Pinaki Pal,Asish Mitra,DOI NO:
Cumulative Case,Daily Infection Rate,Double Sigmoidal Boltzmann Equation,Multi-wave Covid-19 Pandemic,Simulation,Abstract
The world is facing multi-wave transmission of COVID-19 pandemics, and investigations are rigorously carried out on modeling the dynamics of the pandemic. Multi-wave transmission during infectious disease epidemics is a big challenge to public health. Here we introduce a simple mathematical model, the double sigmoidal-Boltzmann equation (DSBE), for analyzing the multi-wave Covid-19 spread in Iceland in terms of the number of cumulative cases. Simulation results and the main parameters that characterize multi waves are derived, yielding important information about the behavior of the multi-wave pandemics over time. The result of the current examination reveals the effectiveness and efficacy of DSBE for exploring the Covid 19 dynamics in Iceland and can be employed to examine the pandemic situation in different countries undergoing multi-waves.Refference:
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