Free-Space Optical channel turbulence analysis based on lognormal distribution and stochastic differential equation


TayyabaGul Tareen,Shahryar Shafique,Mehr-e-Munir,



Auto-covariance,Free-space optica,lognormal distribution,stochasticdifferential equation (SDE),Turbulence effects ,


An Optical wave propagating through a free-space optical channel may severely experience the intensity fluctuations that can result in channel gain fluctuations and fading. This paper provide a model that can analyze the influence of inevitable turbulence effect on a free-space channel which is based on the stochastic differential equation to synthesis lognormal distributed samples with a corresponding correlation time. The numerical analysis of theoretical model is presented and compared for performance evaluation. To examine the resemblance between numerical and theoretical analysis, two properties of free-space optical channel is considered including the probability density function and auto-covariance property. The model showed distinctive performance results when modelling typical channel situations.


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Author(s): TayyabaGul Tareen, Shahryar Shafique, Mehr-e-Munir View Download