


Rama Naga Kiran Kumar. K, Ramesh Babu. I



This research paper gives the idea of 'non-overlapping n-ary codons' is suggested as aninnovative way to deal with the investigation of genome groupings in the system of analytical software engineering. Given a genome succession of length N, and one can have (N/n) non-overlapping n-ary codons with 0 or 1 or up to n-1 untouched nucleotides left in the arrangement. Fresh or unused nucleotides are not advised in the plan of genetic code.


Non-Overlapping,Linear Prediction,n-aryCodons (n-codons),Genome Sequences,


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Rama Naga Kiran Kumar. K, Ramesh Babu. I



Huge amount of genomic and related data is available in public domain, but they are not manageable. So, it has become the need of the hour to search for faster and reliable algorithms to work on such large genomic databases. Generally, the genomic data comes under ‘Big Data’ and the implementation of the huge data is a hard task. In this case, the public who are working in the field of data mining and pattern recognition understood the emphasis of ‘Machine learning’ capability in evaluating such big data. In this connection, this paper recommends a novel procedure of ‘Supernatural classification of genomic strings’ for DNA analysis scheme.


Supernatural classification,pattern recognition,Big data,Genome Analysis,


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M. Venkata Sireesha, P V Naganjaneyulu, K. Babulu



To depict the hyperspectral data, here a sturdy mixing model is implemented by employing various perfect spectral signatures mixture, which enhances the generally utilized linear mixture model (LMM) by inserting an extra term that describes the potential nonlinear effects (NEs), which are addressed as additive nonlinearities (NLs) those are disseminated without dense. Accompanying the traditional nonnegativity and sum-to-one restraints underlying to the spectral mixing, this proposed model heads to a novel pattern of sturdy nonnegative matrix factorization (S-NMF) with a term named group sparse outlier. The factorization is presented as an issue of optimization which is later dealt by an iterative blockcoordinated descent algorithm (IB-CDA) regarding the updates with maximationminimization. Moreover, distinctive hyperspectral mixture models also presented by adopting the considerations like NEs, mismodelling effects (MEs) and endmember variability (EV). The extensive simulation analysis by the implementation of proposed models with their estimation approaches tested on synthetic images. Further, it is also shown that the comparative analysis with the conventional approaches.


Hyperspectral images,spectral unmixing,linear mixture models,nonlinear mixture models,nonlinear spectral unmixing,


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Md. Shamim Hossain, Md. Ibrahim Abdullah, Md. Martuza Ahamad, Md. Alamgir Hossain, Md. Shohidul Islam



Wireless sensor nodes have deployed with limited energy sources. The lifetime of a node usually depends on its energy source. The main challenging design issue of the wireless sensor network is to prolong the network lifetime and prevent connectivity degradation by developing an energy-efficient routing protocol. Many research works are done to extend the network lifetime, but still, it is a problem because of the impossibility of recharging. In this paper, we present a hierarchical clustering technique for wireless sensor network called Clustering with Residual Energy and Neighbors (CREN). It is based on two basic parameters, e.g., number of neighbors of a node and its residual energy. We use these properties as a weighted factor to elect a node as a cluster head. A well-known method, LEACH had a high performance in energy saving and the quality of services in the wireless sensor network. Like Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH), CREN rotates the cluster head among the sensor nodes to balance the energy consumption. The simulation result shows the proposed technique achieves much higher performance and energy efficiency than LEACH.


Wireless Sensor Networks,Clustering Algorithm,Cluster Head,Energy-efficiency,Residual Energy,LEACH,


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Engr Uzair Ali, Engr Syed Shujaat Ali



Flooding is considered to be one of the worst natural catastrophes effecting million of people throughout the world. Flooding is referred to as potentially destructive abundance of water in a normally dry location. Flooding occurs when water inundate the areas adjacent to the river channel called as the floodplain, causing potential damage to the inhabitants of that area. Thus, a proper flood forecasting system including the development of flood zoning maps, the right of river bed and extent of inundation of floodplain are required for these areas. A composite river hydraulic model provide basis for the development of forecasting system providing timely management of future flood events. Several computer programs are used for the simulation of these models based on either one- or two-dimensional modelling approach. As there are variety of performance capabilities and access to the data required for the development of these hydraulic models, thus it is essential to choose the best software related to those models. A review of various wellknownmodels developed on different software for flood forecasting has been presented in this paper that address the performance of software and the analysis techniques adopted to produce final results.


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Mansoor Qadir, Yousaf Khan, M. Alfiras



Spectral and spatial two-dimensional optical code division multiple access (2D-OCDMA) systems cannot support low cost passive optical networks (PON) due to the extensive use of optical fiber media. Consequently, spectral and temporal OCDMA systems are explored to provide the required system capacity. Maintaining an efficient cross correlation values between the adjacent codes is of primal importance to ensure required system capacity at relatively simple architecture. To develop such a system this paper focuses on the design of a 2D spectral and temporal OCDMA coding scheme. The proposed scheme mitigates the effect of interfering users by utilizing fixed in phase cross correlation code called diagonal eigenvalue unity (DEU) code along the spectral domain; whereas zero cross correlation (ZCC) code is adapted at the temporal domain. Analysis shows that the proposed combination significantly mitigates the contribution of interfering users and reduce the impact of cross correlation. This can lead to a system with relatively high transmission capacity and simple architecture for implementation at the cost sensitive access domain.


Optical code division multiple access,two dimensional codes,diagonal eigenvalue unity code,zero cross correlation code,


I. H. Ghafouri-Shiraz, M.M. Karbassian, “Optical CDMA networks:
principles, analysis and applications”, John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
II. K. S. Nisar, “Construction of zero cross correlation code using a type of
anti-diagonal-identity-column block matrices.”Optik-International Journal
for Light and Electron Optics. vol. 125, no. 21, pp. 6586-6588, 2014.

Mansoor Qadir et al
III. M. Najjar, N. Jellali, “Spectral/spatial optical CDMA code based on
Diagonal Eigenvalue Unity”, Optical Fiber Technol.,vol. 38, pp. 61 –69,
IV. N.D. Keraf, S. Aljunid, A. Arief, P. Ehkan, “The evolution of double weight
codes family in spectral amplitude coding ocdma”, Advanced Computer and
Communication Engineering Technology, Springer, pp. 129 –140, 2015.
V. R. Kadhim, H.A. Fadhil, S.A. Aljunid, M. Razalli, “A new two dimensional
spectral/ spatial multi-diagonal code for non-coherent OCDMA systems”,
Opt. Commun., vol. 329, pp. 28 –33, 2014.
VI. W.A. Imtiaz, H.Y. Ahmed, M. Zeghid, Y. Sharief, M. Usman, “Design and
implementation of two-dimensional enhanced multi-diagonal code for high
cardinality OCDMA-PON”, Arab. J. Sci. Eng., vol. 3, pp. 1 –18, 2019.

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Faizan Ahmad Khan Durrani, Samad Baseer, Aamir Mehmood, Mehr-e-Munir, Laeeq Aslam



This paper is about the technique used for removal of ECG Signals Artifacts Using Multistage Adaptive Filtering. Electrocardiogram (ECG) is the diagnostic tool to monitor rhythm of heart activity. it is of low amplitude and contain numerous noise which includes power line interference, baseline drift , movement artifacts and electrosurgical noise. For better diagnostic and treatment of cardiac patient the removal of such noise are very much important. Initially various method were proposed to remove the artifacts for better understanding of cardiac problem. These were static or fixed filters i.e. Band pass Low pass or High pass which based on the nature of the noise. The static filters possess fixed filter coefficients which makes it strenuous to eliminate time varying noise from the signals. To overcome this shortcoming of the fixed filters, various adaptive filtering procedures have been introduced. Since the ECG signal suffers from several artifacts at a time, which makes a single stage adaptive filter unsuitable for multiple noise signals removal. This paper presents a Multistage Modified Normalized Least Mean Square (MNLMS) algorithm for the eradication of multiple artifacts from signals of ECG. The results of the suggested algorithm are compared with existing adaptive algorithms including Multistage LMS,MNLS ,CNN,DNN including Signal to Noise ratio (SNR), convergence rate as well as the computational time, which elaborate the effectiveness of the suggested algorithm. After the removal of noise, db’6 wavelets are used for the detection of features (PQRST) of ECG wave because wavelet tree offers a very good time-frequency resolution analysis which is not possible with the Fourier transform.


ECG,Noise Removal,Adaptive filtering algorithms,Feature Extraction,Neural Networks,


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& Applications, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 105–116, 2006.

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Muhammad Saqib, Qazi Sami Ullah, Hamza Mustafa, Yaseen Mahmood, Usama Ali, Abdul Farhan



In this research the steel fibers replaced with 1% of coarse aggregate and 20% of fine aggregate with bacillus subtilis and calcium lactate. Compressive tests on three sets of specimen, control with no replacement, specimens with bacillus subtilis and specimens with bacillus and steel fibers. Experimental results show that the compressive strength loss of bacterial specimens compared to control specimens was up to 40 % which was regain in the third sets of cylinders containing steel fibers up to 35% showing that the compressive strength of the steel fiber specimens is 90% of the control specimens.


Bacilluss subtilis,steel fibers,calcium lactate,concrete mix,expanded clay particles,control specimen,


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VI. Luhar, S., & Gourav, S. (2015). A Review Paper on Self Healing Concrete.
5(3), 53–58.

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Engr Syed Shujaat Ali, Engr Mohsin Iqbal, Engr Yaseen Mahmood, Engr Abdul Farhan



Climate change is variation in patterns of weather that lasts from decades to centuries. The increasing levels greenhouse gases are playing key role in producing global warming and it has decisive impact on hydrological cycle of earth. The resulting temporal and spatial availability of water makes it imperative to exercise innovative way of water conservation strategy .In this study ground water rehabilitation strategy is proposed for groundwater recharge using excess storm water to be injected in recharge wells at Narai Khuwar. The current groundwater levels of tube wells and well logs of Hayatabad were obtained from Peshawar Development Authority for over 70 tube wells. The hydrological study has been performed using rainfall-runoff model WIN TR 20 by using rainfall data of last 40 years and other hydrological and hydro-geological parameters. The UHG of different time intervals (2 to 200 years) were obtained to determine the availability of water. The subsurface geology was determined by conducting resistivity test. Extensive numerical modeling was performed for current and future water levels in these wells using MODFLOW. The calibrated model was then used in simulation mode and an estimate of water levels in the study area was made for 30 years (2019 - 2049) with and without application of proposed recharge strategy. The study indicates that mitigation measures are required to arrest the rapid water decline in Hayatabad.


Climate change,Groundwater recharge,Numerical modeling,Rehabilitation strategy,UHG (Unit Hydrograph),Resistivity Test,Rainfall runoff model WIN TR2,


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Kavin kumar C, Heeralal M, Rakesh J Pillai



Rainfall is an extrinsic factor for the collapse of sloping terrain in Western Ghats of Kerala. Careful analysis of rainfall induced landslide is very important as people in the area have serious threat from landslides. In-depth assessments of variation of pore water pressure change in slopes during avalanche rainfalls are required for the purpose of mitigation. Soil water characteristic curve was prepared by field and laboratory tests so that various properties of unsaturated soil could be estimated. As suction distribution and rainfall infiltration were influenced by the ratio of rainfall intensity to saturated hydraulic conductivity, numerical models were analysed for various ratio of rainfall intensities. Variations of pore water pressure across different sections of the slope and reduction of factor of safety with respect to time and rainfall intensities were analysed. The results of the analyses can be applied in practice for determining the probability of landslide hazards in areas vulnerable to heavy rainfall and consequently damage from landslides.


Rainfall induced landslide,water pressure,suction distribution,numerical assessments,slope failure,


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An Optimized Clustering Method to Create Clusters Efficiently


P. Praveen, B. Rama



The problem of mining numerical data and to propose different approaches to efficiently apply clustering to such data According to an aspect of the method the Mean Base Divisive Clustering (MB-DivClues) method is developed to categories unstructured data into various groups. The a constructive mean-based divisive clustering method is developed to reduce comparison includes several steps which includes identification of mean value from a given dataset, to find the arithmetic mean value of base cluster-infrequent attribute and storing the found mean value in a tree which is represented as root. Further the steps include comparing the objects in the dataset with the said mean value and stored in the nearest cluster. A new cluster is created to place the sorted object in new cluster. In the process of proposed method includes steps of shifting the object value to the left cluster when it is less than the mean value, shifting the object value to right cluster when it is greater than the mean value and repeating the above procedure until singleton cluster is picked from the given dataset. Wherein before applying divisive Clustering method, initially all the data objects are available in a single cluster and a mean value is calculated on the dataset.


Classification,Clustering,Data mining,Divisive Methods,Mean Based Divisive Method (MB-DivClues),


I. A. Babenko and V. Lempitsky, “Tree Quantization for Large-Scale Similarity
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Nuhad Salim Al-Mothafar, Ali Abd Alhussein Zyarah



Let R be a Γ-ring and G be an RΓ-module. An RΓ-submodule S of an RΓ-module G is called semi-primary RΓ-submodule if  is prime ideal of Γ-ring R. The purpose of this paper is to introduce interesting result semi-primary RΓ-submodule of RΓ-module which represent generalization semi-primary submodules.


Γ–Ring,RΓ-Modules,RΓ-Submodule ,Primary RΓ-Submodule,


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Partha Mitra, Angsuman Sarkar



Designing an efficient power distribution network is a major challenge in modern day system-on-chip. During manufacturing, the signal integrity problems such as resistive voltage drop, inductive noise at pad locations and electro-migration may result silicon failures. This paper deals with the analysis of supply noise using multiple power supply and use of decoupling capacitors for reduction of supply noise.  In this work flower pollination algorithm has been used for decap estimation so that the supply noise can be reduced significantly and various design parameters remains at its best. The purpose of this work is to reduce the supply noise with effecting the other design parameters of the chip.  In this work the supply noise has been reduced upto 70.2% with reduction of 81.6% in power consumption and 17.07 % increment in delay parameters. This approach can be used for any system-on-chip.


Decoupling capacitor,Flower Pollination Algorithm,Multiple Power Supply,Power Distribution Network,System-on-chip,


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Abbas Ahmed Hasan Al-Jaberi , Najim Abid Jassim



Due to significant demand on electrical energy on residence sector, especially those spend on space cooling for extreme hot summer countries in the middle east; moreover, the national electrical shortage supply issue in Iraq, it is a kind of interested and challenge at the same time to research for solution and utilize the redundancy of solar energy in such region. A test room was constructed 4.7*2.5*2.85m subjected to solar radiation all day time situated in Baghdad, a bunch of experimental testes were conducted for parametric study over summer season from April till October, the experiment testes were recurrent on monthly basis. The roof of test room was cooled by circulated water in pipes, the water is pre-cooled by evaporative cooler in separate system whilst the relatively cooled air is blew towards the A/C outdoor unit and other stream directed on back side of solar panels to minimize its average temperature for promoting performance aspects. Results indicated the energy save 33.53% over entire season when cooling the roof by water circulation and 9.01% energy saved due to A/C COP enhanced from cooling the condenser by cold air. Therefore COP was enhanced due to cold air effect from 2.90 to 3.39The solar panel temperature was minimized about 11°C that results to enhance the efficiency of PV panels from 12.1% to 12.8 %, solar system can handle the operation for 3hrs peak time when A/C is off as more energy was saved.


Space Cooling,Energy Saving,COP Enhancement,Solar Assistance,Water-Cooled Roof,PV panel Enhancement,


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Yogesh Sharma, B. Balamurugan



A blockchain technology is one of the types of decentralized technology and is based on distributed ledger technology. A blockchain technology is a tamper proof and secure technology which make the technology suitable for data store. However, there are some question from the critics with the issues related to technical challenges like the storage space of blockchain and some security issues but the technology has shown the benefit in multiple sectors. Electronic Health Records (EHR), Electronic Medical Record (EMR), Patient Health Record (PHR) are the patients record that are need to be monitored continuously after the patient get discharged from the hospital specially the patients with heart diseases or cancer. The electronic medical record proves to be a great help for the patient and for the concerned doctor as well. These medical records need more security and privacy against the leak or misuse by some other person. There have been some incidents where it has seen the security breach in the electronic medical records of a patient. In order to provide privacy to these records blockchain technology can be beneficial. In this paper, we will provide a comprehensive survey of different methods for preserving the privacy of EMR using the blockchain technology.


Blockchain,Decentralized Technology,Electronic Medical Record,Patient,Security,Privacy,


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