N Rashmitha,M Susmitha,DOI NO:
Accumulative,Multi-hop,Multi-path routing,Cross layer approach,Load balancing,Energy efficiency,Abstract
It can be easily understood that every relay node in traditional multi-hop (TM) communication networks only attends the previous node that is near to it, which is the difficulty in routing. Using directed graphs, the modeling of these networks is performed well in order to achieve the routing. In the networks of accumulative multi-hop (AM) communication, the routing problem is far-off from understanding and yet rather interested in it. The received data energy from earlier relay transmissions can be acquired by numerous relay nodes that assist communication between a single source and a single destination in the accumulative multi-hop network which is a simple one. At this point, in single-source single-destination accumulative multi-hop networks, the difficulty in finding the optimum paths is studied. A method of Load Balanced Energy efficient cross layer based Routing protocol for accumulative networks are implemented in this paper. The end-to-end network connectivity is enhanced as well as the faults at link or/and node level is reduced in this method. Using an energy efficient neighbor node choosing method, the establishment of a set of various paths is done from the source to the destination. Efficient load balancing is offered at the node and a constant route is discovered between the source and destination that meets the delay requirement. With respect to end to end delay, throughput, and energy consumption, the proposed system is outperformed which is demonstrated in the results of simulation.Refference:
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