
Fostering Conditions for Innovative Reforms in Public Sector Organizations and Their Response to Artificial Intelligence


Sayyed Khawar Abbas, Muhammad Aftab



The paper is intended to investigate the foster effects of political instability, leadership influence, experimentation and budget constraints responsible for poor performance and feedback from public sector organizations. Keeping in view the purpose of the study, the research framework for the study is descriptive. Firstly, Primary data is collected through questionnaires from individuals engaged with public sector organizations. Secondly, unstructured interviews conducted to explore the effect of Artificial intelligence. Through research analysis, the empirical evidence suggest that the innovation activity is intrigued with important conditions responsible for the performance of public sector organization. Political instability suggested negative significance while others have demonstrated positive significance concerning innovation reforms. Artificial Intelligence also demonstrates a strong scope for future public sector organizations. In the following research framework, the data is based on the judgments of employees engaged with public sector organizations. The responses are individual self-reported and not objective, so there is a fair possibility that response would be biased. Furthermore, the responses are from Pakistan’s main cities which cannot be generalized to various countries. This study focuses on the performance of the public sector organization. A large amount of literature has emerged on the likelihood of innovation reforms for private sector firms over the course of time. This paper is widening the horizon to study the likelihood of innovation reforms for public sector organizations by adhering the innovation culture and identifying important factors which may influence. The paper also provides a base for finding more dimensions to implement innovation reforms and also guide policymakers to execute efficient policies. Furthermore, the study is based on questions covering “what” and “how” dimensions. This type of quantitative study lacks for “why” dimension. Therefore, semi-structured interviews and case analysis could explain more regarding innovation reforms. The research framework is the first attempt to examine the impact of different conditions on the implementation of innovation and Artificial intelligence influence in public sector organizations in Pakistan.


Public sector organizations, Innovation reforms, political instability,leadership influence, experimentation, budget constraints, OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, ICT (Information and communication technology),Artificial Intelligence,


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VSM Based Models and Integration of Exact and Fuzzy Similarity For Improving Detection of External Textual Plagiarism


Nasreen J. Kadhim, Mohannad T. Mohammed



A rapid growing has occurred for the act of plagiarism with the aid of Internet explosive growth wherein a massive volume of information offered with effortless use and access makes plagiarism − the process of taking someone else’s work (represented by ideas, or even words) and representing it as his own work − easy to be performed. For ensuring originality, detecting plagiarism has been massively necessitated in various areas so that the people who aim to plagiarize ought to offer considerable effort for introducing works centered on their research. In this paper, a work has been proposed for detecting textual plagiarism focused on proposing models for both candidate retrieval and detailed comparison phases. Firstly, for the candidate retrieval, two models have been proposed established on adopting the vector space method VSM as a retrieval model wherein these models base on offering different representations for text documents. The first model centers on representing documents as vectors consisting of average term 𝑡𝑓 − 𝑖𝑠𝑓 weights instead of representing them as vectors of term 𝑡𝑓 − 𝑖𝑑𝑓 weight. Whereas, the second retrieval model assigns for each term constituting the document a weight resulted from a weighted sum equation that sums this term 𝑡𝑓 − 𝑖𝑑𝑓 weight with its average 𝑡𝑓 − 𝑖𝑠𝑓 weights and considers it as a query for retrieval. The detailed comparison task comes as the second phase wherein a method has been proposed that cores at the integration of two diverse similarity measures and the introduction of one similarity measure involving them; Exact similarity and Fuzzy similarity. Experiments have been conducted using PAN-PC-10 as an evaluation dataset for evaluating the proposed system. As the problem statement in this paper is restricted to detect extrinsic plagiarism and works on English documents, experiments have been performed on the portion dedicated for extrinsic detection and on documents in English language only. These documents have been randomly separated into training and testing dataset. The training data has been used for parameters tuning whereas evaluating the performance of the proposed system and comparing it against the existing methods have been performed using testing dataset. For evaluating performance of the models proposed for the candidate retrieval problem, Precision, Recall, and F-measure have been used as an evaluation metrics. The overall performance of the proposed system has been assessed through the use of the five PAN standard measures Precision, Recall, F-measure, Granularity and 𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑔𝑑𝑒𝑡 . The experimental results has clarified that the proposed system either comparable or outperforms the other state-of-the-art methods.


VSM,TF-IDF, TF-ISF, exact similarit, Jaccard similarity, fuzzy similarity,


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A Robust and Efficient Finger Print Combination form Privacy Protection


Abdullah S. Alotaibi



Now a day’s fingerprint techniques are widely used in authentication systems, therefore its privacy protection becomes an important issue. Securing a stored fingerprint template is very important because once fingerprints are compromised, it cannot be easily revoked. So, we review here a new system for preserving fingerprint confidentiality. In this system, the fingerprint privacy is maintained by combining two special fingerprints keen on a original identity. In the enlistment phase, two fingerprints need aid taken from two different fingers. We acquire the minutiae positions about one fingerprint, the introduction from claiming another fingerprint, and the reference focuses starting with both fingerprints. In view of those gotten information, a joined minutiae format may be created Also saved previously, a database. In the Confirmation phase, we utilize the fingerprints of the same fingers that need aid at that point utilized within enlistment stage. For same 2 finger prints against a mutual minutiae template, a two-stage fingerprint matching process is used. By storing the combined minutiae template in the database, the complete minutiae characteristic of a single fingerprint will not be compromised when the database is stolen by the attackers. The joined minutiae format will be changed over under a real-look indistinguishable joined together finger impression by utilizing existing finger impression reproduction approach. These effects under another virtual character to those two different fingerprints.


Fingerprint,Combination,Protection,Minutiae,Privacy ,


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Protein sequence comparison under a new complex representation of amino acids based on their physio-chemical properties


Jayanta Pal, Soumen Ghosh, Bansibadan Maji , Dilip Kumar Bhattacharya



The paper first considers a new complex representation of amino acids of which the real parts and imaginary parts are taken respectively from hydrophilic properties and residue volumes of amino acids. Then it applies complex Fourier transform on the represented sequence of complex numbers to obtain the spectrum in the frequency domain. By using the method of ‘Inter coefficient distances’ on the spectrum obtained, it constructs phylogenetic trees of different Protein sequences. Finally on the basis of such phylogenetic trees pair wise comparison is made for such Protein sequences. The paper also obtains pair wise comparison of the same protein sequences following the same method but based on a known complex representation of amino acids, where the real and imaginary parts refer to hydrophobicity properties and residue volumes of the amino acids respectively. The results of the two methods are now compared with those of the same sequences obtained earlier by other methods. It is found that both the methods are workable, further the new complex representation is better compared to the earlier one. This shows that the hydrophilic property (polarity) is a better choice than hydrophobic property of amino acids especially in protein sequence comparison.


omplex Representatio, DFT, Hydrophobicity Proper,Hydrophilicity (Polarity) Property,ICD; Phylogenetic Tree,Voss Representation,


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Effect of Thin Layer on Bearing Capacity in Layered Profile Soil


Abdul Farhan, Farman Ullah, Fawad Ahmad, Mehr E Munir



Bearing capacity is the main criteria for designing the foundation of a structure. Several theories and experimental methods have been propounded by many researchers for computing the bearing capacity parameters separately. Traditional bearing capacity theories for determining the ultimate bearing capacity of shallow foundations assume that the bearing stratum is homogenous and infinite. However this is not true in all cases. Layered soils are mostly encountered in practice. It is possible to encounter a rigid layer at shallow depth or the soil may be layered and have different shear strength parameters. In such cases shear pattern gets distorted and bearing capacity becomes dependent on the extent of the rupture surface in weaker or stronger material. The best estimation of bearing capacity on layered soil are possible only, if the pressure-settlement characteristics of the foundation-soil are known for the size of the footing. From the review of literature, it may be noted that the bearing capacity equations proposed for the homogenous soils by Terzaghi (1943) and Meyerhof (1951) are not applicable to layered soils. Hence it is necessary to develop an equation for predicting the bearing capacity of granular layered soils. In present investigation, plate load test have been conducted in a large tank to observe the load settlement behavior of plates of different sizes resting on layered granular soils. Tests were conducted on two layers of soils. Fine gravel layer overlain sand layer were tested using mild steel plates of square shapes. The effect of the placement of layers on the bearing capacity characteristics of footing, has been studied and an equation for predicting the bearing capacity of two layered granular soils is developed based on the plate load test data.


Bearing capacity,plate load test,


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Bin the Case Bifurcation and Chaos of Logistic Maps with Three Parameters and its Applications


Asia Ali Mohammed, Assistant Prof. Radhi A. Zaboon



In this paper, the generalization of logistic discrete dynamic systems with three parameters have been analyzed with the necessary mathematical requirements and proofs. The dynamics and the qualitative properties of the fixed points and their stability, the bin the case bifurcation diagram and chaos have proposed with application.


fixed point ,stability,bin the case bifurcation diagram,periodic point,


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Peer Tutoring Activities To Support Active Learning In Mathematics: Review of The Effects on Student’s Thinking and Metacognitive Skills


Mohamad Ariffin Abu Bakar, Norulhuda Ismail



Mastery of mathematics is an overview of the accuracy of mathematics competency. It is a tremendous impact on well development and complete trained metacognition skills and thinking skills. Therefore, to ensure that students can understand mathematics well is through learning that can enhance and develop metacognitive skills and thinking skills. In order to reduce the weakness of mathematical mastery, one of the interventions is through active and meaningful learning. Active learning focuses on student engagement, interactive, retention and motivation to explore the learning. Through this review, peer tutoring is subject matter to discuss the ability to support active learning and evaluate the effectiveness of peer tutoring activities among students in developing metacognitive skills and thinking skills. A review of previous research through search in database likes Google Scholar, Science Direct, ERIC, Springer Link, Elsevier and several other databases, based on keywords has been implemented. A number of articles and journals have been systematically reviewed to answer questions in this literature study. However, just 13 articles and journals published in 2012 until the current year are selected for this review. Briefly, the constructs and themes in peer tutoring contribute to forming active learning that can lead to increased student thinking and metacognitive skills.


Peer Tutoring,Metacognitive Skil,Thinking Skil,Active Learning,Mathematics Mastery,


I.A.B. Festus, “Activity-Based Learning Strategies in the Mathematics Classrooms”. Journal of Education and Practice.Vol.4, No.13,2013
II.A. Ansuategui, F. Jose, M. Miravet, &Lidon “Emotional and Cognitive Effects of Peer Tutoring among Secondary School Mathematics Students”.International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and
Technology.Vol 48,n8,pp 1185-1205,2017
III.Adnan &ArsadBahri. “Beyond Effective Teaching: Enhancing Students’ Metacognitive Skill Through Guided Inquiry”. IOP Publishing .Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 954 (2018) 012022 doi :10.1088/1742-
IV.A. Elliot, “Metacognitive Teaching Strategies And Young Children’s Mathematical Learning”. Proceeding Of Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, AARE.Fremantle,1993
V.B. BozYaman, “A Multiple Case Study: What Happens In Peer Tutoring Of Calculus Studies?”.International Journal of Education in Mathematics,Science and Technology (IJEMST).7(1), 53-72.
VI.B. Hott, & J. Walker, “Peer Tutoring. Council for Learning Disabilities”.Retrived from : tutoring-flexible-peer-mediated-strategy-that-involves-students-serving-as-
academic-tutors, 2012
VII.D. Al Kharusi, “What Positive Impacts Does Peer Tutoring Have Upon The Peer Tutors at SQU?”.Journal of Education and Practice.Vol.7, No.27, 2016.
VIII.D.S. Benders, “The Effect of Flexible Small Groups on Math Achievement in First Grade”. An On-line Journal forTeacherResearch.Vol. 18, Issue 1.Issn 2470-6353.Spring,2016
IX.F. Acar, & E. Ader.”Metacognition Used By Tutors During Peer Tutoring Sessions In Mathematics”.Elementary Education Online.2017; 16(3),pp 1185-1200,2017
X.F.U. Rahman, N.B. Jumani, M.A. Chaudry, S.U.H. Chisti, & F. Abbasi, “Impact Of Metacognitive Awareness On Performance Of Students In Chemistry”. Contemporary Issues In Education Research.Vol 3, No10,2010
XI.G. Pilten, “The Evaluation of Effectiveness of Reciprocal Teaching Strategieson Comprehension of Expository Texts”. Journal of Education and Training Studies.Vol. 4, No. 10; October 2016. Doi:10.11114/jets.v4i10.1791,2016
XII.G. Schraw, & D. Moshman, (1995) . Metacognitive Theories. Educational Psychology Papers and Publications. 40. Retrieved From : 1995
XIII.H.C. Celik, “The Effects of Activity Based Learning on Sixth Grade Students’ Achievement and Attitudes towards Mathematics Activities”.EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education,
2018, 14(5), 1963-1977,2018
XIV.H.C. Chu, J.M. Chen, & C.L. Tsai, “Effects of an Online Formative Peer-Tutoring Approach on Students’ Learning Behaviours, Performance and Cognitive Load in Mathematics”.Interactive Learning Environments.Vol
25,n2, pp 203-219,2017
XV.I. Amin, & Y.L. Sukestiyarno, “Analysis Metacognitive Skills On Learning Mathematics In High School”. International Journal of Education and Research.Vol. 3 No. 3 March 2015.
XVI.I. Coskun, & C. Eker, “The Effect Of Teaching Activities Done By Using Activity Based Posters On The Students’ Academic Achievements, Retention Levels In Their Learning”. Universal Journal of Educational Research 6(4): 585-597, 2018. Doi: 10.13189/ujer.2018.060402,2018
XVII.I. Ullah, R. Tabassum, & M. Kaleem, “Effects of Peer Tutoring on the Academic Achievement of Students in the Subject of Biology at Secondary Level”.Educ. Sci. 2018, 8, 112; Doi:10.3390/educsci8030112,2018
XVIII.J.M. Smith, & R. Mancy, “Exploring The Relationship Between Metacognitive And Collaborative Talk During Group Mathematical Problem- Solving – What Do We Mean By Collaborative Metacognition?”, Research in Mathematics Education, 20:1, pp 14-36, Doi:10.1080/ 4794802.2017.1410215,2018
XIX.K. Arrand, “Peer Tutoring”.Journal Pedagogic Development.Volume 4 Issue 1,2014
XX.K. Findley, I. Whitacre, & K. Hensberry, “Integrating Interactive Simulations Into The Mathematics Classroom: Supplementing, Enhancing, Or Driving?” In Galindo, E., & Newton, J., (Eds.). (2017). Proceedings of the 39th Annua
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Using Increased Section Thickness to Gain Inherent Fire Protection in Single Span Portal Frames


Nasir Khan, Muhammad Hasnain, Shabbir Ahmad, Fawad Khan, Sharifullah khan



All over the world, different designs are used for construction of any type of structure. The Structure is design with mutual understanding of structure and architecture engineer to make structure stable and having an attractive look for the people. Beside this one of most essential component which must be installed in any type of structure is fire protection. To enhance the stanchions thickness in single span portal frame structures with fire boundary conditions cost analysis examine in this study. More ever this study also investigates to gain an inherent fire protection for fire resistance design periods. Using this method the cost is compared with common techniques for fire protection such as applying intumescent coating to frame members. In this study for conducting the analysis a portal type frame structure was designed. Different tests are conduct on the design portal frame structure and it is concluded that for fire resistance using the increase thickness of section is economical of fire protection while the design period is up to 30 minutes. Using the inherent protection method against the application intumescent coating for a period of 30 minutes more than 21% energy is saved. Significant cost of saving recorded in a project having large scale construction.


Fire Protection, Fire boundary condition,intumescent coating,Porta frame structure,Stanchions thickness,


I.BOLLUM (Undated). (1987).“Technical Data Sheet Bm066 Fireshield Ultra Universal.” Vertical Column Loading Table.
II.BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. (2003).”Structural use of steelwork in building – Part 8: Code of practice for fire resistant design.”
III.BUILDING REGULATIONS. (2010). “Fire Safety Buildings Other than Dwelling houses.” Approved Document B Volume 2
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VI.MDM PUBLISHING. (2012).”Intumescent coating.” [Online] Available at: how-to-minimise-the-fire-risk-to-structural-steel
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VII.MONGABAY.(2012). [Online] Available at:
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VIII.SPRAYFINE. (2012). “Passive fire protection.” [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16.10.12]
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X.STEEL CONSTRUCTION INSTITUTE. (2004). “Design of Single-Span Steel Portal Frames.” BS 5950-1:2000
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Artificial Intelligence – Machine Learning based Mental Health Diagnosis Automation


F. Catherine Tamilarasi, J. Shanmugam



Mental health of human being is more important parameter and any deficit or issue needs faster diagnosis. In this aspect Medical Image Analysis and psychology have become a promising application domain for Machine Learning (ML) which facilitates an intelligent decision support system for diagnosis.


Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learnin, Neural Network, Machin learning,Working Memory,


I. Bhaskar Sen, Neil C. Borle, Russell Greiner, Matthew R. G. Brown,” A general prediction model for the detection of ADHD and Autism using structural and functional MRI “, PLoS ONE 13(4): e0194856.
II.D van der Meer, PJ Hoekstra, M van Donkelaar, J Bralten, J Oosterlaan, D Heslenfeld, SV Faraone, B Franke, JK Buitelaar and CA Hartman, “Predicting attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder severity from
psychosocial stress and stress-response genes: a random forest regression approach”, Translational Psychiatry (2017) 7, e1145; doi:10.1038/tp.2017.114; published online 6 June 2017
III.Daniel S. Margulies and Simon B. Eickhoff ,” Functional Segregation of the Right Inferior Frontal Gyrus: Evidence From Coactivation-Based Parcellation”, Cerebral Cortex, bhy049,
IV. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2013.01.008. Epub 2013
V. DP Wall, J Kosmicki, TF DeLuca, E Harstad and VA Fusaro1,” Use of machine learning to shorten observation-based screening and diagnosis of autism”, Translational Psychiatry (2012) 2, e100;
doi:10.1038/tp.2012.10; published online 10 April 2012
VI. Gesa Hartwigsen , Nicole E. Neef, Julia A. Camilleri,
VIII. , April 17, 2018
IX. JA Kosmicki , V Sochat , M Duda and DP Wall,” Searching for a minimal set of behaviors for autism detection through feature selection-based machine learning”, Translational Psychiatry (2015) 5, e514;
doi:10.1038/tp.2015.7; published online 24 February 2015
X. JA Kosmicki, V Sochat, M Duda and DP Wall, “Searching for a minimal set of behaviors for autism detection through feature selection-based machine learning”, Transl Psychiatry (2015) 5, e514;
XI. Jan 27. PMID:23361114
XII. Kartick Subramanian, Sundaram Suresh, “Importance of phenotypic information in ADHD diagnosis”, March 2015 Conference Paper ·
DOI: 10.1109/CCIP.2015.7100722
M Duda, R Ma, N Haber and DP Wall, “Use of machine learning for
behavioral distinction of autism and ADHD”, Translational Psychiatry
(2016) 6, e732; doi:10.1038/tp.2015.221; published online 9 February
Published: 18 April 2018
Pulkit Agrawal, Dustin Stansbury, Jitendra Malik, Jack L. Gallant,”
Pixels to Voxels: Modeling Visual Representation in the Human Brain”,
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Ch. Vinay Kumar Reddy, I. Rajasri



There has actually been a considerable rise in air traffic quantity, especially over the previous twenty years. In order to handle this boost popular, it has actually been needed to raise the effectiveness of airplane engines. For many years, this has actually been accomplished by minimizing the clearance in between blade tips and also the engine casing. Consequently, of the minimized clearance, tip-rubbing often takes place in the engine throughout the procedure. In this paper, a short intro to the tip-rubbing occasion as well as associated prices to the sector, and also just how abradable products are utilized to decrease the incident of tip-rubbing are pointed out. The Rolls-Royce Trent 900 engine and also the 2nd phase compressor area are explained briefly.


tip-rubbing,Rolls-Royce Trent 900 engine,Blade-Casing,


Flight 46e Boeing 747-121, (1993), NTSB/AAR-93/06, National
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