
Prevailing Pakistan’s Energy Crises


Muhammad Aamir Aman, Muhammad Zulqarnain Abbasi, Hamza Umar Afridi, Khushal Muhammad, Mehr-e-Munir



The important facts that causes the shortfall in the supply of electrical energy in Pakistan is discussed in this research work. The basic causes due to which the decline in supply and a review about the energy potential in Pakistan were analyzed. It is also investigated that how much important is to utilize the renewable energy and how it will be useful to tackle the shortfall. The solution for that problem is given i.e. to construct small hydro- electric power station on the run of river. This paper will be very helpful for minimizing the shortfall of electricity in Pakistan. To tackle the energy crisis different solutions were given, that is further divided into three terms. Short term solution, Medium term solution, and Long term solution .In short term solution ,the line losses will be reduced, and Power generating capacity will be improved. In medium term solution, the renewable energy resources will be installed. And in long term solution, the thermal power fuel, the myth of Thar coal, stand-alone power projects will be replaced and also the national grid will be dismantled to overcome these crisis.


Power generating capacity,Energy Crisis,Supply and demand,Renewable Energy,Energy Sources,


I. Five steps to solving Pakistan’s energy crisis–The Express Tribune Blog, By
Adnan Khalid Rasool Published: March 3, 2012
II. Muhammad Zulqarnain Abbasi, M. Aamir Aman, Hamza Umar Afridi, Akhtar
Khan. Electrical Engineering Department, IQRA National University,
Peshawar, Pakistan.“Sag-Tension Analysis of AAAC Overhead Transmission
lines for Hilly Areas” International Journal of Computer Science and
Information Security (IJCSIS), Vol. 16, No. 4, April 2018.
III. National Transmission and despatch company, Power System Statistics,2016-
IV. Pakistan Energy Year Book, (2017)
V. US Department of Energy 2002
VI. World Bank report 2017
VII. WAPDA Annual Report 2016-17, Water and Power Development Authority
Pakistan. Department of energy, office of energy efficiency and Renewable
Energy Geothermal Energy Program.

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Similarity Based Feature Weighting for Inter Domain Classification of Text


Brindha.G.R, Santhi.B



Intra domain supervised classification of online reviews is vastly analysed by current studies. At the same time, the level of performance declines when training is performed with one domain and testing with reviews of a different domain. The main fact behind this reduction is the domain distribution difference and the feature vector difference. Also the semantic of each word in a corpus differs based on its usage in domains. The objective of this study is to propose a new similarity based feature weighting technique for text reviews for enhancing the accuracy of inter domain classification. Different training and testing domains are weighted by proposed probability based statistical techniques for the classification by Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Transductive Support Vector Machine (TSVM). TSVM performs much better for this cross domain classification. The fact behind the performance of TSVM is its Transductive learning even with the small training set. The correlation between source and target domain and its influence on classification accuracy are analysed in detail using the outcome of existing feature weighting and proposed weighting techniques.


Text processing,Feature weighting, Transductive Support Vector Machine,Cross domain classification,


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Investigation of Self – Dithering Technique on MASH 1-1-1 and Third Order Error – Output Feedback Modulator


Sohail Imran Saeed, Khalid Mahmood, Mehr-e-Munir



Digital delta sigma modulator (DDSM) is integral part of the divider of PLL based fractional –N frequency synthesizer. The output of DDSM is notorious for spurious tones in its output. Generally, the inherent periodicity of DDSM is considered the main reason for generation of these tones. The recent researched focus on the role of linear feedback shift register (LFSR) based pseudorandom dither which is added with input of DDSM to break its periodicity. Since, an ideal random sequence cannot be realized; the periodic nature of LFSR dither itself is considered a sour to energize these spurious tones appearing at the output of synthesizer. The self-dithering technique is claimed to perform the efficient dithering of the input of DDSM without using LFSR. In this paper we investigate the use of self-dithering technique with MASH 1-1-1 & EOFM mash that is claimed to be as effective as LFSR dither.


Power generating capacity,Energy Crisis,Supply and demand,Renewable Energy,Energy Sources,


I. Five steps to solving Pakistan’s energy crisis–The Express Tribune Blog, By
Adnan Khalid Rasool Published: March 3, 2012
II. Muhammad Zulqarnain Abbasi, M. Aamir Aman, Hamza Umar Afridi, Akhtar
Khan. Electrical Engineering Department, IQRA National University,
Peshawar, Pakistan.“Sag-Tension Analysis of AAAC Overhead Transmission
lines for Hilly Areas” International Journal of Computer Science and
Information Security (IJCSIS), Vol. 16, No. 4, April 2018.
III. National Transmission and despatch company, Power System Statistics,2016-
IV. Pakistan Energy Year Book, (2017)
V. US Department of Energy 2002
VI. World Bank report 2017
VII. WAPDA Annual Report 2016-17, Water and Power Development Authority
Pakistan. Department of energy, office of energy efficiency and Renewable
Energy Geothermal Energy Program.

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An Improvised Recommendation System For Mobile Plans Using Similarity Fusion


Neetu Singh, V.K Jain



Recommendations help humans in making decisions and hence contribute in increase of user satisfaction. For good recommendations; the recommender should be more precise. From past decades, Collaborative Filtering (CF) has been explored by researchers because of its efficiency and effectiveness. The main objective of CF is to find most similar items using various similarity measures. This research paper proposes improvised mobile recommender that significantly increases accuracy for recommended right plans for mobile users using similarity fusion. Experimental results show that the proposed recommender using similarity fusions provide better recommendation quality.


Recommender System, Cellular networks,Similarities,data plans,Similarity fusion,


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Challenges been faced by Mobile Operators in Pakistan for transition from 2G to 3G & 4G Mobile Services


Shahid Latif, Mehr-e-Munir



Mobile communication has been transformed in Pakistan by issuance of Third Generation (3G) and Fourth Generation (4G) licenses. Introduction of new technologies has changed the mobile users existing lust for more data and at an extremely high transmission rate. The third and fourth generation technology transitions have enormously improved network performance as compared to old and legacy Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) technology. Especially, the Long Term Evolution wireless network brings all set to convert the existing mobile networks into end-to-end IP networks. In this review paper, it will be considered what challenges have been faced by the mobile companies in Pakistan for migration of mobile wireless networks from existing technology to 3G CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) and 4G LTE (Orthogonal frequency division multiplex) networks. The main challenges faced by managers for shifting from existing 2G infra-structures to new 3G and 4G infra-structures are network planning and achieving Quality of Service (QoS) parameter’s for this transition.


Second Generation,Third Generation,Fourth Generation,wireless network planning,Long Term Evolution,Internet Protoco,Code Division Multiple Access,Quality of Service,


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Accident prevention by detection of Drowsiness using Heart rate and body temperature sensing


ParomitaDas, Soumyendu Bhattacharjee, Biswarup Neogi



Fatigue or sleep is a crucial factor in traffic accidents especially for long distance journeys. In this article, an innovative module depicts for automatic driver drowsiness detection based on heart rate and skin temperature. This system aims towards detecting and alert the driver to prevent accidents. Bothsensor performance has been utilized and modulated through the Arduino microcontroller and produce output. Achieve better accuracy for detecting sleep, a new method that is the combination of the heart rate sensor, as well as body temperature sensor, is proposed. Also, the proposed system can monitor the heart rate and body temperature continuously for detecting the health status of the driver also. Experimental results show high accuracy in each section which makes this system reliable for driver sleep detection and alarm system.


Driver drowsiness detection,Accident prevention,Heart rate sensor,Body temperature sensor,


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A New Image Steganography Method using Message Bits Shuffling


Prithwish Das, Kushal Chakraborty, Sayak Sinha, Atanu Das



Steganography has been considered as a technique of message hiding within another carrier multimedia data. Messages in the form of image (with embedded handwritten or typed texts) are often embedded in several ways within another image in image steganography. DCT based schemes are undertaken in the frequency domain methods in addition to usual plain text message embedding. Most of the message image hiding techniques embeds image bit string without considering any shuffling schemes to deal with the said string before embedding. Present work targeted to incorporate message hiding essentially with shuffled and re-shuffled bit strings in different ways prior to DCT operation. A new method has been proposed with these shuffling schemes to enhance the security level of the encryption. Investigations with the proposed image steganography method show that the new methods performed better than normal image steganography techniques without shuffling schemes. Performance of the proposed method is evaluated using Peak-Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Mean Square Error (MSE). Results show that the shuffling bit steganography method outperformed the common DCT based schemes without shuffling.


Image Steganograph, DCT,Message Bit Shuffling,


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Free-Space Optical channel turbulence analysis based on lognormal distribution and stochastic differential equation


TayyabaGul Tareen, Shahryar Shafique, Mehr-e-Munir



An Optical wave propagating through a free-space optical channel may severely experience the intensity fluctuations that can result in channel gain fluctuations and fading. This paper provide a model that can analyze the influence of inevitable turbulence effect on a free-space channel which is based on the stochastic differential equation to synthesis lognormal distributed samples with a corresponding correlation time. The numerical analysis of theoretical model is presented and compared for performance evaluation. To examine the resemblance between numerical and theoretical analysis, two properties of free-space optical channel is considered including the probability density function and auto-covariance property. The model showed distinctive performance results when modelling typical channel situations.


Auto-covariance,Free-space optica,lognormal distribution,stochasticdifferential equation (SDE),Turbulence effects ,


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Phong Thanh Nguyen, Thu Anh Nguyen, Quyen Le Hoang Thuy To Nguyen, Vy Dang Bich Huynh



Building Information Modelling (BIM) has made considerable progress over the past few decades regarding information technology applied in the construction industry. In developed countries, governmental organizations and private companies had published many valuable and quality academic studies regarding BIM. However, few studies have mentioned the application of SWOT modelling to develop a strategy for applying the BIM 360 Field in construction and engineering companies. This paper presents an overview of the BIM 360 Field application in construction quality management. Suitable strategies could be used to enhance the quality assurance of construction project management.



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Relationship between Organizational Environment and Teacher’s Citizenship Behaviour


Muhammad Tahir Khan Farooqi, Dr. Shehzad Ahmed, Dr. AsifIqbal, Sabahat Parveen



The aim of the study was to investigate the correlation between organizational environment and teachers’ citizenship behaviour. The research study was quantitative and correlational design was used. Survey technique was used. The population of the study comprises Elementary School Teachers (ESTs) of Mathematics. Multistage random sampling was used to select four districts (Faisalabad, Multan, Sargodha and Jhang). Further, 20 schools (10 males & 10 females) and 4 teachers from each school were randomly selected. The data from selected sample were collected using survey method. SPSS version 24 was used to analyze the data. Pearson r and ANOVA were used. The analysis revealed that there exist significant and positive relationship between organizational environment and teachers’ citizenship behaviour.


Organizational environment,Citizenship behaviour,Multistage random sampling,


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