Adil Rafiq,Muhammad Fahad,Mohammad Adil,DOI NO:
Macro-Scale,Masonry,Numerical Model,Squat Pier,Tension Stiffening,Abstract
Numerical modeling of brick masonry behaviour under different performance conditions has always remained a challenging task. Several modeling strategies have been developed for masonry, in general, through the course of time that have been simplified to speed up modeling and analysis duration. This ranges from a simplified strut model to a highly discontinuous micro-scale nonlinear model. With the current advent of high-speed computing and modeling tools, more realistic numerical modeling of masonry is now possible. In this paper, the strategy adopted is based on macro-scale modeling, where isotropic material properties are considered for the homogenous continuum. ABAQUS is used as a state-of-the-art finite element-based analysis and modeling tool. The Concrete Damage Plasticity (CDP) model is used for simulating inelastic material behaviour of brick and mortar, which is available in the ABAQUS library. This material model can be used in both implicit and explicit schemes of integration but the explicit procedure is highly preferred as it overcomes the convergence issues. Various parameters required for CDP modeling of brick and mortar are adapted from literature. The model is assembled in two parts, first part is modeled for masonry with both elastic and plastic properties, while the other part simulates a rigid beam at the top of the masonry part to create a uniform in-plane shear loading effect. The masonry part has been fixed at the bottom with free vertical ends, while horizontal in-plane displacement was applied to the top rigid beam. The load-displacement curves were generated from these models for monotonic push, to compare them with the envelopes of experimental results, loaded similarly. Since brick masonry is a highly disjointed material, it is a complicated procedure to develop an exact model and predict its exact behaviour. However, the overall representative load-displacement curve developed numerically was in good agreement with the ones produced experimentally.Refference:
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