Zayyanu Umar,Agozie Eneh,Okereke George E,DOI NO:
Cloud Resources,Clouds Heterogeneity,Algorithm,Cloud Service Providers,Abstract
Nowadays,cloud computing services have been an embracing computing technology by some organisations, academia and entrepreneurs.Cloud Service Providers (CSP) are constrained to specific resources, missing some of the resources their clients need;this triggers the need for many and specific interconnections of homogeneous or heterogeneous computing clouds by their protocols and architectures to interoperate and share available resources among them. Clouds interconnection can be with various functions and schemes. In this study, we deployed exploratory and Design Science research approaches and Cloud-Analyst to simulate interconnections and interoperability within heterogeneous cloud service providers. The study cannot be conducted with real cloud computing environments due to the high cost that may incur and authorizations from CSPs that may not be secured. In this paper, we built a system and algorithm that can handle the variability and complexities of the different clouds during the management of inter-cloud resources. The experiment result shows that the USER-BASE (UB1) can subscribe to Data Center1(DC1) through Data Center 3 (DC3) that it initially subscribed with average time 301.05 with insignificant differences when utilizing resources from Data Center 3 (DC3).Refference:
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