
A Circle Theorem in the Samuelson Domain


Mihir B. Banerjee, J.R. Gupta, R.G. Shandil , Jyotirmoy Mukhopadhyay



In the subject matter of mathematical statistics, let the domain of mathematical activity that draws its inspiration from and nurtures the lead provided by the seminal paper of the American Economist and Nobel Prize (1970) winner P.A. Samuelson entitled, “How Deviant can you be?” and published in the Journal of the American Statistical Association in 1968, on the maximum and the minimum deviations, from the mean (denoted presently by m and 'm respectively) in a set of n observations with given mean μ and standard deviation σ, be henceforth defined as the Samuelson Domain. The present communication is in the Samuelson Domain. A circle theorem in the −σmplane is rigorously established and exhibited step by step for the sheer delight of its simplicity and elegance. A crude first approximation yields a result that is inferior to Samuelson’s but a more precise investigation of the consequences of the circle theorem shows that Samuelson’s famous work on the existence of bounds, for a set of n real numbers, in terms of σμ, and n can be improved upon provided n exceeds a critical value.


Samuelson Domain ,mean ,standard deviation ,maximum and the minimum deviations,critical value,


I. Samuelson,P.A., How deviant can you be?, J. American Statistical Association, 63,1522-1525,1968.

II. Banerjee, M.B. and Shandil, R.G., A theorem on mean and standard deviation of a statistical variate, Ganita,46, 21-23,1995.

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Natural Convective Heat Transfer Transitory Flow in Presence of Induced Magnetic Field


M. M. Haque, M. A. Islam, M. S. Islam, R. Mahjabin



The effects of induced magnetic field on a free convective heat transfer transient flow of fluid past an infinite vertical plate through a porous medium have been investigated numerically. A mathematical model of the problem is developed from the basis of studying magneto-fluid dynamics(MFD) and the equations are solved by the finite difference method. The numerical values of non-dimensional velocity, induced magnetic field and temperature are computed for the different values of associated parameters in different times. In order to discuss the results, the obtained numerical values of flow variables are plotted in graphs. Finally the important findings of this work are concluded here.


magnetic field ,free convective heat transfer ,magneto-fluid dynamics ,non-dimensional velocity,


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Weather Prediction by the use of Fuzzy Logic


Sudipta Ghosh, Arpan Dutta, Suman Roy Chowdhury , Gopal Paul



In this paper, a Fuzzy Knowledge – Rule base technique is used to predict the ambient atmospheric temperature. The present study utilizes historical temperature as well as database of various meteorological parameters to develop a prediction process in fuzzy rule domain to estimate temperature. Daily observations of Rain, Atmospheric Pressure, and Relative Humidity are analyzed to predict the Temperature. The topic of Fuzzy Logic as a decision-making technique is introduced. It is recommended that applications of this technique could be effectively applied in the area of operational meteorology. An example of such an application, the forecast of the probability of temperature, is discussed and examples of the method are presented. Other possible meteorological applications are suggested. Additionally, a software package which aids in the development of such applications is briefly described.


Fuzzy Logic ,atmospheric temperature ,Atmospheric Pressure ,Relative Humidity ,probability of temperature,


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Non-Similar Solution of Unsteady Thermal Boundary Layer Equation


Md. Saidul Islam, Md. Hasanuzzaman, M. A. K. Sazad , M. A. Hakim



To obtain this present study we studied basic equations. We studied the equation of continuity and derived the Navier-Stockes (N-S) equations of motion for viscous compressible and incompressible fluid flow. Boundary layer and thermal boundary layer equations are also derived. Then we studied similar solution of boundary layer and thermal boundary layer equations. We also performed unsteady solutions of thermal boundary layer equations. We used some non-dimensional variable to non-dimensionalised thermal boundary layer equations. The non-dimensional boundary layer equations are non-linear partial differential equations. To find out the non-similar solutions of unsteady thermal boundary layer equation we used finite difference method. The effect on the velocity and temperature profiles for various parameters entering into the problems are separately discussed and shown graphically.


the Navier-Stockes equations ,viscous compressible and incompressible fluid ,thermal boundary layer,finite difference method,


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Facial feature extraction techniques for face detection: A review


Moumita Roy , Madhura Datta



The researches in the area of face detection have made significant progress in the past few decades. The main challenge in this stage of face detection is to find a suitable effective method for finding facial features. Sub-areas under feature extraction methods are skin color and texture based segmentation, deformable template matching, snake models, feature searching and constellation analysis. In this paper we represented a review on some important contribution in the field of feature extraction for face detection.


face detection, skin color and texture,snake models, constellation analysis,


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Fault Detection technique of electronic gadgets using Fuzzy Petri net abduction method


Sudipta Ghosh , Arpan Dutta



Fuzzy technique using Petri net is a formal tool for describing a Discrete event system model of an actual system. The advantage of this technique is that concurrent evolutions with various processes evolving simultaneously and partially independently can be easily represented and analyzed. In local control applications conditions /events are used to describe the control sequences of elementary devices. Petri nets are made up of places, transitions and tokens. A state is represented by distribution of tokens in places. Various approaches can be used to combine Petri nets and Fuzzy sets. In this paper the authors speak about the fault finding technique of electronic networks with different illustrations.


Fuzzy sets,Petri nets,control sequences,technique of electronic networks ,


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Pressure-Driven Flow Instability with Convective Heat Transfer through a Rotating Curved Channel with Rectangular Cross-section: The Case of Negative Rotation


Md. Zohurul Islam, Md. Sirajul Islam, Muhammad Minarul Islam



Due to engineering applications and its intricacy, the flow in a rotating curved duct has become one of the most challenging research fields of fluid mechanics. A comprehensive numerical study is presented for the fully developed two-dimensional thermal flow of viscous incompressible fluid through a rotating curved rectangular duct of constant curvature1.0=δ. Numerical calculations are carried out by using a spectral method and covering a wide range of the Taylor number 02000<≤−Trand the Dean number 1000100≤≤Dn for the constant Grashof number100=Gr. A temperature difference is applied, that is the outer wall of the duct is heated while the inner wall is cooled. The rotation of the duct about the center of curvature is imposed, and the effects of rotation (Coriolis force) on the unsteady flow characteristics are investigated. Flow characteristics are investigated for the case of negative duct rotation. We investigate the unsteady flow characteristics for the Taylor number02000<≤−Tr and it is found that the unsteady flow undergoes in the scenario ‘steady-state→ periodic→ multi-periodic → steady-state’, if Tr is increased in the negative direction. Contours of secondary flow patterns and temperature profiles are also obtained at several values of Tr, and it is found that there exist two- and multi-vortex solutions if the duct rotation is involved in the negative direction.


thermal flow,viscous incompressible fluid ,duct rotation,Taylor number,Grashof number,


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State Space Analysis of a Solar Power Array Taking a Higher Degree Of Non-Linearity into Account


Adhir Baran Chattopadhyay, Sunil Thomas, Aliakbar Eski, Ruchira Chatterjee



This paper develops a mathematical technique for the solution of a non linear state variable model of a solar array power system powering a non linear load. The significance of the technique lies in the fact that experimental complexities can be avoided to reach a desired conclusion regarding the design of the controller associated with a solar power array system. An iterative method has been used in which the initiating assumption has been made to consider the system to depend entirely upon its initial values at the instant t = 0 and taking the forcing function to be zero at that instant. In the next step we use the solution at t = 0 and plug it into the equation iteratively while having a non zero value of the forcing equation during the second iteration. The non linearity lies in the fact that the forcing function is a function of the state variable itself. We have applied the Maclaurin series to find the laplace transform of certain mathematical functions containing a singularity at the zero time instant. The time response is obtained and then it is plotted by using MATLAB and various graphs have been obtained.


solar array power system ,non linear state variable model, forcing function,laplace transform,time response,


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Some Results on Normal meet Semilattices


Momtaz Begum, A.S.A.Noor



In this paper we introduce the concept of normal semilattices in presence of 0-distributivity and include a nice characterization of normal semilattices. We also study the p-ideals in pseudo complemented meet semilattices. Then we give the notion of S-semilattices and prove that every S-semilattice is comaximal, although its converse in not true. Finally, we prove that every S-semilattice is normal, but the converse need not be true.


normal semilattices,0-distributivity, ideals,meet semilattices,


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M. A. M. Talukder , D. M. Ali



In this paper , we introduce the concept of partially α– shading ( resp. partially *α– shading ), in ahort, αp– shading ( resp. *αp– shading ) and partially α– compact ( resp. partially *α– compact ), in short, αp– compact ( resp. *αp– compact ) fuzzy sets and study their several features in fuzzy topological spaces.


fuzzy sets,compact fuzzy sets,fuzzy topological spaces,


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