Zunash Zaki,Muhammad Arif Shah,Karzan Wakil,Falak Sher,DOI NO:
UCI-HAR dataset,HAPT dataset,Smartphones,Accelerometer and gyroscope Sensors,Classifiers,HAR,Abstract
Human activity recognition through smartphones is now beneficial for humans to recognize their daily activities. Many of the researches are introduced for recognition of activities but somehow the performance of the classifiers is low because of different problems with the data or the classifiers. This research study offers a method to achieve the best performing classifiers. The comparative analysis held between the supervised and ensemble learning classifiers. Based on the best performing classifier, a system is also introduced in this study. We evaluate the method by using two publicly available datasets of human activities recognition acquired from UCI Machine Learning repository. One is UCI-Human Activity Recognition and the second is Smartphone-Based Recognition of Human Activities and Postural Transitions. The activities selected for this research study are Walking, Standing, Sitting, Laying, Downstairs and Upstairs. These input signals are a 3-dimensional raw form of data that was difficult to handle. The Principle Component Analysis (PCA) technique is used to reduce the dimensionalities of the data features and extract the most substantial data features for the classification of human activities. A comparison is performed between the different supervised and ensemble machine learning classifiers on the selected datasets. The supervised learning classifiers that we used are Gaussian Naïve Bayes, K-Nearest Neighbor, and Logistic Regression while the ensemble learning classifiers are Random Forest and Gradient Boosting. The achieved result shows that the Logistic Regression is more accurate as compared to other selected classifiers in this study for human activity recognition. The higher accuracy rate of Logistic Regression is 96.1% for UCI-HAR and 94.5% for HAPT dataset among all the compared classifiers.Refference:
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