


Arun Dubey, Dilip Kumar Jaiswal, Gulrana, A. K. Thakur



The stabilization of groundwater resources in excellent quality is crucial for both the environment and human societies. To examine the contaminant concentration pattern of infinite and semi-infinite aquifers, mathematical models provide accurate descriptions. The two-dimensional model for a semi-infinite heterogeneous porous medium with temporally dependent and space-dependent (degenerate form) dispersion coefficients for longitudinal and transverse directions is derived in this study. The Laplace Integral Transform Techniques (LITT) is used to find analytical solutions. The dispersion coefficient is considered the square of the velocity which represents the seasonal variation of the year in coastal/tropical regions. To demonstrate the solutions, the findings are presented graphically. Figures are drawn for different times for a function and discussed in the result and discussion section. It is also concluded that a two-dimensional model is more useful than a one-dimensional model for assessing aquifer contamination.


2-D Advection-dispersion equation,Aquifer,Heterogeneity,Pollution,Laplace transform,


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A. P. Pushpalatha, S. Suganthi



A simple, finite and connected graph is denoted by G=(V,E). The primary Zagreb index, denoted as M1(G), characterizes the graph topologically by representing a squared degree sum of their vertices. Similarly, M2(G) denotes a second Zagreb index, that offers a topological measure of summing the degree of the product for adjacent vertices of graph G. We investigate a study of this topological indices M1(G)&M2(G) and got some interesting results also.


Zagreb indices,first Zagreb index,second Zagreb index,Fan graph,Barbell graph,Thorn graph,


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Nasir Uddin, Md. Eaqub Ali, Anish Kumar Adhikary, Shuvo Sarker, M. Ali Akbar, Pinakee Dey6



The existence of over-damped nonlinear differential equations results from a variety of engineering conundrums and physical natural occurrences. Non-oscillatory dynamics with forced over-damping are used in the simulation of nonlinear differential systems. For non-oscillatory nonlinear differential systems, it is possible to derive approximations of solutions using a variety of analytical methods, both with and without external forcing. This paper introduces a novel method for estimating solutions for highly nonlinear damped vibration systems subject to parameterized external forcing. The extended Krylov-Bogoliubov-Mitropolsky (KBM) technique and harmonic equilibrium (HM), which have both been previously developed in the literature, are the foundation of the suggested method. This method was initially created by Krylov-Bogoliubov to discover periodic details in second-order nonlinear differential equations. Several examples are provided to show how the suggested technique is applied. The process is fairly simple and straightforward, and using this formula, the result can be found with very marginal errors from the previous citations. The primary significance of this approach is in its ability to provide approximate analytical solutions of the first order that closely align with the findings obtained by numerical methods. These solutions are applicable to a variety of beginning scenarios and are distinct from those presented in earlier literature. Also, we illustrated the two-dimensional graph of all the solutions that we got in this article by using the data from the mentioned table. The results that we obtained from this method are effective and reliable for better measurements of strong nonlinearities.


Nonlinear non-autonomous system,Damped nonlinear system,External force Vary with time,Perturbation equation,


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Arijit Mishra, Pinku Chandra Dey, Kamal Jyoti Barman



Let G be any graph. Then a one-one function f:V→ N is said to be a k-Zumkeller labeling of G if the induced function f^*: E→N defined by f^* (xy) =f(x)f(y) satisfies the following conditions: (i) For every xy∈E, f^* (xy) is a Zumkeller number. (ii) |f^* (E)|=k, where |f^* (E)| denotes the number of distinct Zumkeller numbers on the edges of G. In this paper, we prove the existence of k-Zumkeller labeling for certain graphs like tadpole, banana, friendship, and firecracker graphs.


Zumkeller number,banana graph,friendship graph,firecracker graph,tadpole graph,graph labeling.,


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M. Sathish Kumar, G. Veeramalai, S. Janaki, V. Ganesan



In this article, we examine the oscillation of a class of third-order damped nonlinear differential equations with multiple delays. Using the integral average and generalized Riccati techniques, new necessary criteria for the oscillation of equation solutions are established. The major effect is exemplified by an example.


Oscillation,nonlinear differential equations,third-order,delay arguments,damping,


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Asish Mitra, Soumya Sonalika



In the present study, we introduce a simple stochastic differential equation based on the Susceptible-Infectious (SI) model to simulate the progression of COVID-19. For a detailed study, a cumulative number of individuals infected with COVID-19 in Norway from 26 Feb 2020 to 09 March 2023 is utilized. The Euler-Maruyama (EM) method is used to solve the problem. Computer codes are developed in Matlab for the solution process.


Brownian Motion,Covid-19,Epidemiology,Euler-Maruyama (EM) Method,Stochastic Differential Equation (SDE),


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Kamal Jyoti Barman, Arijit Mishra



Indian cities are extending and growing very rapidly with the increase in population. As a result, there is a need to implement mass transit systems such as metro rail to meet their day-to-day mobility requirements. In recent years metro rail has grown in many Indian cities. Much like a graph that is made up of vertices and edges, a metro network is composed of stations and a metro route connecting them, where each station represents a vertex and any two vertices are adjacent whenever there is a link (metro route) between them. In this paper, we try to study the structure of a metro network via a graph theoretical approach.


Mass transit systems,Metro network,Metro network graph,


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Alexander Nikitin, Sergey Sinenko



The authors of the article consider what features appear when using artificial intelligence (AI) in the generative design of construction facilities. Every day artificial intelligence becomes more and more important in various fields of human activity. One of the areas of activity in which AI is actively being implemented is construction, namely digital (BIM) and generative (GD) building design. These areas of design include the development of design solutions for an object using computer algorithms and mathematical models. The article examines the positive aspects of implementing AI in generative design, compared to traditional design methods. The use of AI in generative design can improve the quality of produced design documentation by reducing the number of unintentional mechanical and technical errors, providing designers with a more extensive amount of analytical data. The authors focus on the main AI methods that are involved in GD, as well as the problems and limitations that arise when using AI in design.


Artificial Intelligence (AI),generative model (GD),Information Model (BIM),Information Modelling Technologies (TIM),Generative design,


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E. V. Ratna Kumar G., K. Senthil kumar, J. A. Ranga Babu



This study examines the sliding wear behavior of aluminium 7075 composites supplemented with crab shell ash (CSA), a waste product from the seafood industry. The composites with different weight percentages of CSA (0%, 1%, 2%, and 3%) were created using the stir-casting procedure. Afterward, a pin-on-disc device was used to evaluate these composites under different sliding conditions. The primary aim of this research is to analyze the effects of CSA content and sliding parameters on composite wear performance. In the experiment, it was discovered that the stability of the composites differed depending on the amount of CSA that was present. The unreinforced aluminum 7075 alloy's wear resistance was enhanced with CSA particles, according to the data. Wear resistance is optimal at 3% CSA content and begins to decline somewhat above this concentration. As a contribution to sustainable material engineering, this study is significant since it improves metal matrix composites' properties by reusing waste materials. This research emphasizes the potential of using waste materials such as crab shell ash to enhance mechanical properties and wear resistance, to promote sustainability in material engineering approaches.


Aluminum 7075,Crab shell ash,Metal matrix composites,Sliding wear behavior,Stir casting,


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Basim Galeb, Haider Saad, Haitham Bashar, Kadhum Al-Majdi, Aqeel Al-Hilali



From its early days as a fledgling technology, satellite communication has come a long way to become a flourishing component of the global technological ecosystem that determines our increasingly interdependent world. This scholarly essay provides a comprehensive analysis of current developments in satellite communication technology and the several fields in which they might be applied. The essay dives into major inventions that have catapulted this discipline to unparalleled heights, and it spans from the historical origins to the modern accomplishments. This overview elucidates the enormous influence that satellite communication has had on modern civilization, highlighting its central position in allowing global connection, data dissemination, and transformational applications across a variety of industries.


GEO,ISL,LEO,MEO,Satellite communications,


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