


Hossein Bazzi, Hossein Ebrahimi, Babak Aminnejad



The aim of this article is modeling the effects of climate change on open water evaporation. To this end, SDSM model was used. Data related to base period for the evaporation modeling was from 1983 to 2005 and the maximum and minimum evaporation values were simulated for the next two periods of 2030-2050 and 2080-2100. The results showed that sea-level pressure, wind speed, geopotential height and surface temperature has the greatest effect on evaporation. Also, the results of evaporation modeling showed that the range of evaporation would be decreased for both time periods and under all scenarios. Increasing the concentration of greenhouse gases with its positive and negative feedbacks reduced the intensity of maximum evaporation and consequently increased the minimum amount of daily evaporation. The highest decrease in the maximum evaporation amounts and the highest increase in the minimum evaporation amounts would occur in the cold months of the year and in the warm months of the year, respectively


Climate Change,Wind speed,Surface temperature,Evaporation,SDSM Model,


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Hafeez Ullah Jan, Dr. Gul Muhammad, Atif Jan, Muhammad Aamir Aman



Excessive use of electronic devices and image sharing applications in the modern world produce gigantic number of images. The huge image data demands to be handled properly to efficiently utilize the storage space and transmission bandwidth resources. Image compression techniques limit the storage size of the image for this purpose. With the passage of time compression techniques have enhancedto attain more compression and produce decompressed image of high quality. This study which is part of post graduate project suggests the use of neural network to reconstruct the gray scale images which are compressed by withdrawing the pixels from the image. MATLAB is used as programming tool to carry out the simulations. The results obtained are promising.  


Artificial Neural Network (ANN),Hidden Neurons,MATLAB,Image Compression,Reconstruction,


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Rahat Ullah, Hamza Umar Afridi, Muhammad Aamir Aman, Muhammad Waheed



At present, Pakistan is stood up to with vitality emergency because of decrease in traditional wellsprings of vitality. There is an expansive hole among interest and supply of power. Consequently Growing worry over the danger of worldwide environmental change has prompted an expanded enthusiasm for innovative work of sustainable power source advances. The sea gives a tremendous wellspring of potential vitality assets, and as sustainable power source innovation creates, interest in sea vitality is probably going to develop. Research in sea warm vitality change, wave vitality, tidal vitality, and seaward wind vitality has prompted promising advancements and now and again, business organization. These sources can possibly help reduce the worldwide environmental change risk, yet the sea condition ought to be ensured while these advances are produced. Sustainable power sources from the sea might be misused without hurting the marine condition if ventures are sited and scaled suitably and ecological rules are pursued  


Energy Crisis,Ocean Energy,Renewable Energy,Tidal Energy,Environmental Changes,Vital zones,


I. Ashley Taylor and Tom krupenkin “Reverse electro wetting as a new approach to high power energy harvesting” Nature communication, pp 1-7August 2011.
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V. Muhammad Aamir Aman*1, Muhammad Zulqarnain Abbasi2, Hamza Umar Afridi3, Mehr-e-Munir4, Jehanzeb Khan5 Department of Electrical Engineering, Iqra National University, Pakistan “Photovoltaic (PV) System Feasibility for UrmarPayan a Rural Cell Sites in Pakistan” J.Mech.Cont.& Math. Sci., Vol.-13, No.-3, July-August (2018) Pages 173-179.
VI. Muhammad AamirAman*1, Muhammad Zulqarnain Abbasi2, Murad Ali3, Akhtar Khan4 Department of Electrical Engineering, Iqra National University, Pakistan.“To Negate the influences of Un-deterministic Dispersed Generation on Interconnection to the Distributed System considering Power Losses of the system” J.Mech.Cont.& Math. Sci., Vol.-13, No.-3, July-August (2018) Pages 117-132.
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VIII. S. Dhaley, D. English, E.Hu, P. Barbara, and A. Belcher, “Nature”, PP 665, 2000.

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Kamran Aziz, Kamran Ahmad, S.M. Tariq Shah



Pakistan being a developing country, with many budget constraints, poor governance and legislation of commercial vehicle’s loading limits facing the dilemma of overloading of commercial vehicles from the last decade, as overloading is the main factor for pavement deteriorations. Highway authorities would be facing the serious problems of maintenance, rehabilitation and reconstruction of existing roads together with designing the future roads to meet the criteria for much higher traffic loadings. Thus, there is grim need to evaluate the impact of commercial vehicle’s overloading on pavement performance to come-up with the optimum solution. Data of three weigh in motion stations between the two major cities (Peshawar and Rawalpindi) on the main national highway N-5 of Pakistan were collected and analyzed. A comparative study of actual and design load equivalency factors (NTRC-1995) were carried to determine the impact of current loading pattern on the pavement performance. AASHTO flexible pavement design method was applied to compute the axle load equivalency factors and thicknesses required for pavement structures. Furthermore, the effect of variation in truck factor due to current loadings, on pavement design practice in Pakistan in term of performance period and economy was evaluated. It is found that, on average 90% of the commercial vehicles in Pakistan are going overloaded than the suggested limits with axle type-2 vehicle is more damaging to pavement structures having truck factors 2.65 times more than the design truck factors. Moreover, it was analyzed that the pavement structure designed on the basis of truck factors suggested by NTRC would get deteriorate in 3.5 years rather than 10 years with the economic loss of 4.5 million rupees approx.


Overloads,Truck Factor,Weigh in Motion,Flexible Pavement,Traffic,


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Omaia Mohammad Al-Omari, Nazlia Omar



There has been a significant growth in the digital word as per the documents are concerned. The classification of digital document is a big trend in the market as a revolution. However the classification of the document is a big task for the modern applications. There are various terms that are used for the extraction of information from the documents. The main concerned areas for the document classification are the noun and the verbs that broadly signify the topics and events. The use of NV (Noun Verb) techniques is a common and powerful practice for the words to be classified.  The performance of the document depends on the NV technique due to the classification of the document. The main aim of the work shown in this study is to enhance the capability of the NV extraction methodology to classify the documents. Three classifiers namely, K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), Naive Bayes (NB), and Support Vector Machine (SVM) are used for the comparison of the results. Various benchmark set are used in this study for the evaluation of the accuracy of the data sets. The data sets were taken from Reuters 8 and WebKb for this purpose. Other extraction methods were also enhanced and incorporated with the NV method extraction e.g., Nouns, Bag of Word (BOW), and Verbs. The results are studied and the conclusion follows them


BOW extraction,Document classification,NV extraction,KNN classifier,NB classifier,SVM classifier,


I. Apoorva Deshpande, Ramnaresh Sharma, Multilevel Ensemble Classifier using Normalized Feature based Intrusion Detection System, International Journal of Advance Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, Vol 7, No.5, September -October 2018.
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III. Cambria, E., & White, b. 2014. Jumping NLP Curves: A Review of Natural Language Processing Research. IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, 9(1): 48-57.
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V. Dyer, M. 1995. Connectionist natural language processing: a status report. in Computational Architectures Integrating Neural and Symbolic Processes, Sun and L. Bookman, Eds. Dordrecht. The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic, 292(1):389–429.

VI. Fodeh, S., Punch, W. & Tan, P. 2011. On ontology-driven document clustering using core semantic features. On ontology-driven document clustering using core semantic features, Journal of KnowlInfSyst, Springer-Verlag London. 28(2): 395-421.
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XI. Lewis, D. 1997. Reuters-21578 text categorization test collection. AT&T Labs Research.
XII. Liu, Xin&Beyrend-Dur, Delphine&Dur, Gael & Ban, Syuhei. (2014).
XIII. OumaymaOueslati, Ahmed Ibrahim S. Khalil, Habib Ounelli, Sentiment Analysis for Helpful Reviews Prediction, International Journal of Advance Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, Vol 7, No.3, May – June 2018
XIV. Porter, F. 1997. An algorithm for suffix stripping in K. Sparck Jones, P. Willett (1st Eds) Readings in Information Retrieval, Morgan Kaufmann Multimedia Information and Systems Series, pp: 313–316.
XV. Rogati, Monica & Yang, Yiming. 2002. High-performing feature selection for text classification. 659. 10.1145/584902.584911.
XVI. Yao, H., Liu, C., Zhang, P., & Wang, L. 2017. A feature selection method based on synonym merging in text classification system. Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. Springer. pp: 1-8.

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Nayyar Ahmed Khan, Rund Fareed Mahafdah, Omaia Mohammad Al-Omari, Samia Dardouri, Ahmed MasihUddinSiddiqi, Mohammad Ahmad Mohammad Nasimuddin



Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging trend in the field of technology, which has derived a lot of attention in the recent years. The ability of this technology for reducing the burden and strain on the education or academic system makes it possible for deriving a potential and raising the standards of academics. This study proposes a standard model for the educational system with the help of IoT. This paper gives an IoT based modal for the student engagement till the industry institute linkage plan. It gives a design in which the monitoring of RFID based data can be done and results could be discovered using the IoT techniques for the further selection criteria of industries. The results for any student shall be updated and made available based on the student data and business intelligence can be applied to the university system for giving the industry for best students. The study tries to relate various components which are later for the model generation, including the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for a wearable IoT university system. A lot of challenges are based by the field of academics and University’s as far as security and privacy is concerned. Future direction in the research can be derived from the existing proposed model in the study.


IoT,e-learning,computational learning,System Adaption,Security,privacy,challenges,smart devices,sensors-based devices,


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Samia Dardouri, Rund Fareed Mahafdah, Omaia Mohammad Al Omari, Ridha bouallegue



The radios must be distributed in the best way possible to provide higher quality of service (QoS) to users. A main component of Long-Term Evolution (LTE) processing is the packet scheduler, which includes all time and frequency support in active flows. We evaluate in this article three different scheduling algorithms in the uplink transmission path for the mixed forms of traffic flows for the Single Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access (SC-FDMA). We apply metrics which allow fast evaluation of performance measures such as throughput, Packet Loss Ratio (PLR), Fairness Index (FI) and Spectral Efficiency (SE) by using the LTE-Sim open source simulator. The main contribution of this paper is to determine the appropriate uplink scheduling algorithm for VOIP and video traffics in 3GPP LTE


SC-FDMA,QoS,LTE,Scheduling algorithms,Resource allocation,Uplink direction,throughput,fairness,Packet loss ratio,Spectral Efficiency,


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Anurag Tiwari, Vivek Kumar Singh, Praveen Kumar Shukla, Manuj Darbari



This paper presents a showcase of analysis of Mobile price with respect to the features it is able to analyse for the buyer. The paper gives machine learning approach in identification of the right price and its subsequent features detail. ANN with Back propagation algorithm has been chosen by developing a customized mobile selection algorithm using Kaggle database for modelling and Analysis. Various cost factors are adjusted in relation with the features to be incorporated in the Handset. The adjustment of input variables is done by the help of the machine learning technique giving the exact relationship in three main factors Requirement of the customer based on their segmentation, Price and Features.


Mobile Selection Criteria,MachineLearning,ANN,DSS,


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Anurag Tiwari, Vivek Kumar Singh, Praveen Kumar Shukla, Manuj Darbari



The Blending problem is one of the oldest and best known optimization problems. It is generally formulated as a linear program and has been applied in many fields. However, the mixing problem encountered in the industry requires much more than direct linear programming formulation. Indeed, the classic blending model would almost always be impossible due to the problem of blending in the industry. Indeed, it is often not possible to combine the characteristics of the mixtures as desired, which leads decision makers to seek solutions as close as possible to specific solutions. In this article, we develop and solve a versatile optimization model for the problem of blending, in which we minimize the total cost of the raw materials to be used, as well as violations of the desired characteristic scores of the final blends. We also present a parametric model which is used as a reference point to compare the multi-objective optimization model.


MOO,QFD,Mobile Handsets,


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Madhu Aggarwal, Satinder Bal Gupta



The utilization of Information Communication Technology for learning and teaching is mandatory now a day’s for the overall development of the students as well the teachers. Research reveals that ICT is useful in developing higher order skills and increasing student’s interest in Mathematics. In this paper, the authors discussed some tools of ICT that are helpful in learning and teaching mathematics and making mathematics an interesting subject for the learners.


Mathematical Tools,ICT,Software,Websites,Mobile Apps,Teaching,


I. Adrian Old know, Ron Taylor and Linda Tetlow, “Teaching mathematics using ICT”, Bloomsbury Publishing India private Limited, 2010.

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Faraz Mehmood, Asif R. Khan, Maria Khan, Muhammad Awais Shaikh



In present paper, we give generalisation of inequalities of eby ev type involving weights for absolutely continuous functions whose derivatives belong to  (Lebesgue space), where r ≥ 1. Our results recapture many established results of different authors. Applications are also given in probability theory.


C ̆ebys ̆evInequality,Probability Density Function,Cumulative Density Function.,


Asif R. Khan, J. E. Pec ̆aric ́, M. Praljak, Weighted Montgomery’s Identities for Higher Order Differentiable Functions of Two Variables, , Rev. Anal. Numer. Theor. Approx., 42 (1) (2013), 49-71

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Ali N. Abdul Ghafoor, Munther Abdullah Mussa



A numerical study to investigate the behaviour and impact of different inner tube geometric shapes on the thermal performance of the latent heat thermal energy storage (LHTES) unit have been done. Current work includes a horizontal concentric shell filling with paraffin wax as phase change material (PCM). The tested inner tube geometric shapes were circular tube, horizontal elliptical tube, and vertical elliptical tube. Finite-volume method with a single-domain enthalpy method have been used for the simulation. The results showed that the circular tube is the best due to keeping absorbing heat from PCM through HTF for a long time with 66.37% efficiency and 240.5 minutes.


Energy storage,solidification,Shell and tube,Natural convection,PCM,


I. Agarwal, Ashish, and R. M. Sarviya. 2016. “An Experimental Investigation of Shell and Tube Latent Heat Storage for Solar Dryer Using Paraffin Wax as Heat Storage Material.” Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 19 (1): 619–31.

II. Al-Abidi, Abduljalil A., Sohif Bin Mat, K. Sopian, M. Y. Sulaiman, and Abdulrahman Th Mohammed. 2013. “CFD Applications for Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage: A Review.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 20: 353–63.

III. Avci, Mete, and M. Yusuf Yazici. 2013. “Experimental Study of Thermal Energy Storage Characteristics of a Paraffin in a Horizontal Tube-in-Shell Storage Unit.” Energy Conversion and Management 73: 271–77.

IV. Esapour, M., M. J. Hosseini, A. A. Ranjbar, Y. Pahamli, and R. Bahrampoury. 2016. “Phase Change in Multi-Tube Heat Exchangers.” Renewable Energy 85: 1017–25.

V. Hosseini, M. J., M. Rahimi, and R. Bahrampoury. 2014. “Experimental and Computational Evolution of a Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger as a PCM Thermal Storage System.” International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 50: 128–36.

VI. Hosseini, M. J., A. A. Ranjbar, K. Sedighi, and M. Rahimi. 2012. “A Combined Experimental and Computational Study on the Melting Behavior of a Medium Temperature Phase Change Storage Material inside Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger.” International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 39 (9): 1416–24.

VII. Jesumathy, S. P., M. Udayakumar, S. Suresh, and S. Jegadheeswaran. 2014. “An Experimental Study on Heat Transfer Characteristics of Paraffin Wax in Horizontal Double Pipe Heat Latent Heat Storage Unit.” Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 45 (4): 1298–1306.

VIII. Kibria, M. A., M. R. Anisur, M. H. Mahfuz, R. Saidur, and I. H.S.C. Metselaar. 2014. “Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer in a Shell and Tube Thermal Energy Storage System.” International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 53: 71–78.

IX. Longeon, Martin, Adèle Soupart, Jean François Fourmigué, Arnaud Bruch, and Philippe Marty. 2013. “Experimental and Numerical Study of Annular PCM Storage in the Presence of Natural Convection.” Applied Energy 112: 175–84.

X. Mahdi, Mustafa S., Hameed B. Mahood, Ahmed F. Hasan, Anees A. Khadom, and Alasdair N. Campbell. 2019. “Numerical Study on the Effect of the Location of the Phase Change Material in a Concentric Double Pipe Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage Unit.” Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 11: 40–49.

XI. Rathod, M. K., and J. Banerjee. 2014. “Experimental Investigations on Latent Heat Storage Unit Using Paraffin Wax as Phase Change Material.” Experimental Heat Transfer 27 (1): 40–55.

XII. Seddegh, Saeid, Xiaolin Wang, and Alan D. Henderson. 2016. “A Comparative Study of Thermal Behaviour of a Horizontal and Vertical Shell-and-Tube Energy Storage Using Phase Change Materials.” Applied Thermal Engineering 93: 348–58.

XIII. Senthil, Ramalingam, and Marimuthu Cheralathan. 2016. “Melting and Solidification of Paraffin Wax in a Concentric Tube PCM Storage for Solar Thermal Collector.” International Journal of Chemical 14 (4): 2634–40.

XIV. Yazici, Mustafa Yusuf, Mete Avci, Orhan Aydin, and Mithat Akgun. 2014. “On the Effect of Eccentricity of a Horizontal Tube-in-Shell Storage Unit on Solidification of a PCM.” Applied Thermal Engineering 64 (1–2): 1–9.

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A. Nagaraju, S.Vijaya Bhaskar Reddy



The most incredible inventions in concrete is Self-Compacting Concrete, i.e. concrete will flow by its own weight.  Self-compacting concrete can be achieved by high powder content and with combination of different mineral admixtures or secondary supplementary cementetious materials, high range water reducing super plasticizers and the performance of concrete will also enhanced. All above mentioned qualities make Self-compacting concrete as Special concrete. The more research works were going on to get the generalized mix code for SCC and effect of each ingredient of concrete also examine for SCC.   In the present study, the effect super plasticize dosage and binder content on properties of Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) had been studied. As a part of experimental study, the mix design was developed based on EFNARC guidelines.  The SCC mixes were made with different proportion of binder content (450, 500, 550) at various dosages of super plasticize. Slump flow, V-funnel, l-box and J-ring tests were conducted for checking the properties of SCC.  3-days, 7-days, 28-days UPV test was conducted. The experimental results reveal that at higher binder content, at lower dosage, SCC was formed. The strength was achieved M45, M60 with 500 and 550 grades of cement respectively.


Self-compacting concrete,binder content,Super plasticizer dosage,mix design,


I. B.Łaz´niewska-Piekarczyk, “The influence of chemical admixtures on cement hydration and mixture properties of very high performance self-compacting concrete”, Construction and Building Materials, Dec. 2013.

II. B. Beeralingegowda and V. D. Gundakalle, “The effect of addition ofLimestone powder on the Properties of self-compactingConcrete”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 2, no. 9, Sep. 2013.

III. B. G. Patel, A. K. Desai and S. G. Shah, “Effect of Binder Volume on Fresh and Harden Properties of Self Compacting Concrete”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, vol. 4, no. 09, Sept. 2015.
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V. L.O Larsen and V.V. Naruts, “Self-compacting concrete with limestone powder for transport infrastructure”, Magazine of Civil Engineering, vol. 68, no. 8, pp. 76-85, 2016.
VI. M. A.Sikandar, Z.Baloch and Q. Jamal, “Effect of w/b ratio and binder content on the properties of self-compacting high-performance concrete (SCHPC)”, Journal of Ceramic Processing Research, vo. 6, no. 1, pp. 40-48, Jan. 2018.
VII. P.Aggarwal, R.Siddique, Y.Aggarwal and S. M. Gupta, “Self-Compacting Concrete – Procedure for Mix Design”, Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies, no. 12, Jan-Jun 2008, pp. 15-24.
VIII. P. D Viramgama, Prof. S. R. Vaniya and Prof. Dr. K.B.Parikh, “Effect of Ceramic Waste Powder in Self Compacting Concrete Properties: A Critical Review”, IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, vol. 13, no. 1 Ver. V, Jan. – Feb. 2016.
IX. S.Grzeszczyk and P.Podkowa, “The Effect of Limestone Filler on the Properties of Self Compacting Concrete”, Annual Transactions of The Nordic Rheology Society, vol. 17, 2009.

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Yaqoub Ahmed, M. Nadeem, M. Aslam



 An additive mapping γ : S → S is  α − centralizer, if γ(xy) = γ(x)α(y) where α is an endomorphism on S, holds  for all x, y S. In this article, we discuss some functional identities on additive mapping γ : S → S  on a semiring S, which makes it α-centralizer. Further, we investigate some conditions on α – centralizers which enforces commutativity in semirings.  


Semirings,centralizers ,α– centralizer.,


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Geetha Narayanan Kannaiyan, Bridjesh Pappula



Statistical analysis is a qualitative research used to quantify data adapting a statistical tool. The present study is to device a time dependent non-parametric mathematical model to analyze the spread of COVID-19 in INDIA based on the statistics available. As the medicine to treat COVID-19 is not invented yet, the best possible way to break the chain of spreading virus is, “Personal Hygiene and Social Distancing”.


COVID-19,Statistical analysis,Non-parametric analysis,


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