and Applications. 9(29), pp. 257-266.
XII. Suhasini, T., Koneru, K. (2019).Employee engagement through HRD
practices on employee satisfaction and employee loyalty: An empirical
evidence from Indian IT industry. International Journal of Engineering and
Advanced Technology.8(4), pp. 1788-1794.
XIII. Suhasini, T., Koneru, K. (2018).A study on employee engagement driving
factors and their impact over employee satisfaction – An empirical evidence
from Indian it industry.International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and
Technology.9(4), pp. 725-732.
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EnhancingCustomer Value and Satisfaction.Indian Journal of Science and
Technology, Vol 8(33), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2015/v8i33/78280, December


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Factors Influence Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Software Organization: An Empirical Analysis


J.N.G. Sreenivas, Kalpana koneru, P. Lakshmi Narayanamma



Organizational citizenship is unrestricted behavior that is not part of an employee’s normal requirements from the employers but that nevertheless improves the effective functioning of the organization. The employees who are loyal to the organization and perform duties apart from their normal work duties are termed such behavior as organizational citizenship behavior. It is found from the literature that a significant support and evidences are found to elaborate a rational relational relationship between self-concept, human resource policies, and team commitment and with organizational citizenship behavior. Many institutions conduct various Green HR Practices programs for understanding its effect and influence on employee organization commitment strategically. Therefore the factors which are having more impact on the workplace readiness to employee organizational citizenship Behaviour (OCB) are Increased Saving and Change commitment. The relevant hypothesis have been developed and further tested on these relationships and conducted in order to investigate its impact on organizational citizenship behavior.


Organizational citizenship behavior,Team commitment,self-concept,organizational effectiveness,Motivation,Job satisfaction,


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Role of Online Food Ordering Apps in determining the Purchase Intentions: An Empirical Analysis among the selected Online Food ordering customers


M. SivaKoti Reddy, Shirisha Addela



The present research paper is emphasised to understand the moderating role of information quality to determine the purchase intentions over the various factors such as, ease of use, perceived value, accessibility and convenience. The present study analysed the importance of the concerned variables over the purchase intentions. The required data for this study is collected from the users of both Swiggy and Zomato users in Guntur and Krishna districts of Andhra Pradesh. The results of the study provided the empirical support to understand well the customer perceptions towards the online food delivering apps.


Online food delivery,ease of use,perceived value,accessibility,convenience,information quality,purchase intentions,


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VI. Hymavathi, C., Koneru, K. (2019). Role of perceived risk in mutual funds
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region of Andhra Pradesh. International Journal of Innovative Technology
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VIII. Kishan Varma, M.S., Koneru, K., Yedukondalu, D.(2019). Affect of
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XII. Neelima, J., Koneru, K.(2019). Assessing the role of organizational culture
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XVI. Sivakoti Reddy, M., Venkateswarlu, N.(2019). Customer relationship
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XVII. Sivakoti Reddy, M., Murali Krishna, S.M.(2019). Influential role of retail
service quality in food and grocery retailing: A comparative study between
traditional and multi-channel retailing. International Journal of
Management and Business Research. 9(2), pp. 68-73.
XVIII. Sivakoti Reddy, M., Naga Bhaskar, M., Nagabhushan, A. (2016). Saga of
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factors of farmers on inception of solar plants. International Journal of
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XX. Suhasini, T. Koneru, K. (2018). A study on employee engagement driving
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Awareness and Penetration Level of Cashless Transactions in the Organized Retail Market of Nagpur City


Shashwati Bhowmick



Cash was the only medium of monetary transaction till recent past, however the scenario changed after demontization and cashless became the new norm. Retail means repeated sales to the end consumer in small quantity. As a result it witnesses maximum transactions. The growth of the retail sector contributes significantly to the GDP of the economy. The economic growth has led to higher incomes of Indian consumers which have resulted in increased purchasing power. Organized Retail is properly planned with investment and infrastructure. It involves transactions among various stake holders like Customers, Retailers, Distributors, Manufacturers and Government Agencies. It needs seamless payments and processing system for ensuring substantial growth and development. Cashless transactions play a significant role in achieving the same in organized retail markets. Nagpur is a fast emerging smart city witnessing significant growth in organized retail. The researcher finds that there is enormous scope for cashless transactions in organized retail market of Nagpur City. This paper studies the awareness and penetration level of cashless transactions in organized retail market of Nagpur City.


Awareness,Penetration,Organized Retail,Cashless,Transactions,


I. Bappaditya Mukhopadhyay: Understanding cashless payemts in India,
Mukhopadhyay Financial Innovation 2:27, DOI 10.1186/s40854-016-0047-4,
II. Borhan Omar Ahmad Al- Dalaien, Cashless Economy in India: Challenges
Ahead, Asian Journal of Applied Science and technology, Vol 1, Iss 7, Pages
168-174, 2017
III. K. C. Balaji and K. Balaji: A Study On Demonetization And Its Impact On
Cashless Transactions, E-ISSN: 2395-6089 p-ISSN: 2394-8906, International
Journal of Advanced Scientific Research & Development Vol. 04, Iss.03,
Ver. I, pp. 58 – 64, March 2017

IV. Manpreet Kaur: Demonetization: Impact On Cashless Payment System, 6th
International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering, Science and
Management, Shri Teg Bahadur Khalsa College, Anandpur Sahib, Punjab,
ISBN : 978-93-86171-21-4, 2017
V. Preeti Garg and Manvi Panchal, Study on Introduction of Cashless Economy
in India 2016: Benefits and challenges, IOSR Journal of Business and
Management,e-ISSN:2278-487X, p-Issn:2319-7668,Vol 19,Iss
VI. Sumiran Kumar Rajak, Cash to Cashless Economy: An India Perspective,
International Jouranl of Academic Research and Development, ISSN: 2455-
4197, Impact Factor: RJIF 5.22, Vol 2 , Iss 6, Page No 239-241S,2017
VII. Sivakoti Reddy, M. (2019). Impact of RSERVQUAL on customer
satisfaction: A comparative analysis between traditional and multi-channel
retailing. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering. 8(1),
pp. 2917-2920.

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Strategic Human Resource Management & Digitisation of HR for Sustainable Development


P. Janakiram, Lakshmi Narayanamma



In the competitive world that is driven by sheer quality and performance, building a business that is sustainable and growth oriented requires strong strategic management practices coupled with continual improvement of 4Ps namely, Policies, Processes, Practices and People, which drive the sustainability and growth. With robust strategic management practices; the organisational policies, processes and systems strengthen the business from within and enable the business to face challenges posed by external environment. Human Resources (people) are the most critical resources for the Business. Whatever be the level of modernisation and mechanisation the Processes might have undergone, the Human competencies for managing the processes is always critical, like that of formulating policies. To strengthen the organisation from within, the Strategic Human Resource Management is critical. SHRM can be effective only when it undergoes modernisation according to times. For sustainable business growth, the HR Practices also need to be robust and flexible. One of the critical aspects is Digitisation of HR Practices. As it is known “What cannot be recorded cannot be measured and what cannot be measured cannot be improved”, Digitisation of Human Resource function serves the purpose of recording the information and provides the analytics, paving a way for continual improvement. Only caution being, the IT shall be used only as a decision and process enabling tool for Human Resource Management and benevolence aspect shall not be lost in digitisation of Human Resource Management. With SHRM getting digitised, it provides required inherent strength to the business to be successful. Hence required focus needs to be laid on SHRM and its digitisation with added caution to ensure continual growth of the business for sustainable development.


Strategy,Business Strategy,Technical Human Resource Management,Strategic Human Resource Management,Sustainable Competitive Advantage,


I. Hymavathi, C.H., Koneru, K.(2018). Investors’ awareness towards commodities
market with reference to GUNTUR city, Andhra Pradesh. International Journal
of Engineering and Technology(UAE). 7(2), pp. 1104-1106.
II. Hymavathi, C., Koneru, K. (2019). Role of perceived risk in mutual funds
selection behavior: An analysis among the selected mutual fund investors.
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology. 8(4), pp. 1913-
III. Hymavathi, C.H., Koneru, K.(2019). Investors perception towards Indian
commodity market: An empirical analysis with reference to Amaravathi region
of Andhra Pradesh. International Journal of Innovative Technology and
Exploring Engineering. 8(7), pp. 1708-1714.
IV. KishanVarma, M.S., Koneru, K., Yedukondalu, D.(2019). Affect of worksite
wellness interventions towards occupational stress. International Journal
of Recent Technology and Engineering. 8(1), pp. 2874-2879
V. Lakshmi Narahari, C., Koneru, K. (2018). Stress at work place and its impact on
employee performance. International Journal of Engineering and
Technology(UAE). 7(2), pp. 1066-1071.
VI. Manukonda et al. (2019). What Motivates Students To Attend Guest Lectures?.
The International Journal of Learning in Higher Education. Volume 26, Issue 1.
VII. Neelima, J., Koneru, K.(2019). Assessing the role of organizational culture in
determining the employee performance – empirical evidence from Indian
pharmaceutical sector. International Journal of Innovative Technology and
Exploring Engineering. 8(7), pp. 1701-1707.

VIII. National Training Policy 2012, Department of Personnel and Training,
Government of India.
IX. Sivakoti Reddy, M. (2019). Impact of RSERVQUAL on customer satisfaction: A
comparative analysis between traditional and multi-channel retailing.
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering. 8(1), pp. 2917-
X. Sivakoti Reddy, M., Venkateswarlu, N.(2019). Customer relationship
management practices and their impact over customer purchase decisions: A
study on the selected private sector banks housing finance schemes. International
Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering. 8(7), pp. 1720-
XI. Sivakoti Reddy, M., Murali Krishna, S.M.(2019). Influential role of retail service
quality in food and grocery retailing: A comparative study between traditional
and multi-channel retailing. International Journal of Management and Business
Research. 9(2), pp. 68-73.
XII. Sivakoti Reddy, M., Naga Bhaskar, M., Nagabhushan, A. (2016). Saga of silicon
plate: An empirical analysis on the impact of socio economic factors of farmers
on inception of solar plants. International Journal of Control Theory and
Applications. 9(29), pp. 257-266.
XIII. Suhasini, T., Koneru, K. (2019). Employee engagement through HRD practices
on employee satisfaction and employee loyalty: An empirical evidence from
Indian IT industry. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced
Technology. 8(4), pp. 1788-1794.
XIV. Suhasini, T., Koneru, K. (2018). A study on employee engagement driving
factors and their impact over employee satisfaction – An empirical evidence from
Indian it industry. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and
Technology. 9(4), pp. 725-732.
XV. Read more:
XVI. Year 2013, Corporate Policy-its Determinants and Importance in Present
Corporate Scenario by Dr. D.C. Johri*, Dr.VikasSaraf ** and
Ms.AlpaGhosh***ISSN No. (Online) : 2249-3255
XVII. Y. V. Rao and SrinivasaRaoBudde. Banking Technology Innovations in India:
Enhancing Customer Value and Satisfaction. Indian Journal of Science and
Technology, Vol 8(33), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2015/v8i33/78280, December
XVIII. Year 2018, A Study of Digitalization in HRM and its Effectiveness in Execution
of HR Strategies and Policies *1Mruthyanjaya RaoMangipudi, 2 Rajesh Vaidya
XIX. Year 2019, Importance of Competency based Training Management System –
with focus on Government Organisations, by P. JanakiramandDr. Lakshmi

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An Emperical Analysis of the Potentialof FDI inflows in India


Ronismita Mishra



India needs FDI as a constituent of its tactical investment for acquiring and prolonging Economic Reforms, tempo and developmental economic growth. It was initially low due to frame work of policy regulation. However, from 2005, it jumped up in its output till date; credit goes to the new policy. Research is on to make out the rigorous improvement of Indian economic development by means of incentives that out par the previous ones, attractive such as Human Capita Transfers, Domestic Investment etc. The sole motive of the research is to highlight the consequence of FDI on economic growth in India through the pivot of investments in different spheres in India.


FDI,Economic Reforms,economic growth in India,


I. Amitabh Kant (2014): NITI Aayog CEO and Former DIPP Secretary.
II. AradhnaAggarwal (2005): “The influence of labour market on FDI- Some
Emperical Exploration in Export Oriented and Domestic market seeking FDI
across Indian states”: Paper presented at the competitive section of the Global
conference on Business and Economics, held at the Oxford University,

III. Chand Singh (2017): “Impact of FDI on Indian Economy”: IJARIIE: vol
IV. C. Chopra (2003): “Foreign Investment in India”: Deep and Deep
Publication, New Delhi: PP. 34-45. (Isted)
V. Dr. H.C. Kothari, Mr.Pankaj Bhatt (2015): “Do FDI inflows influence the
movement of Indian stock market?”: International Journal of Marketing,
Financial Services and Management Research: Vol 4(2). PP- 130-140.
VI. Mandeepkaur: Impact of Foreign Direct Investment On Macro Economic
Parameters of India: AN EMPERICAL STUDY.
VII. Monika Jindal (2016): “Impact of FDI on Indian Economy”: International
Journal of Advanced Education and Research: Vol 1 (5). PP-65-68.
VIII. M.S Jallab, M.B.R. Gbakou and R. Sandretto (2008): “Foreign Direct
Investment- macroeconomic Instability and Economic growth in MENA
countries”: Worki9ng paper No 08-17, Group d analyse, ET. De
TheorisEconomique (GATE), Centre national de la recherché scientifique
(CNRS), University Lyon.
IX. N.P Lan (2006):” Foreign Direct Investment and Its Linkage to Economic
Growth in Vietnam- A Provincial level Analysis”: WWW.…/abstract%20lan_nguyen.
X. NoureddineEchcharfi and Hamid Fayou (2016):“Foreign Direct Investment,
Trade balance and Growth- the sector does mater. First Draft.
XI. Peter S. Fisher and Alan H. Peters (1998): “State and localIncentive
Competition for New investment- In industrial Incentives Competition
Among American state and cities. Kalamazoo”: MI: Eupjohn Institute for
Employment Research: PP- 1-30.
XII. Santis Roberta D, Claudio Vicarelli, Cristina Mercari (2001):” Taxes and
Location of FDI- an Empirical Analysis for the European Union countries”:
ISAE InstitutodistudieAnalisiEconomica, Rome
XIII. Syed Azhar and K.N. Marimuthu (2012): “An overview of Foreign Direct
Investment in India”: International Journal of Multidisciplinary Management
studies: Vol 12 (1).
XIV. Y. V. Rao and SrinivasaRaoBudde.Banking Technology Innovations in India:
EnhancingCustomer Value and Satisfaction.Indian Journal of Science and
Technology, Vol 8(33), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2015/v8i33/78280, December

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Perception of Students on the Teaching Methods of Public and Private School


P. Lakshmi Narayanamma



Education plays a vital role in the life of every individual. Hence, schools should give quality education to their students. Quality education refers to standard curriculum, teaching pedagogy, good educational facility, and evaluation and marking system. This research is initiated to know the attitude and behaviour of students towards both public and private schools.The study group consists of students from 9th& 10th class.Datawas collected using a questionnaireon various parameters like quality of teaching, lecture notes, pressure from teachers, difficulty of subject etc.The researcher mainly focused on these factors with respect to public and private schools. The researcher used both quantitative and qualitative data to analyze and find out the differences between the private and government school.The study also focus on association between gender and choice of school, pressure by teachers, understanding of concepts and quality of teaching.




I. Belagali, H. V. (2011). A study of attitude towards teaching profession in relation to
type of management and teaching experience of secondary school teachers.
International Referred Research Journal, 3(32), 18-19.
II. Essays, UK. (November 2018). Comparison between Public and Private Schools
Education Essay. Retrieved from
III. Ganaie, M. Y., &Mudasir, H. (2014). A comparative study of teaching competency
of secondary school teachers in district Srinagar. Report and Opinion, 6(6), 49-54.
IV. Hsieh, C., & Shen, J. (2001). Is school choice a mechanism for sustaining changes?
Implications from a national survey. The Clearing House, 75 (2), 88-91.
V. Ovando, C. J., Collier, V. P., & Combs, M. C. (2003). Bilingualism & ESL
Classroom: Teaching in multicultural contexts. Boston, Mass: McGraw Hill.
VI. Pathak, R. P. (2012). Development and problems of Indian education. Chennai:
Pearson Education India.
VII. Pathania, K. S., &Pathak, A. (2013). Choice based credit system: The need of the
hour. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, 51(8), 1-3.
VIII. Priyanka, T. (2017). A comparative study on the teaching methods of private and
government school of south kamrup area and its impact on students (Doctoral
dissertation, Assam Don Bosco University, 2017).
IX. Manukonda et al. (2019). What Motivates Students To Attend Guest Lectures?. The
International Journal of Learning in Higher Education. Volume 26, Issue 1. 23-3.
X. Sivakoti Reddy, M. (2019). Impact of RSERVQUAL on customer satisfaction: A
comparative analysis between traditional and multi-channel retailing. International
Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering. 8(1), pp. 2917-2920.
XI. Sivakoti Reddy, M., Venkateswarlu, N.(2019). Customer relationship management
practices and their impact over customer purchase decisions: A study on the selected
private sector banks housing finance schemes. International Journal of Innovative
Technology and Exploring Engineering. 8(7), pp. 1720-1728.
XII. Sivakoti Reddy, M., Murali Krishna, S.M.(2019). Influential role of retail service
quality in food and grocery retailing: A comparative study between traditional and
multi-channel retailing. International Journal of Management and Business Research.
9(2), pp. 68-73.
XIII. Sivakoti Reddy, M., Naga Bhaskar, M., Nagabhushan, A. (2016). Saga of silicon
plate: An empirical analysis on the impact of socio economic factors of farmers on
inception of solar plants. International Journal of Control Theory and Applications.
9(29), pp. 257-266.

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A Study on the Attitude of College Students towards Entrepreneurship Education with Reference to Chennai


S. Jayalakshmi, O. Vijayalakshmi



The capacity and willingness to develop organize and manage a business venture along with any of its risks in order to earn profit is entrepreneurship. The objectives of the study are to find the level of awareness and attitude among college students about various programs under entrepreneurship education. The statistical tools like rank correlation, T-teat and Anova were used to analyse the data and the study reveals that the students are very much aware about the various programs conducted under the ED cell. The overall attitude of the students towards entrepreneurship education is positively influencing.


Entrepreneurship,Entrepreneurship education programs,attitude,Awareness level,


I. Douglas, E., (1999), Entrepreneurship as a career choice. Attitudes
entrepreneurial intentions and utility maximizations, Frontiers of
Entrepreneurship Research, Babson College, Wellesley, Massachusetts,
ISSN: 1042-2587, pg-81-90
II. Fasla N.P (2017), A study on Entrepreneurship attitude among college
students, International journal of Research Science and management, ISSN:
IV. Muhammad Zaman, (2013), Aademic Journals, ISSN: 1993-8233, Volume-
7(39), pg-4053-4058.
V. S. Arunkumar, J.Joseprabhu, S.Divya,et al (2018), Entrepreneurial Attitude
among Management students, International Journal of pure and Applied
Mathematics, p-ISSN 1311-8080,e-ISSN:1314-3395,Volume 119,Issue 7,pg-

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