Divya Manukonda, Srinivasa Rao GorantlaDOI NO:
The utilization of non conventional energy sources has been increasing from the last few years due to the advantages of low power interruptions, unlimited power supply and non pollutant power generation. The wind power generation is one of the clean energy whose utilization will be an effective solution for global warming and power interruptions. This paper presents the design and simulation of bladeless wind power generation utilizing wind as an energy source and generating power without the use of blades. As wind energy is not constant, an MPPT with artificial neural network has been designed to maintain the voltage and current of bladeless wind generator at its maximum peak values irrespective of weather conditions. The output of the wind generator has been fed to the single phase induction motor which can be used for water pumping applications. The design of the proposed wind generator and the results are simulated by using MATLAB simulink.Keywords:
Bladeless wind generator,artificial neural network,maximum power point tracking,Refference:
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