Hossein Bazzi, Hossein Ebrahimi, Babak AminnejadDOI NO:
The aim of this article is modeling the effects of climate change on open water evaporation. To this end, SDSM model was used. Data related to base period for the evaporation modeling was from 1983 to 2005 and the maximum and minimum evaporation values were simulated for the next two periods of 2030-2050 and 2080-2100. The results showed that sea-level pressure, wind speed, geopotential height and surface temperature has the greatest effect on evaporation. Also, the results of evaporation modeling showed that the range of evaporation would be decreased for both time periods and under all scenarios. Increasing the concentration of greenhouse gases with its positive and negative feedbacks reduced the intensity of maximum evaporation and consequently increased the minimum amount of daily evaporation. The highest decrease in the maximum evaporation amounts and the highest increase in the minimum evaporation amounts would occur in the cold months of the year and in the warm months of the year, respectivelyKeywords:
Climate Change,Wind speed,Surface temperature,Evaporation,SDSM Model,Refference:
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