Noble methods to Prevent pounding between Adjacent Buildings


Geetopriyo Roy,Pallab Das,



Pounding,diagonal strut,SAP2000 software,RCC Bracings,Shear wall,


Pounding refers to the collision of adjacent structures during strong ground motions. Actually when an earthquake occurs, the structures which are having different dynamic properties vibrate out of phase and collide with each other resulting in heavy damage of life and property. The main reason behind pounding between structures is the insufficient separation distance provided between the buildings. Different countries having different codes provide different rules and regulations regarding the separation distance that needs to be given between the structures to prevent pounding but the insufficient land area and high land prices especially in metropolitan cities, the separation distance is bound to be given very less in order to have effective use of land area during construction. So, in order to prevent the structures from colliding with each other, some cost effective mitigation measures like RCC cross bracings and RC shear wall have been discussed in this study. SAP2000 v19 software has been used for modelling and analysis of the structures. This study includes two types of frame structures i.e. (i) bare frame structure and (ii) structure having infill walls in the form of diagonal strut in it. The mitigation methods such as use of shear wall and bracings proved to be effective in all the cases. Also the best location of bracings and shear wall has been studied by placing them at various locations in the structures and observe the amount of displacement that is being reduced.


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Author(s): Geetopriyo Roy, Pallab Das View Download