Srinivasa Rao Gundu,Panem Charan Arur,Thimmapuram Anuradha,DOI NO:
Cloud-Based Web Trade (CBWT),SWOT Analysis,Online Banking,Hacking,Security,Business,Abstract
In the present day scenario, maximum financial transactions are being carried out with the help of Cloud-Based Web Trade (CBWT). These Cloud Oriented Web-Based Financial Transactions provide numerous advantages to the end-users. The Commodities are available at a much cheaper rate and numerous choices are left over to the customers and they are also reducing the shopping time. Particularly the time like Pandemic Situation would provide a better way to purchase multiple goods at their fingertips. There are many numbers of reasons are leftover behind the success and the downfall of such Cloud Oriented Web-Based Financial Transactions. Some of these include financial conditions, technical feasibility, and geographical location, etc. However, nowadays there it is facing many Ethical, Service-oriented, and financial challenges in this area. There is needed to make a SWOT Analysis since it is going to be the major financial gateway for numerous people.Refference:
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