


Divya Manukonda, Srinivasa Rao Gorantla



The utilization of non conventional energy sources has been increasing from the last few years due to the advantages of low power interruptions, unlimited power supply and non pollutant power generation. The wind power generation is one of the clean energy whose utilization will be an effective solution for global warming and power interruptions. This paper presents the design and simulation of bladeless wind power generation utilizing wind as an energy source and generating power without the use of blades. As wind energy is not constant, an MPPT with artificial neural network has been designed to maintain the voltage and current of bladeless wind generator at its maximum peak values irrespective of weather conditions. The output of the wind generator has been fed to the single phase induction motor which can be used for water pumping applications. The design of the proposed wind generator and the results are simulated by using MATLAB simulink.


Bladeless wind generator,artificial neural network,maximum power point tracking,


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Rachananjali K, Bala Krishna K, Sai Chaitanya V



In our present days as we are using IC engine vehicles for any kind of transport(or)any other purpose. As we use diesel, petrol, kerosene and other kind of fuels for working of these engines. That increases the pollution in the environment. So, as the pollution is increasing day by day and also the fuel is getting depleted, we should look after an alternative source in replace. According to the recent survey we can hold our fuels like oil, petrol, diesel etc. up to 50-60 years. So, we are moving to the renewable energy sources for all kind of things like power generation etc. We can replace IC engines with an electric motor and the fuel can be replaced by rechargeable batteries. We can charge those batteries with renewable energy sources like Solar energy, Wind energy etc. In this we are using an electrical motor in place of IC engine to run this vehicle. We installed this concept in ATV (all-terrain vehicles).


All terrain vehicles (ATV),Energy management system,Alcohol detection,Finger print sensor,Arduino,Relay circuit,


V. Maheswararao, Ch Uma, YS Kishore Babu, and K. Amaresh. “Sliding mode
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VII. Sukumar, Durga, Jayachandranath Jithendranath, and Suman Saranu. “Threelevel
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neuro-fuzzy space vector modulation.” Electric Power Components and
Systems 42.15 (2014): 1633-1646.
VIII. Yadlapalli, Ravindranath Tagore, and Anuradha Kotapati. “A fast-response
sliding-mode controller for quadratic buck converter.” International Journal
of Power Electronics 6.2 (2014): 103-130.

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Bala Krishna K, Rachananjali K, Naveen Reddy A



Multiple sensors are used in this modified surveillance system. The whole system is monitored and controlled wirelessly so there is a huge requirement of power to transmit the data which can be compensated with the use of sensors in a smart way, when the sensor detect the need of surveillance then the camera gets triggered based on the collective decision taken by the user and power is saved accordingly. The sensors are developed to visually capture the image. The project consists of camera (wireless) and stepper motor programmed with Arduino nano (to control the direction of object). Both camera and stepper motor is controlled wirelessly. The camera recording and streaming can be configured by connecting it via Wi-Fi and can be controlled with android application Plug & Play. The stepper motor is programmed by assembly language programming and the program will be dumped through a USB cable with the help of a pc and it can be controlled by interfacing the motor with serial Wi-Fi wireless transceiver module


Surveillance,Intrusion Detection System,Wireless,Power Consumption,


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S. Saikumar, K. Tharuneswar, N. Naveen, R. Laxman, Ch. Narasimha Ra



In modern day technological developments, Engineering has played an important role. What drives Engineering is nothing but Effeciency, which in other terms can also be called as Accuracy. The accuracy of the system should be very high when it comes to certain applications. Similar is the topic that has been presented in the paper below regarding the speed control of Permanent magnet Synchronous motor by field oriented control. There are several ways to do it , but this type of control makes the PMSM system to be efficient and accurate. The entire Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor control system is categorized into several independent units such as PMSM coordinate transformation unit , inverter unit, body unit , SVPWM production unit and so on. The mathematical model of the PMSM system can be attained by joining these units. The main benefit of SIMULINK when compared to other softwares is that, instead of compiling program code, the model is built sequentially by the blocks present in software. With the mathematical modelling , we can examine different models and waveforms to provide an effective means for the analysis and design of the PMSM system. It is familiar that the control properties of P-I-D controller are better when compared with that PI controller. In the following paper, the Field Oriented Control system is enabled using P-I-D instead of standard PI model.


PMSM,FOC-Field oriented control,Inverse park transformation,PID Controller,


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Geetha Reddy Evuri, Srinivas Rao Gorantla, K. Srinivasa Reddy



This paper discusses the control action of various classic controllers such as fuzzy logic controllers and proportional-integral controllers. Consider the typical features of various terrains such as smooth, rough, uphill and downhill. For each type of terrain, i.e. when the local shape changes, the input parameters taken into account also change accordingly because it is adaptive, this includes all possible parameters of the vehicle. During running, the controller can perform smooth, rough, uphill and downhill driving at different speeds and terrain. The results were performed during the simulation.


Controllers,Hybrid Electric Vehicle,Speed,Terrains,Performance,


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Mr. Mopidevi Subbarao, Mr. Polamraju.V. S. Sobhan, Mr. N. Bharat Kumar, Mr.A.Srihari Babu



In this paper soft switching technique of a DC/DC converters are anticipated. Hard switching converters produce switching losses during turn ON and OFF. Due to this switching losses efficiency can be reduced. The resonant converter uses soft switching method for the reduction of switching losses. In this paper ZVS (zero voltage switching) resonance is applied for buck converter and auxiliary resonance is applied for boost converter and compare the performance of converters with and without resonance using MATLAB/Simulink software.


buck converter,boost converter,resonant circuit,auxiliary resonant circuit,soft switching converters,


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converter.” International Journal of Power Electronics 6.2 (2014):

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Hamidah Ramlan, Noriza Mohd Saad, Nor Edi Azhar Mohamad, Mohd Nizal Haniff



This study scrutinizes the correlation between the parameters of energy firm performance and liquidity. The study’s specific objective and central purpose is to gain insights from the context of Malaysia. The process of collecting data focused on the energy firm, with the targeted duration stretching between 2005 and 2017. The database or website from which the data was gained was Thompson Data Stream, Bloomberg, and It is also notable that the study applied or employed a multivariate regression technique to discern the relationship between independent and dependent variables. Particularly, the independent variable constituted the performance of energy companies. From the findings, the study established that the relationship between the performance of energy companies and the parameter of liquidity is statistically significant.


Liquidity,Cash Cycle,Energy Firm,Firm’s performance,


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Jemahliah binti Mohamed Salleh



Unidimensionality is one of the key considerations for testing items in meeting assumptions in the Rasch Model measurement. However, these assumptions can sometimes be difficult to meet because many factors need to be taken into account during construction of the item. Therefore, this study focuses on empirical evidence for the unidimensional study of TSP teacher effective teaching instruments using Rasch Model testing. Quantitative survey design was used. A total of 203 TSP teachers were selected through targeted sampling. The research instrument was adapted from the Trust School Teacher Handbook 2018, the Performance Management System for Teachers with fourteen competencies including Seven Pedagogical Pillars. Data were analyzed using Rasch Model framework with Winstep 3.68.2 software. The findings show that the value of raw variants is explained by a 45.2 percent measurement above the 40% confidence interval in the Residual Principal Component Analysis (PCA). In addition, the noise level of the item recorded 5.2 percent. Although the eigenvalues cannot be met to meet the four criteria testing the assumption of unidimensionality, the eigenvalues appear to surpass these assumptions when measured by construction. Overall, this instrument fulfills the assumption of unidimensionality and can be used to measure the effective teaching of TSP teachers. Further studies can be made by comparing the effects of Rasch's unidimensionality in factor analysis.


unidimensionality,effective teaching instruments,Trust School Program (TSP),eigenvalues,


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Hamayun Khan, Anila Yasmeen, Sadeeq Jan, Usman Hashmi, Sheeraz Ahmed, M.Yousaf Ali khan, Irfan-ud-din



The criteria to judge the capacity of computational systems is changing with the advancement in technology. Earlier, they were judged only on the basis of computational capacity but now a day, power and energy optimization is one of the key parameters fortheir selection. The purpose of energy optimization is to prolong the battery life of all the battery operated devices especially in embedded systems. An Offline Scheduling Algorithm technique is proposed that migrate task load to the core that has less thermal values in response to a threshold temperature this technique also considers other thermal problems which affect the power, reliability and performance of multi-core system. Hardware technique on their own is insufficient so it must be combined with other software techniques to decide when and where optimization policies are applied to minimum energy consumption. This paper focusesonmost popular optimization techniques Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS), Dynamic Power Management (DPM) and Dynamic Thermal Management (DTM) and their extensions. The paper also includes the thermal issues which are raised due to high temperature in multicore platforms.It also highlights that how energy efficient techniques can be used beyond simple energy saving The simulation results shows that the proposed technique reduces almost 4.3℃ temperatures at 17% utilization and the energy utilization is 364.58 J which is 4.14 % improved as compare to the global EDF Scheduling technique used previously.


Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling,Dynamic Power Management,Dynamic Thermal Management,Earliest Deadline First,Least Laxity First,


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M.Fazal Ur Rehman, Nasir Saleem, Asif Nawaz, Sadeeq Jan, Zeeshan Najam, M. Irfan Khattak, Sheeraz Ahmed



Computational auditory scene analysis (CASA) based speech separation is widely considered in a number speech processing applications and is used to separate a target speech from target-interference mixtures and usually the task of target separation is considered as a signal processing problem. However, target speech separation is formulated as a supervised learning problem and discriminative patterns of speech, speakers and background noises are learned from input training data. In this paper, we present a single channel supervised speech separation approach based on the ideal binary mask (IBM) estimation. In proposed approach, speaker independent speech separation system is trained with sets of the clean speech magnitudes and during separation; SNR is estimated in time-frequency (TF) channels using clean magnitudes and compared to a pre-defined threshold. The TF channels satisfying threshold are hold while TF channels violating the threshold are discarded to construct an IBM. The estimated mask is than applied to the mixtures to reconstruct the target speech, using phase of the mixture speech. The experiments are conducted in three speaker independent mixture’s scenarios: termed as 2-talkers, 3- talkers and 4-talkers mixtures at four input SNRs: -5dB, 0dB, 5dB and 10dB. The experimental outcomes reported that proposed CASA based supervised speaker independent mask estimation outperformed the competing approaches: Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF), Nonnegative dynamical system (NNDS) and log minimum mean square error (LMMSE) estimation in terms of PESQ, SegSNR, LLR, WSS, SIG, BAK and STOI objective measures.


CASA,IBM,intelligibility,time-frequency masking,supervised speech separation,quality,


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Mujahid shah, ShahbazQadar Khattak, Muhammad Farooq, Sadeeq Jan, MehtabEjaz Qureshi, Naveed Jan, Sheeraz Ahmed



DDoS attacks are initiated from various locations around the world and can be started very easily. This can be achieved by thwarting access to virtually anything: servers, devices, services, networks, applications, and even specific transactions within applications. In a DoS attack, its one system that is sending the malicious data or requests; a DDoS attack comes from multiple systems. Generally, these attacks work by drowning a system with requests for data. This could be sending a web server so many requests to serve a page that it crashes under the demand, or it could be a database being hit with a high volume of queries. The result is available internet bandwidth, CPU and RAM capacity becomes overwhelmed. Distinguishing between attack traffic and normal traffic is difficult, especially in the case of a application layer attack such as a botnet performing a HTTP Flood attack against a victim’s server. Because each bot in a botnet makes seemingly legitimate network requests the traffic is not spoofed and may appear “normal” in origin. In this research propose DDoS attack mitigation framework, the framework composed two parts proactive approach and reactive approach, proactive approach further contain four components Secure software development life cycle, application load test application stress test and ddos incident response plan, while reactive approach contain eighth components bandwidth management, perimeter firewall, intrusion detection and prevention system, web application firewall, load balancer, endpoint security firewall, Dedicated DDoS mitigation device and monitoring, collectively this framework will help as to design such infrastructure which will be stopping DDoS attack enough so that they attacker cannot be easily breakdown and unavailability of the services should accessible.


DDoS attack,Application Layer Attack,Attack detection,botnet,DDoS framework,,


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M. Yousaf Ali Khan, Waqas Ali Khan, Abdul Basit, Asif Nawaz, Sadeeq Jan, Hamayun Khan, Sheeraz Ahmed



The use of energy storage devices and its technology has been the main focus to capture energy from sun and wind. This energy can be used during peak hours or when sun and wind resources are not available. Intermittent sources of energy play a significant part for this solution. Different storage technologies have been discussed in detail in this work. Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewable (HOMER) PC demonstrating programming is being utilized to display the power framework, its physical conduct and its life cycle cost. Eight units of 850 kW wind turbines and 1 MW sunlight based PV modules were recognized as most practical to supply for 3MW load where the payback time of the framework is 3.4 years. Solar Simulink model has been made for graphical representation for its current and voltage relationship.


Solar Energy,Wind Energy,Hybrid System,Renewable Energy,


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Sowmya Padukone.G, Uma Devi. H



Human body should resist against infections and also against infection causing organisms that enter our human body. In a human body for every microliter of blood, white blood cells has to range from 4,000 to 11,000 approximately. The main category of white blood cells are Neutrophils, Eosinophils, Basophils, Lymphocytes & Monocytes. In this paper, we are studying the characteristics of these different types of white blood cells & determining their Quality factors as well as transmission power analysis in a suitable Waveguide using Simulation results. The main immunity for the human body is provided by Neutrophils. It becomes very much necessary to know the properties , Information of these wbc’s which is a very important factor. This is determined by using an optical Biosensor.


Poweranalysis,Optical Biosensor,Waveguide,White Blood cells,Quality Factors,


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Jagatheesan Kunasaikaran, Roslan Ismail, Abdul Rahim Ahmad



The escalating number of novel network attacks warrants an approach where network data is processed in real-time for anomaly detection. Clustering is one of the foremost unsupervised learning algorithms in this domain that can detect outliers without prior knowledge of the data. However, cluster analysis precludes with it many challenges that need to be overcome for it to be adapted for real-time computation. This research paper outlines these challenges and the possible solutions to mitigate these challenges. We have also explored on a brief overview of clustering algorithms to give a high-level idea of cluster analysis.


Clustering methods,Intrusion detection,Network security,


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N. Radha, T. Ranga Babu



The Multifocus image fusion objective in visual sensor networks is to combine the multi-focused images of the same scene into a focused fused image with improved reliability and interpretation. However, the existing fusion methods based on focus measures are not able to get entire focused fused image since they neglect the diagonal neighbor pixels during the selection of the focused objects. In order to get an image with all objects in focus a novel image fusion method using extended spatial frequency and wavelet based focus measures in the stationary wavelet transform domain is proposed. In our method, initially the two multi-focus source images are transformed and decomposed as low and high-frequency sub bands by using stationary wavelet transform. Then, each sub band is divided into equal subblocks. Focused sub-blocks of low and high-frequency sub bands are selected by using the extended spatial frequency and wavelet based focus measures. Lastly, the fused image is restored by performing the inverse stationary wavelet transform on selected sub-blocks. The performance of the proposed method is verified by carrying out the fusion on artificial, natural and misregistered multifocus images. The results of the proposed method are then compared with the results of existing image fusion methods. The experimental results indicate that proposed method not only removes artifacts in the fused image due to the shift-invariance of stationary wavelet transform and also preserves sharp details using extended spatial frequency and wavelet based focus measures.


Extended spatial frequency,focus measures,image fusion,waveletbased focus measure,


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