Neurobiological Function Analysis of Naturally Generated Seeds Optimization Using Evolutionary Techniques


Patrali Pradhan,Paromita Das,Sanjeev Kumar Ojha,Moumita Ghosh,Soumendu Ghosh,Biswarup Neogi,



Neurobiological,Plant Neural System, Artificial Neural Network,Hybrid model,


An automated hybrid model, called the Plant Neural System Model (PNSM), is introduced in this approach. Plants can process biochemical signals throughcertain biological processes even they don’t have brains. Important biological processes, like seed germination, root growth, and nutrient absorption by the cell are considered as these are the foundations of neuron systems in plants. Neurobiological processes have been adapted to develop a hybrid black box model with time-dependent functions like Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and the use of some advanced optimization techniques. This model would be useful in the analysis of soil parametric relations with both seed germination and seed optimization in order to classify plant seeds.


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Author(s): Patrali Pradhan, Paromita Das, Sanjeev Kumar Ojha, Moumita Ghosh, Soumendu Ghosh, Biswarup Neogi View Download