Umair Khalid Qureshi,Sanaullah Jamali,Zubair Ahmed Kalhoro,Abdul Ghafoor Shaikh,DOI NO:
Boole Rule and Weddle Rule,convergence criteria,existing methods,graph,results,Abstract
This article is presented a modified quadrature iterated methods of Boole rule and Weddle rule for solving non-linear equations which arise in applied sciences and engineering. The proposed methods are converged quadratically and the idea of developed research comes from Boole rule and Weddle rule. Few examples are demonstrated to justify the proposed method as the assessment of the newton raphson method, steffensen method, trapezoidal method, and quadrature method. Numerical results and graphical representations of modified quadrature iterated methods are examined with C++ and EXCEL. The observation from numerical results that the proposed modified quadrature iterated methods are performance good and well executed as the comparison of existing methods for solving non-linear equations.Refference:
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