
Relation Between Lattice and Semiring


Kanak Ray Chowdhury, Abeda Sultana , Nirmal Kanti Mitra , A F M Khodadad Khan



In this paper, connection between lattice and semiring are investigated. This is done by introducing some examples of lattice and semirings. Examples and results are illustrated. In some cases we have used MATLAB.


lattice,semiring, MATLAB,


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Free Convective Mass Transfer Flow Through A Porous Medium In A Rotating System


M. M. Haque, M. Samsuzzoha, M. H. Uddin , A. A. Masud



An analytical investigation on a free convective mass transfer steady flow along a semi-infinite vertical plate bounded by a porous medium with large suction is completed in a rotating system. A mathematical model related to the problem is developed from the basis of studying Fluid Dynamics(FD). Non-dimensional system of equations is obtained by the usual similarity transformation with the help of similar variables. The perturbation technique is used to solve the momentum wiith concentration equations. The chief physical interest of the problem as shear stress and Sherwood number are also calculated here. The numerical values of velocities, concentration, shear stress and Sherwood number are plotted in figures. In order to observe the effects of various parameters on the flow variables, the results are discussed in detailed with the help of graphs. Last of all, some important findings of the problem are concluded in this study.


convective mass transfer,steady flow,shear stress ,Sherwood number ,


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Fault Detection in Engineering Application using Fuzzy Petri net and Abduction Technique


Sudipta Ghosh, Nabanita Das, Debasish Kunduand, Gopal Paul



This paper addresses onengineering application using fuzzy abductionandPetrinettechnique. The problems are introduced informallyabout the fault finding technique ofelectronic networks with different illustrations,so that anyone without any background inthe specific domain easily understands them.and easily find out the fault of thecomplicatedelectronic circuit.The problems require either a mathematical formulation ora computer simulation for their solutions. The detail outlineofthe solution of theengineering problem is illustrated here.


Fuzzy abduction ,Petri net,Relational matrix,Abductive Reasoning,


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Some properties of 1-distributive join semilattices


Shiuly Akhter, A.S.A.Noor, M.Ayub Ali



J.C.Varlet introduced the concept of 1-distributive lattices to generalize thenotion ofdualpseudo complemented lattices. A latticeLwith 1 is calleda 1-distributivelattice if for allLc,b,a,caba1imply1)(cba. Of course everydistributive lattice with 1 is 1-distributive. Also everydual pseudo complemented lattice is1-distributive.Recently, Shiuly and Noor extended this concept for directedbelow joinsemi lattices. A joinsemi latticeSis calleddirected belowif for allSb,a, there existsScsuch thatb,ac. Again Y.Rav has extended the concept of 1-distributivity byintroducing the notion ofsemi prime filtersin a lattice. Recently, Noor and Ayubhavestudied the semi prime filters in a directed below joinsemi lattice. In this paper we haveincluded several characterizations and properties of 1-distributive joinsemi lattices.Weproved that for a joinsub semi latticeAofS,Aasomeforax:SxA11is a semi prime filter ofSif and only ifSis 1-distributive.We also showed that a directed below join semi lattice with 1 is 1-distributiveif and only if for allSb,a,111)()()(dbafor someb,ad,Sd.Introducingthe notion of-filters and using different equivalent conditions of 1-distributive joinsemilattices we have given a ‘Separation theorem’ for-filters.


1-distributive joinsemi lattice ,Semi prime filter,Prime ideal,Maximal ideal,-filter,


I.M. Ayub Ali and A. S. A. Noor, Semiprime filters in join semilattices,Submitted in Annals of Pure & Applied Mathematics,India.

II.P. Balasubramani and P. V. Venkatanarasimhan,Characterizations of the 0-Distributive Lattices,Indian J. Pure appl.Math. 32(3) 315-324, (2001).

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IV.C. Jayaram,0-modular semilattices, Studia Sci. Math. Hung. 22(1987), 189-195.

V.Y. S. Powar and N. K. Thakare,0-Distributive semilattices, Canad. Math. Bull.Vol. 21(4) (1978), 469-475.

VI.Y. Rav,Semi prime ideals in general lattices,Journal of pure and AppliedAlgebra, 56(1989) 105-118.

VII.Shiuly Akhter and A.S.A.Noor,1-distributive join semilattice, J. Mech.Cont. & Math. Sci. Vol.-7,No.-2,January (2013) pages 1067-1076.

VIII.J. C. Varlet,A generalization of the notion of pseudo-complementedness,Bull.Soc.Sci.Liege, 37(1968), 149-158.

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Effect on Probabilistic Continuous EOQ Review Model after Applying Third Party Logistics


Shirajul Islam Ukil, Mollah Mesbahuddin Ahmed, Shirin Sultana, Md. Sharif Uddin



This article explains how a company manages itsbusiness to gain minimuminventorycostandreaches itsbusiness success by usingThird Party Logistics.Applying Third Party Logisticsthe company may put its eyes on its production process and marketing smoothly.Thereby, the inventory cost might be reduced substantially.By applying this technique, mainlyit can reduce the clerical cost, security staff cost and depreciation costamong the variouscosts mentioned in the paper subsequently.And to get the optimum level the party usesits fewtools likedatabase software. Italso expressesamathematical framework to understand the performance of the company and put the argumentsthat inventory cost minimization methodis an approach that helps itto be competitive and success fulin the business arena.Toestablish a new modelin this paper,Probabilistic Continuous Economic Order Quantity(EOQ) Model isused as a baseline.


Inventory,Probabilistic Continuous EconomicOrder Quantity(EOQ),Review Model,fixed cost,variable cost,holding cost,Third Party Logistics,


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Experimental Study on Shape and Rise Velocity of Small Bubbles in Stagnant Water


A Mitra, P Bhattacharya, S Mukhopadhyay, K K Dhar



This paper presents the results of an experimental study on the shape andrise velocityof small bubbles risingin stagnant water. Bubbles, generated at the bottom of the chamberholding water, rise through it.A high speed camera (1000 fps, Kodak, Model 1000 HRC)together with a 90 mm Macro lens is placed at a height of 60 cm from the bottom of thechamber. It is linked with a PC. The commercial software Sigma Scan Pro 5.0 and AdobePhotoshop are used for image capturing and processing.Bubbles(diametersin the range0.0245-5.903 cm)aregenerated at the bottom of the chamber holding the water. We find thatbubbles have threesteady shapes, a sphere,an ellipsoidandspherical capin this diameterrange.The experimentally determined rise velocity of bubble in the present investigationagrees well with the data available in the literature


Bubble,Rise Velocity,Stagnant Water,Shape,


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Numerical study and CFD Simulations of Incompressible Newtonian Flow by Solving steady Navier-stokes equations using Newton’s method


K. M.Helal



Inthis paper, incompressible Newtonian flow is numerically studied byapproximatingthesolutionof the steady Navier-Stokes equationsin two dimensional case.Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)simulationsare carriedout byusing thefiniteelement method.Newton’smethodis applied to solvetheNavier-Stokes equationswherethe finite element solutions of Stokes equations is considered as the initial guess to obtainthe convergenceof Newton’s sequence.The numericalsimulations are presentedin termsofthe contours ofvelocity, pressure and streamline. All themeshes andsimulations areimplementedonthegeneralfinite element solver FreeFem++.Atwo-dimensionalbenchmark flow was computedwith posteriori estimates.It hasalsobeen established thatthe free accesssolverFreeFem++ can provide a reasonable good numerical simulationsof complicated flow behavior.


Navier-Stokesequations,CFD simulation,finite elementmethod,Newton-Raphsonmethod,


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A Direct Analytical Method for Finding an Optimal Solution for Transportation Problems


M. Wali Ullah, Rizwana Kawser, M. Alhaz Uddin



In this paper a direct analytical method is proposed for finding an optimalsolution for a wide range of transportation problems. A numerical illustration isestablished and the optimality of the result yielded by this method is also checked. Themost attractive feature of this method is that it requires very simple arithmetical andlogical calculations. Themethod will be very worthwhile for those decision makers whoare dealing with logistics and supply chain related issues.One canalsoeasily adopt theproposed method among the existing methods for simplicity of the presented method.


TP=Transportation problem,SS=Stepping Stone ,MODI= Modified Distribution,NCM= North-West Corner Method , LCM= Least Cost Method,VAM= Vogel’sApproximation Method,Numerical Example,


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Momtaz Begum



In This paper the author studiesthe Glivenko congruence R in a0-distributive meet semilattice. It isprovedthata meet semilattice S with 0 is0-distributive if and only if the quotient semilattice RS is distributive. Hence S is0-distributive if and only if (0] is the Kernel of some homomorphism ofS onto adistributive meet semilattice with 0.


Glivenko congruence,0-distributive semilattice ,distributive meetsemilattice,


I.P. Balasubramani and P. V. Venkatanarasimhan,Characterizations of the 0-Distributive Lattices,Indian J. Pure appl.Math. 32(3) 315-324, (2001).

II.Momtaz Begum and A.S.A. Noor,Semi prime ideals in meet semilattices,Indian J. Pure appl.Math.Vol.1, No.2, 2012, 149-157.

III.H.S.Chakraborty and M.R.Talukder,Some characterizations of 0-distributivesemilattices,Accepted in the Bulletin of Malaysian Math. Sci.Soc.

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D. C. Sanyal



It is proposed to introduce some simple criteria regarding the existence of unique solutions of a class of nonlinear functional equations in supermetric and metric spaces followed by suitable examples. The results obtained may be of much useful to many physical problems arising nonlinear equations.


Supermetric space,metric space,functional equation,Hammerstein equation. ,


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