Multi-Context Cluster Based Trust Aware Routing ForInternet of Things


Sowmya Gali,Venkatram N,



Internet of Things,Trust Management,Clustering,Communication Trust,Malicious Detection Rate,Network Lifetime,


Due to openness of the deployed environment and transmission medium (Internet), Internet of Things (IoT) suffers from various types of security attacks including Denial of service, Sinkhole, Tampering etc. Securing IoT is achieved a greater research interest and this paper proposes a new secure routing strategy for IoT based on trust model. In this model, initially the nodes of the network are formulated as clusters and the IoT nodes which are more prominent in trustworthiness and energy are only chosen as Cluster Heads. Further a trust evaluation mechanism was accomplished for every Cluster Node at Cluster Head to build a secure route for data transmission from source node to destination node. The trust evaluation is a composition of the communication trust, nobility trust and data trust. Simulation experiments are conducted over the proposed approach and the performance is analyzed through the performance metrics such as Packet Delivery Rate, Network Lifetime, and Malicious Detection Rate. The obtained performance metrics shows the outstanding performance of proposed method even in the increased malicious behavior of network.


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