Shiuly Akhter,A.S.A. Noor,DOI NO:
Central element,0-distributive lattice,n-distributive lattice,n-annihilator,annihilator n-ideal,prime n-ideal,n-distributive nearlattice,Abstract
For a neutral element [III] have introduced the concept of -distributive lattices which is a generalization of both -distributive and 1-distributive lattices. For a central element of a nearlattice , we have discussed -distribitive nearlattices which is a generalization of both0-distributive semilattices and -distributive lattices. For an element of nearlattice a convex subnearlattice of containing is called an -ideal of . In this paper, we have given some properties of -distributivenearlattices. Finally, we have included a generalization of prime Separation Theorem in terms of annihilator -ideal.Refference:
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