


Dinesh N.Kamble, Ashish M.Umbarkar



The venturi scrubber has been used as air pollution controlling device. These scrubbers are promising device for cleaning the contaminated gases. It is found in the literature that the performance of venturi scrubber (i.e. collection efficiency), is significantly influenced by droplet distribution, pressure drop, disintegration of liquid, droplet sizes and injection methods. Effect of submergence height, multi-stage injection, position of the orifice, diameter of orifice, throat length and angle of convergence and divergence of venturi scrubber is found scarce and these parameters are affecting collection efficiency drastically. Therefore, it is necessary to study their effect to improve the performance of self-priming venturi scrubber. This article is the review of numerical and experimental study of the performance in venturi scrubber.


Venturi Scrubber,Self-Priming,CFD Modelling,Collection efficiency,

























































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Robust Algorithm for Telugu Word Image Retrieval and Recognition


Kesana Mohana Lakshmi, Tummala Ranga Babu



The most challenging task is searching Telugu script from the database because of difficulty in differentiating the Characteristics of the Telugu word or scripts. In this, we introduced robust approach for Telugu script retrieval using transformation-based methodology. Non-subsampled contourlet transform (NSCT) is utilized for texture classification which will function based on Non-subsampled pyramid filter bank (NSPFB) and Non-subsampled directional filter bank (NSDFB). Spatial dependence matrix is utilized to extract the texture features. In addition, image statistics is computed to enhance the retrieval performance further. Finally, hamming similarity metric is calculated which calculates the distance between trained and test word templates, which an effective distance metric over conventional Euclidean distance. In order to test, missing segment, noisy, corrupted and occlusion effected words are used as an input and taken into consideration multi conjunct vowel consonant clustered word images for showing the robustness of presented algorithm. In the substantial simulation analysis gives the presented technique finds most similar word images from database although if it is under testing conditions. Our presented scheme has superior performance compared to the traditional approaches described in the literature with respect to mean Average Precision (mAP) and mean Average Recall (mAR).


Telugu script,texture features,statistical properties,non-subsampled contourlet transform,statistical parameters,feature vector and hammingdistance metric,


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Transportation Cost Effective named Maximum Cost, Corresponding Row and Column minima (MCRCM) Algorithm for Transportation Problem


M. A. Hossen, Farjana Binte Noor



Transportation model provides a powerful framework to meet the Business challenges. In highly competitive market the pressure is increasing rapidly to the organizations to determine the better ways to deliver goods to the customers with minimum transportation cost. In this paper we proposed a new algorithm based on Least Cost Method(LCM)for finding Initial Basic Feasible Solution(IBFS) to minimize transportation cost .Our proposed algorithm provides a IBFS which is either optimal or near to the optimal value with minimum steps comparatively better than those obtain by traditional algorithm or method .For the validity of this algorithm we considered a numerical transportation problem and comparative study has been made minimum cost with graphically.


Transportation Cost, Least Cost Method, Supply,Demand, Initial Basic feasible Solution,Optimum solution,


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A High Miniaturaized Antenna for Wi-Max and Small Wireless Technologies


Saad Hassan Kiani, Sohail Imran, Mehr-e-Munir, Mujeeb Abdullah



This letter presents a single feed novel miniaturized patch antenna for WiMax applications and small wireless technologies. Antenna is fabricated on FR4 substrate with 1.6mm thickness and copper sheet of 0.035mm. The miniaturization of 82% is achieved by etching a Fork shape slot in ground plane as response is observed at 3.4GHz. Simulated and measured results shows acceptable gain of 3.4 to 3.6dB and efficiency ranging to 82% with 260MHz bandwidth. The proposed antenna is simulated in Computer Simulation Technology 2015. The measurement results demonstrate that the proposed antenna provides acceptable radiation performances with directional radiation patterns at desired frequency.


Miniaturization,Microstrip Patch Antenna (MPA),directivity,gain,bandwidth,Slots,Computer Simulation Technology (CST),


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Authentication and Privacy Challenges for Internet of Things Smart Home Environment


Riaz Muhammad, Dr.Samad Baseer



This study is a very good approach to find the solution of secure authentication for IOT based smart home environment and its appliances. The study aims to compare the different authentication methods with respect to smart home environment and trying to identify its limitation. After analyzing the existing authentication methods its limitation and core issues then targeted the message authentication for SHE. Presently SHE authentication is based on Exchange of six message authentication techniques in Enhance authentication and key establishment scheme 6LOWPAN (EAKES6Lo) which is advance version of secure authentication and key establishment scheme (SAKES). This authentication method cause much high end to end delay, energy consumption, overall throughput of the system, complexity and poor security approach. By simulation of EAKES6Lo and SAKES scheme found some results, in contrast to these results, there may be another solution to access any SHE lights, fans, refrigerators, air condition, geezer, door lock, microwave oven, television and water pump, HVAC control and security alarms etc remotely with better security, better complexity, minimum energy consumption, better key length, better throughput and minor end to end delay named two step authentication (TSA). The proposed model also helps to monitor accessing system by comparing security codes and its complexity.


Internet of Things(IOT),Smart Home Environment (SHE),Version 6 Low Power Wireless Personal Area Network (6LoWPAN),Enhanced Authentication and Key Establishment Scheme for 6LoWPAN (EAKES6Lo),Secure Authentication and Key Establishment Scheme(SAKES),Two Step Authentication(TSA),


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Design and Analysis of Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) Controller for PV System


Muhammad Yousaf Ali Khan, Faheem Khan, Hamayun Khan, Sheeraz Ahmed, Mukhtar Ahmad



With the passage of time, the demand of electricity is increasing day by day. The conventional electricity resources are getting depleted because of limited reserves of coal, natural gas and oil. Also most of the electricity resources are not environmental friendly. There was a need to design a mechanism that can be used as an alternative resource for the production of electricity that can be environmental friendly as well as a cheap source of generation. In the last couple of years, it is indicated that energy obtained from the sun can be the best alternate resource for energy. In this research work, the system design approach based on the Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) Controller has been designed. This approach is utilized for extracting maximum available power from PV module through simulation in protius software. This system is quite efficient, effective and has high performances. Buck and boost converter have been utilized for better efficiency.


Electricity,Renewable Energy,Solar Charge Controller, Maximum Power Point Tracking,


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Improved and Effective Artificial Bee Colony Clustering Algorithm for Social Media Data (I-ABC)


Akash Shrivastava, Dr. M. L. Garg



Social media data made real world like a web of data which is highly categorical in nature. Data having categorical attributes are omnipresent in existing real world. Clustering is an effective approach to deal with categorical data. However, partitional clustering algorithms are prone to fall into local optima for categorical data. A novel approach of ABC K-modes has been proposed to address this issue but acceleration issue of this algorithm was still a challenge for it. In this paper, we address this challenge to reduce the acceleration factor of algorithm and proposing a novel modified ABC K-modes approach which we refer as N-ABC K-modes approach. In our approach, unlike existing ABC K-modes we introduces different attribute matrix for each data sets. In further step, we apply XOR operation to combine the matrix of similar attributes. In last phase, dissimilar data would form a cluster and we apply clustering follow by searching on this cluster. The performance of New ABC K-modes evaluated by a series of tests and experiments over real time streaming social media data like twitter and facebook in comparison with that of other popular algorithms for categorical data.


Big data,Twitter,Clustering,Big data Analysis,Artificial Bee Colony(ABC), Data classification,


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The Dynamics of SIR (Susceptible-Infected-Recovered) Epidemic Model in Greater Noakhali for Pneumonia and Dysentery


Jamal Uddin, Md. Jamal Hossain, Mohammad Raquibul Hossain



We study the SIR model for the mathematical modeling of diseases of greater Noakhali. This model describes the spread of infectious diseases in which an individual may move from susceptible to infected and to recover. We discussed the mathematics behind the model and various tools for judging effectiveness in a certain territory. We completed the paper with an example using the infectious diseases, Pneumonia and Dysentery, commonly the children are infected. The current results of this paper are greatly instructive for us to further understand the epidemic spreading and design some fruitful prevention and disposal strategies to fight the epidemics.


SIR Model,Effective removal rate,Basic reproductive ratio,Effective reproductive ratio,


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The Generalized Kudryashov Method: a Renewed Mechanism for Performing Exact Solitary Wave Solutions of Some NLEEs


M.Mijanur Rahman, M. A. Habib, H. M. Shahadat Ali, M. Mamun Miah



The present study deals with the applicability and effectiveness of the algorithm of generalized Kudryashov method (GKM), which is one of the most workable methods to constitute the exact traveling wave solutions of non-linear evolution equations (NLEEs) in physical and mathematical science. The recent paper, we enucleated this method for each of the following Couple Boiti-Leon-Pempinelli equations system, DSSH equation and fourth-order nonlinear Ablowitz-Kaup-Newell-Segur (AKNS) water wave dynamical equation. The prominent competence of this method is to naturalize the way of solving systems of NLEEs. Moreover, we can see that when the parameters are ascribed to the particular values, obtain solitary wave solution from the exact travelling wave solution. The obtained new solutions have a wide range of inflictions in the field of physics and other areas of applied science. To perceive the physical phenomena, we have plotted coupled with some 2𝐷 and 3𝐷 graphical patterns of analytic solutions obtained in this study by using computer programming wolfram Mathematica. The worked-out solutions ascertained that the suggested method is effectual, simple and direct and can be exerted to several types of nonlinear systems of partial differential equations.


The generalized Kudryashov method, Couple Boiti-Leon-Pempinelli equations, DSSH equation, fourth-order nonlinear AKNS equation,travelingwave solution,exact solution,


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Performance Enhancement of Intermediate Temperature SOFC Cathode by Nano-Composite Coating


Saim Saher, Kamran Alam, Affaq Qamar, Abid Ullah, Javed Iqbal



The La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ (LSCF) is categorized as a mixed ionic-electronic conducting oxide has found significant attention as cathode material in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) operating at intermediate temperatures, 500-850oC. The performance of LSCF electrode is limited by the oxygen ion transport process at the surface, which is the rate determining step of oxygen reduction reaction. To enhance the oxygen surface exchange process of LSCF electrode, a nano-composite electrolyte is introduced at the surface, which substantially improves the electrochemical performance. The electrical conductivity relaxation technique (ECR) has been used to study the oxygen surface exchange kinetics of bare LSCF and coated with a mixture of Ce0.8Sm0.2O2-δ (SDC) and ZrO2.Y2O3 (Yttria-stabilized zirconia -YSZ) nano-powders in three different weight ratios, SDC:YSZ = 0.5:1, 1:1, 1:0.5. The chemical oxygen surface exchange coefficient kchem of surface modified specimens were derived with a one-parameter fitting process. The results show that the oxygen surface exchange kinetics of LSCF is affected by the SDC-YSZ coating and the average kchem values of SDC-YSZ coated LSCF increases by a factor 2 to 8 from 650 to 850 oC, respectively. It has been concluded that the high ionic conductive oxide coating improves the oxygen surface exchange kinetics of underlying LSCF mixed conducting oxide and consequently enhances the performance of electrochemical device such as solid oxide fuel cell.




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