Waqas Khan,Vishwesh Laxmikant Akre,Khalid Saeed,Asif Nawaz,Tariq Bashir,Adil Khan,Naveed Jan,Sheeraz Ahmed,Zia Ullah Khan,DOI NO:
MANETs,Ad-Hoc Routing Protocols,OLSR,DSR,Malicious Nodes,Black Hole Attack,Abstract
Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs) are a collection of mobile nodes which are free to move from one place to another place without a central control entity. In MANETs the nodes are dependent on each other and the communication among mobile nodes is multi-hop due to which there are security issues in the MANETs protocols. Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) and Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) protocols are mostly used as proactive and reactive routing protocols in MANETs. This research work analyzed the performance of the OLSR and DSR protocols in the presence and absence of black hole (BH) attack in terms of throughput, end-to-end delay, packet delivery ratio (PDR), and network load in various scenarios using OPNET Modeler 14.5 simulator. The results obtained in this research show that BH attack significantly degrades the performance of both DSR and OLSR protocols but due to the reactive nature of DSR routing protocol the performance is more degraded in DSR routing protocol as compared to OLSR routing protocol in the presence of BH attack.Refference:
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