V. Jalaja, G.S.G.N. AnjaneyuluDOI NO:
In this article, initially we propose a new cryptosystem based on conjugacy using automorphism over non-commutative groups. We applied the proposed cryptosystem to design expert smart meters based on homomorphic encryption with double conjugacy. Smart meters will communicate mostly errorless client electricity consumption readings to suppliers. Although this provides benefits for both entities, it results in a severe loss of privacy for customers. We integrate a monitoring purpose system that preserves customer’s privacy by homomorphically accumulating the consumptions of all n members of a domain. This expert smart system has an proficient linear O(n) communication cost and is proven to protect customer’s privacy even in the presence of a corrupted substation and some malicious smart meters. It need not have any secure communication channels or a trusted third party(except for allotting public key certificates). The security of cryptosystem and smart metering depends on conjugacy and homomorphism. We also demonstrated that the comparison of smart meters with electronic meters by real time data.Keywords:
Cryptosystem,Homomorphic Encryption,Conjugacy Problem ,Smart Metering,Refference:
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