
Multi-Context Cluster Based Trust Aware Routing ForInternet of Things


Sowmya Gali, Venkatram N



Due to openness of the deployed environment and transmission medium (Internet), Internet of Things (IoT) suffers from various types of security attacks including Denial of service, Sinkhole, Tampering etc. Securing IoT is achieved a greater research interest and this paper proposes a new secure routing strategy for IoT based on trust model. In this model, initially the nodes of the network are formulated as clusters and the IoT nodes which are more prominent in trustworthiness and energy are only chosen as Cluster Heads. Further a trust evaluation mechanism was accomplished for every Cluster Node at Cluster Head to build a secure route for data transmission from source node to destination node. The trust evaluation is a composition of the communication trust, nobility trust and data trust. Simulation experiments are conducted over the proposed approach and the performance is analyzed through the performance metrics such as Packet Delivery Rate, Network Lifetime, and Malicious Detection Rate. The obtained performance metrics shows the outstanding performance of proposed method even in the increased malicious behavior of network.


Internet of Things,Trust Management,Clustering,Communication Trust,Malicious Detection Rate,Network Lifetime,


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Adaptive threshold back propagation neural network for rice grain classification using variance and co-variance colour features


Ksh. Robert Singh, Saurabh Chaudhury



This paper presents a simple and fast feature extraction technique for classification of four varieties of rice grain. Three colour models (RGB, HSV and HSI) are obtained from the input colour images. Variance and Covariance features are then extracted from each of the three colour models. The classification of rice grains are then carried out using a Back Propagation Neural Network with adaptive thresholding. The computational time for feature extraction and their classification accuracies are also compared with other feature extraction techniques. It is found that the time taken using variance and covariance features extraction technique is relatively less compared to other feature extraction techniques. It is also seen that the proposed feature extraction technique is able to achieve better classification accuracy as compared to other feature extraction techniques discussed in this paper. Results suggest that the proposed technique is able to yield higher classification accuracy than that of other statistical classifiers like K- Nearest Neighbour (K-NN), Naïve Bayes and Support Vector Machine (SVM). The performances of all four classifiers were also tested against standard data sets.


Image,Colour,Features,Variance,Co-variance,Neural Network,


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Assessment of Data Sophistication in HR functions by Applying Ridit Analysis


Sripathi Kalvakolanu, Chendragiri Madhavaiah



The wealth of organizations is being determined by the amount of quality data they possess. Organizations across the globe have recognised this phenomenon. With abundance of data along with advanced analytic tools and technologies, many organizations have embraced business analytics into their essential strategic and operational decision-making tools. Heart of business analytics is the data. The quality and value of decision-making outcomes lie with the data inputs supplied. Big data and social media analytics have given impetus to the expansion of business analytics into all critical functional areas of the organization. Though a little late, the domain of HR has also caught up the trend of applying analytics. This new area is termed as people analytics or HR analytics. In this paper, an attempt is made to understand the extent of data availability and usage in analytics, termed as data sophistication in HR analytics in the organizations. As there are no definite ways to determine the data sophistication levels, a response sheet with a set of 20 items is developed based on previous literature. Data is collected from HR professionals. This data is subjected to exploratory factor analysis to capture the important dimensions from the items. Using structural equation modelling, confirmatory factor analysis was carried out to assess the model fit. Based on the resultant model, data is subjected to ridit analysis to interpret the treatment effect intuitively. The findings of the study add to the field of study in the area of data analytics, HR analytics, and decision-making domains. New approaches and study opportunities in related areas can be explored in this area due to its fast-emerging nature.


Data analytics,Data sophistication,HR analytics,ridit analysis,


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A distinct approach to diagnose dengue fever with the help of soft set theory


Fariha Iftikhar, Faiza Ghulam Nabi



Intelligent systems based on mathematical theories have proved to be efficient in diagnosing various diseases. In this paper we used an expert system based on “soft set theory” and “fuzzy set theory” named as soft expert system to diagnose tropical disease dengue. This study discuss the role of “Soft set theory” as system which worked on the basis of knowledge in medical field. Study used “soft expert system” to predict the risk level or chances of a patient causing dengue fever by using input variables like age, TLC, SGOT, platelets count and blood pressure. The proposed method explicitly demonstrates the exact percentage of the risk level of dengue fever automatically circumventing for all possible (medical) imprecisions.


dengue fever,soft set theory,fuzzy set theory,intelligent systems,


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A New Video Watermarking Using Redundant Discrete Wavelet in Singular Value Decomposition Domain


Kalyanapu Srinivas, Pala Mahesh Kumar, Annam Jagadeeswara Rao



Digital watermarking is an innovation for the hiding a secret information into an object. It can be utilized ascopyright protection and secure concern for multimedia and digital information. This article presents a new video watermarking using redundant discrete wavelet transform (RDWT) in singular value decomposition (SVD) domain. Further, it is also computed several image quality metrics lie peak signal-tonoise ratio (PSNR), structural similarity (SSIM) index and root mean square error (RMSE) to disclose the imperceptibility and robustness of proposed watermarking approach compared to conventional approaches. Extensive simulation results show that the proposed algorithm have performed superior to the conventional water marking algorithms.


Digital Watermarking,discrete wavelet transform,singular value decomposition,redundant discrete wavelet and image quality metrics,


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Futuristic Machine Learning Techniques for Diabetes Detection


Pavan kumar Panakanti, Sammulal Porika, SK Yadav



Diabetes detection has become an important task for medical practitioners in India and abroad. Researchers and scientists have been working on this problem actively. Machine learning has been contributing majorly to systems, techniques and solutions for diabetes detection problem. Yet there are challenges which remain to be addressed. Recently convolution based machine learning techniques have evolved to give efficient results in various domains. They have shown applicability over range of problems. So here recent architectures of Convolution based machine learning models like Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Capsule Networks (CapsNet) are discussed. Also, application of these recent models is presented here. Additionally, challenges faced by current Diabetes detection systems are discussed. Along with these challenges CapsNet architecture for text analytics is presented. This CapsNet architecture is closest to Diabetes detection problem in terms of structure and arrangement of data to be handled. Thus in future this architecture and its variants can be applied for Diabetes detection.


Diabetes detection,Convolutional Neural Networks,CNN,Capsule Networks,CapsNet,


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MANET protocol with Ant colony optimization for real time applications


Pavan kumar Panakanti



Mobile ad-hoc network is a most significant job in military applications since it is explicitly planned system for on demand requirement and in circumstances where set up of physical system is beyond the realm of imagination. This special kind of network which takes control in infrastructure less correspondence handles genuine difficulties carefully, for example, exceedingly hearty and dynamic military work stations, devices and littler sub-arranges in the front line. In this manner, there is an intense interest of planning productive directing conventions guaranteeing security and unwavering quality for fruitful transmission of exceedingly touchy and secret military data in guard systems. With this target, a power effective system layer directing convention in the system for military application is structured and mimicked utilizing another cross layer approach of configuration to expand unwavering quality and system lifetime up to a more prominent degree. But here PDO-AODV approach not supports to optimal path selection. So we propose a new ACO-DAEE (Ant colony optimization with delay aware energy efficient) for optimal path selection and mitigating the delay time in network system. The main goal is to maintain the optimal routes in network, during data transmission in an efficient manner. Our simulation results indicate that ACO-ADEE performs extremely well in terms of packet delivery ratio, end to end delay, and throughput. Simulation results through NS2 software to verify the effectiveness of our method.


Mobile ad-hoc network,ACO-DAEE,optimal path selection,NS2 software,


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Despeckling SAR Images Thought Nest ESA Tool


G. Siva Krishna, Shobini.B, N.Prakash



The Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) usually corrupted by some surplus speckle formed. These speckles having multiplicative noise, which appears likes a grainy pattern in the SAR image. This performs an accurate interpretation of SAR images. The aim of this work was to remove the noise and the accurate classifying the LULC facts with quality evolution with statistical operations. The SAR images to play an import key role on Earth Observation applications using high resolution for allweather conditions and all times. These Radar satellite collecting images have noise. To despeckle the noise, we propose the NEST Tool. Using this tool we (statistical operations) subtract band wise noisily one. The experiment results are better performance from the state of art techniques.


Despeckle learning,SAR,radar,noise,nest tool,


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Design of 5-Stage Ring Oscillator using Mentor Graphics 130nm Technology


Kumaraswamy Gajula



The design of layout and source VLSI by way of low design rules is a difficult assignment before fabricating required device. A RF integrated circuit contains extensive applications is Ring Oscillator (RO). Current article focus a novel method of design, where a ring oscillator (RO) is simulated with Layout versus Source(LVS) report for physical verification using mentor graphics with Pyxis schematic, ELDOsimulation, EzWaves, Pyxis Layout and Calibre tools. Here RO circuit is designed with inverters of 5 stages operating at 9 GHz with the boundaries obligatory by gdk Generic 13 library. Simulated results, schematic, layout with LVS reports are presented here to verify design of RO with Mentor graphics EDA back end tool in efficient manner compared to Cadence.


Layout Vs Schematic (LVS),Inverter,Oscillator,Mentor Graphics,


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Digital Beam forming Algorithms for Radar Applications


Sri Bindu. Sattu



Beam forming can be achieved by combining elements in an array in way that certain angles get constructive interference and some destructive interference, which can be utilized for both transmitter and receiver ends so that they can achieve spatial selectivity. Combination of antenna and digital technology as Digital Beam Forming (DBF) which was developed by workers in sonar and Radar systems which was enhanced by development of aperture synthesis methods leading to modern dipolar arrays improvement. Converting RF signals into cos and sin signals representing amplitude and phase values which are combined to get desired output this is done by converting analog signal into digital. Antenna is considered as a device which converts spatio signals into strictly temporal signals which makes it helpful for various signal processing techniques.


Beam Forming (DBF),Radar systems,signal processing techniques,


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VII. K.Praveen Kumar, “Circularly Polarization of Edge-Fed Square Patch
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advanced research in dynamical and control systems, Vol-10, Special
issue-03, 2018.
XII. K.Praveen Kumar, Dr. Habibulla Khan, “Design and characterization
of Optimized stacked electromagnetic band gap ground plane for low
profile patch antennas” International journal of pure and applied
mathematics, Vol 118, No. 20, 2018, 4765-4776.
XIII. K.Praveen Kumar, Dr. Habibulla Khan “Optimization of EBG
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Characterization” International journal of applied engineering research
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XIX. K.Praveen Kumar, “Mutual Coupling Reduction between antenna
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XX. K.Praveen Kumar, “The surface properties of TMMD-HIS material; A
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XXI. K.Praveen Kumar, “Triple Band Edge Feed Patch Antenna; Design and
Analysis”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and
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XXII. K Satish Reddy a, K Praveen Kumar, Habibulla Khan, Harswaroop
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Magnetic Material” 2nd International Conference on Nanomaterials
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XXIII. Kumaraswami Gajula, Amulya Boyina, K. Praveen Kumar “Active
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