
Rprop Based Noble Blind Channel Equalization Algorithm for QAM Signal


Prakhar Priyadarshi, C. S. Rai



In this paper, authors have considered the issue of slow convergence and moderate Bit Error Rate (BER) of Constant Modulus Algorithm used for channel equalization. Constant Modulus Algorithm (CMA), an extensively used gradient descent based unsupervised algorithm for QAM Signal, suffers from the poor convergence property as well as poor BER. Two novel blind equalization algorithms have been proposed which overcomes the problem of slow convergence and poor BER associated with CMA. Proposed algorithm incorporates modified CMA-like error function based on mean forth error criteria into Rprop frame work. Matlab Simulation of the proposed Rprop Based Improved Constant Modulus Type (RICMT) algorithm offers better result in terms of convergence, inter symbol interference (ISI) and bit error rate (BER) in a linear channel as well as for nonlinear channel in comparison to the CMA Equalizer for noisy environment.


Equalization,CMA,Mean Forth Error,Rprop,Convergence, Low BER,


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To Negate the influences of Un-deterministic Dispersed Generation on Interconnection to the Distributed System considering Power Losses of the system


Muhammad Aamir Aman, Muhammad Zulqarnain Abbasi, Murad Ali, Akhtar Khan



Now a days, the rapid need for electrical energy all over the world has put electrical power system under great stress. Due to day by day decrease in available conventional energy sources, researchers are shifting towards non-conventional energy resources or Dispersed generation (DG). DG is becoming a feasible alternative to overcome the power deficiency due to reduction in power losses, system reliability, and availability of power at consumer’s premises. With this need of DG, it’s important to analyze the adverse impact of DG on distributed power system. This research analyzes the effects of induction generator and synchronous generators on distribution system. The main outcome and objective of this research is to find optimum type, size and placement of DG to be injected in distributed system in order to have minimum impact on power losses of the system. By using globally renowned and modern software Electrical Transient Analyzer Program (ETAP) and taking Rahman Baba electricity distribution network as a test case. After analyzing, the results show that injecting DG has positive impacts on power losses at certain buses while 30% of power losses were decreased when induction generator as a DG unit was integrated with the distribution network in the optimum location. Also positive impacts of DG unit on power losses has been seen by injecting undeterministic small amount of synchronous generator as a DG unit and by increasing cross-sectional area of the conductor has showed much improvement in power losses.


Dispersed Generation,Power losses, Radial Distributed System,Synchronous generator,Induction generator,


I.AlRuwaili, M. O., Vaziri, M. Y., Vadhva, S., & Vaziri, S. (2013, April). Impact of distributed generation on voltage profile of radial power systems. In Green Technologies Conference, 2013 IEEE (pp. 473-480). IEEE.

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VII.Muhammad Zulqarnain Abbasi, M. Aamir Aman, Hamza Umar Afridi, Akhtar Khan. “Sag-Tension Analysis of AAAC Overhead Transmission lines for Hilly Areas” International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), Vol. 16, No. 4, April 2018

VIII.P. Mohammadi, H. El-Kishyky, M. Abdel-Akher, and M. Abdel-Salam, “The impacts of distributed generation on fault detection and voltage profile in power distribution networks,” in Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference (IPMHVC), 2014 IEEE International. IEEE, 2014, pp. 191–196.

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A new co-ordinated hybrid fuzzy logic and particle swarm optimization based PID controller for speed control of DC servomotor


Arnob Senapati, Akash Maitra, Saswata Das, Souvik Chatterjee, Binanda Kishore Mondal, Abhishek Kumar Kashyap, Sudipta Ghosh



The speed control is an interesting and important term in control system engineering. Speed of the DC servomotor has to be varied according to application requirement. According to requirement suitable controllers and algorithm are use to achieve best control over speed. PID controller is a well known controller which is used in feedback control in industrial application. But in some industrial application the speed control with PID controller is not able to achieve the perfect control due to non linear element present in the system. Therefore in this research the Particle Swarm Optimization based PID controller and Hybrid Fuzzy Logic Controller are use to overcome this problem. Fuzzy logic control offers an improvement in the quality of the speed response concentrated by emulating the expert and implemented in language based on operator’s experience. Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm on the PID controller is an advanced approach for getting a stable and linear response of any system. PSO is a population based stochastic optimization technique is initialized with a population of random solutions and searches for optima by updating generations. A comparative analysis of performance analysis both the controllers have been done.


Speed Contro,DC Servomoto, PID,PSO,Fuzzy,Hybrid Fuzzy,


I.Abhishek Kumar Kashyap,Binanda Kishore Mondal, Souvik Chattarjee, Sudipta Ghosh.A New Approach to Improve the Performance ofPosition Control of DC Servo Motor by Using FuzzyLogic Controller,J.Mech.Cont. & Math. Sci., Vol.-10, No.-2, January (2016) Pages 1551-1557.

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A Novel Architecture for Low Power Equiripple Half-Band FIR Filter using GDI Based Dual Edge Triggered Flip-Flop


Biswarup Mukherjee, Aniruddha Ghosal



In this paper, a technique for implementing low-power equiripple half-band FIR filter using GDI based Dual Edge Triggered Flip Flop (DETFF) is introduced. Dual edge triggered flip flops has many advantages in low power VLSI compared to SETFF. The Proposed low power FIR filter using DETFF is implemented and compared with conventional design at same simulation conditions. CAD tool based simulation and comparison between proposed design with the conventional design shows that the proposed design reduces power dissipation by 32% reducing the no. of transistors used while keeping the same data rate.


Half-band FIR filter,Dual Edge Triggered Flip Flop (DETFF), GDI ,Multiplexer, Low power VLSI ,


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Design approach to a wound rotor induction motor towards optimization


Pritish Kumar Ghosh, PradipKumarSadhu, Amarnath Sanyal, Debabrata Roy, Biswajit Dutta



About 88% of the driving power is produced by 3-phase and single-phase induction motors. In most part it is by squirrel-cage motors, only a small fraction by the slip-ring or phase-wound type. It is because the cage-type motors are relatively inexpensive. But they suffer from low p.f. operation and low starting torque which cannot be manipulated by inserting resistance in the rotor circuit. Also, this type of induction motors is not easily speed-adjustable. Though a little more expensive, the slip-ring type induction motors do not have these disadvantages. Therefore, they are used as speed-adjustable drives and for drives where heavy duty starting is involved. The design of any kind of power equipment should be made cost-optimally in the present day competitive market. A new approach to reaching optimal solution has been shown in this paper by the method of sequential searching with respect to the chosen design variables. Also, another design has been made following a hybrid of analytical and synthetic approach. The design variables have been chosen from designers’ experience. In contrary to the popular belief that there is no need for going in for complexity of optimal design, the quasi-optimal solution may be obtained by the designer from his accumulated experience, we find that the idea is wrong. The optimal design approach saves a lot of money.


Analytic design,synthetic design,hybrid design, optimal design,sequential searching, development of electrical engineering, Electrical applications,


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Photovoltaic (PV) System Feasibility for Urmar Payan a Rural Cell Sites in Pakistan


Muhammad Aamir Aman, Muhammad Zulqarnain Abbasi, Hamza Umar Afridi, Mehr-e-Munir, Jehanzeb Khan



Abstract Exponential growth in cellular services has fueled the penetration of telecommunication industry in rural areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK). However, the scarcity of electricity at such localities has limited the growth and operation of network operators. One solution to overcome the problem includes utilization of diesel generator along with grids for continuous supply. However, this solution requires high fuel consumption, extensive maintenance and elevated delivery cost, which makes its operation less efficient. Photovoltaic (PV) systems are anticipated to solve the problem by providing necessary power at increased reliability and performance. This paper proposes the use PV system along with grids at rural areas of KPK to increase the operation and reliability of base stations (BTS’s). Feasibility of the proposed design is checked via Hybrid Optimization Model for Electrical Renewable(HOMER) Software. It is shown that the proposed PV grid hybrid system is more efficient as compared to the diesel and standalone PV system at the rural cell sites in KPK, Pakistan. Keywords:Cellular networks, Base station, Photovoltaic (PV) system, Feasibility.


Cellular networks,Base station,Photovoltaic (PV)system,Feasibility,


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Designing A Hybrid Full Adder Circuit Based On The Combination Of Cmos And Set Transistors


Seyed Mohammad Jalal Rastegar Fatemi, Nasim Goudarzi, Morteza Rostami



Abstract Single electron devices are new in Nano-electrics and are able to control currents on the scale of a single or multiple electrons. Relying on this ability, these devices have a potential capacity for mitigation of circuits' energy consumption. Nevertheless, it is anticipated that in a near future the manufacturing technologies will advance and these devices would become of extensive application in integrated circuits. The working basis of these devices is electron tunneling in a structure with Nano dimensions. The present paper firstly states the control mechanism of single electron displacement in a tunnel bond and secondly, investigates the manner of application of this mechanism in the most important single electron structures. According to the results, a hybrid full adder circuit has been simulated using the HSpice software. Overall, the results have shown that compared to previous works, the proposed hybrid circuit is advantageous in terms of power consumption and PDP. Key words: single electron devices, tunnel bond, coulomb blockade, full adder


single electron devices,tunnel bond, coulomb blockade,full adder,


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Improved Distance Measuring Using Laser Light


Mehr-e-Munir, ShahidLatif, Muhammad Aamir Aman, Waleed Jan, Jehanzeb Khan



Abstract Distance measuring without physical contact and long distance measuring is always a challenge. Distance measuring using laser beam light is an effective way but it causes too much distortion due to back of signal from destination. To preserve the level of distortion a photovoltaic cell is used to measure the intensity of laser beam light. This paper emphasizes on design of a circuit which uses photovoltaic cell and multi-meter. This paper shows the improved long distance measuring technique using photovoltaic cell. Keywords: Beam laser light, distance, photovoltaic cell, solar cell, effective distance measuring


Beam laser light,distance,photovoltaic cell,solar cell,effective distance measuring,


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Approximate Solution of Strongly Forced Nonlinear Vibrating Systems Which Vary With Time


Pinakee dey, Nasir Uddin, Md Asaduzzaman, Sanjay kumar saha, M. A. Sattar



Based on the combined work of extended Krylov-Bogoliubov-Mitropolskii method and harmonic balance (HB) method an analytical technique is presented to determine approximate solutions of nonlinear differential systems whose coefficients change slowly and periodically with time. Furthermore, a non-autonomous case also investigated in which an external force acts in this system. Formulation as well as determination of the solution is systematic and easier than the existing procedures. The method is illustrated by suitable examples.


Asymptotic solution,Forced nonlinear oscillation, Varying coefficient,Unperturbed equation, KBM method, HB method,


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Design and Comparison of PI and Back-Stepping Control for Single Phase Two-Stage Grid Connected PV System


Syed Qaiser Ahmad Shah, Khalid Mahmood, Syed Shafiq Ahmad Shah, Mehr-e-Munir, MuhammadAamir Aman



In grid connected two stage PV system some Control technique are applied to get maximum power point, voltage adjustment of boost converter , inverter voltage , DC link voltage control, grid current control, power factor improvement and reduction in total harmonics distortions. In this paper the two control techniques like back-stepping control and PI control are designed and their results are compared. The output behavior of the PV array is non-linear, there is a continuous change in output power, due to change in the temperature and change in irradiations. Due to this nonlinear behavior of PV the maximum power point is affected. To achieve maximum power point a special type of tracking system is used. In this paper the main objective like dc-link voltage control, grid current control, power factor improvement and reduction in total harmonics


Maximum power Point tracking (MPPT),Photovoltaic (PV),stepping Control (BSC), Total Harmonics Distortion (THD),


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