Shobha Gupta ,DOI NO:
MEMS,capacitance,breast cancer cells,colon cancer cells,Abstract
The study of electrical characteristics of cells based on their biophysical properties, and their relevance with their status, has been a very useful non-invasive tool for disease diagnosis and treatment. A MEMS device is modelled and simulated for characterizing the electrical behavior of a type of breast cancer cells and colon cancer cells. The sample of highly invasive breast cancer cells (Hs 578T) was compared with the HT-29 colon cancer cells in the frequency range of 1 to 13 GHz. It is found that the rate of change of capacitance of the given colon cancer cells is less than that of the given highly metastatic breast cancer cells. This shows the difference in electrical characteristics of cells with different cell types and could be a basis for discriminating cell types and related metastasis.Refference:
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